Tennis psychology understands the work of the opponent's mind, measures your game's effects on your spiritual perspective, mental effect due to various external causes of your mind You first Without understanding your own spiritual process, you can not become a successful psychologist of others, you respond differently under different circumstances and in different mood under different conditions. Always stimulate the game of impact on realization, fun, confused, should be. Does it increase your efficiency? In that case, although I am in the figure, I still have opponents without giving up.
Does it rob you? If so, please try to eliminate the cause or ignore it if it is impossible.
If you judge your own reaction accurately to your condition, I am studying your opponent to determine my temperament. You react like a temperament in the same way, you can judge men of your own type myself. The opposite temperament must be compared with people with the reaction you know.
He can control his own spiritual process People can read different things, work along a clear line of thought of the human mind, can study as much as possible about the mental process of control I am studying abroad carefully.
A stable calm baseline player is not a sensitive thinker. If he was there, he will not stick to the baseline.
The physical appearance of a person is usually fairly clear index to his type heart. There are other types of baseless players who are usually advocating baseline games because he dislikes stirring his inert heart to think of a safe way to reach the net He is a very dangerous player, and a deep, sharp thought antagonist who likes to remain on the back of the court while directing the intended attack to break the game. He mixes on his length and direction and achieves his result by worrying about his game change. He is a good psychologist. The first type of player mentioned is to hit the ball almost without thinking what he is doing, the latter always has a clear plan, it hard hitters, unstable, net Hurry and the player is a creature of the impulse. In his attack there is no real system, no understanding of your game. He will perform a brilliant coup on the momentary spur, mainly through instinct. It is an interesting, attractive type.
A dangerous guy always mix his style back to Forecourt in the direction of caution. This is a man to learn after studying. He is a player with a clear purpose. Players who have answers to all queries propound him in your game. He is the most subtle antagonist in the world. He is a Brooks school. Secondly to him only, secondly, setting his mind to one plan, fighting intensely, violently no change, fighting to the end, adhered to it is a solid determination man. He is easy to understand that psychology, but its spiritual perspective is difficult to upset, he never thinks of something other than business with his own hand This guy is Johnston or Wilding I will respect Brooks 'spiritual abilities more, but I admire Johnston' s purposeful toughness.
Let's choose your type from your own spiritual process and make a game along the line that is most suitable for you
Regarding stroke devices, if there are two men in the same class, the determinant of any match is a spiritual point of view. Luck keeps track of the psychological value of breaks in the game, in many cases, and turns it into your account.
We hear a lot about the shots we made, the shots we missed "Some realize the importance of". "The science of missing shots is to make them Sometimes it is as important, sometimes, than a return killed by your opponent, an inch mistake
Let me explain, the player drives you outside of the distant court with angle shots. You run hard on it, stretch out, harden it, run fast on the sidelines, and lack it by inches. Your opponent is amazedly upset and recognizes that your shot may be out as well. He expects you to try it again and will not take risks next time. When he tries to play the ball, he may get into an error. You shoot a part of your opponent's trust, by all mistakes like this, increasing his chance of error.
If you were simply backpoping that return, and it was being killed, the opponent got to get the ball out of his reach.
Let's say that you were shot by a side job It was seemingly impossible get. It is two points in that it took away what was away from the opponent that it should have given you what you ought to have never had. As he feels a big chance to abandon, it also worries the other.
The psychology of the tennis game is very interesting, but it is easy to understand. Both males start with an equal opportunity. When a man establishes a real lead, his confidence rises while worrying about his opponent, his spiritual point of view gets worse. The sole purpose of the first man is to hold his lead, thus having his confidence. If there is guidance or negotiation in case, unavoidable reaction, it is contrast psychology. The natural confidence of the leader is now not only the second man but also the great stimulation of becoming a spurious defeat to the victory of possibility. The reverse of the case of the first player tends to desperately destroy his game and the collapse continues.
Chop, half volley, and the position of the court.
Chop stroke
In tennis, the blows of chops are made by the ball's flight line the angle towards the player and behind the racket and the surface of the rake racket that moves across it ruptures the tree, so that it is outside the sphere that chooses it And cross slightly under the side. Spins and curves are from right to left. It is made of a hard wrist.
The sliced shot reduced the angle mentioned from 45 degrees down to just a very small one. According to the desired direction of the racket surface the impact is mainly twisting or accusing the wrist, but hands the inside or outside of the ball. This slap gives a fixed slide break to the ball, Chop "drags" from the ground without breaking the ball.
Footwork rules for both of these shots must be the same as the drive, but both with short swings and more wrist play
Both of these shots are inherently defensive and are saving machines when your opponent is on the baseline. A seal or slice is a very difficult drive, and other drive games picked up by Deer.
It's too late to cross, it's too high to bring care, so it's not a blow to use against a run-up. As he comes in, you should use short, soft blow striking at the net person's feet. Do not strive to pass a net man with chops and slices, except for large openings.
Drop shots are very soft and sharp chopstrokes that are perfectly played with the wrist. It should fall within 3 to 5 feet of the net which is every use. The surface of the racket passes clear "wrist rotation and the outside of the ball and below it." Do not shake the racket from the shoulder of the creation of a lowered blow. Drop shots are not related to stop volley. All drop shots are wrists. Stop volley has no wrist at all.
Use all wrist shots, chops, slices, and drops, simply as an adjunct to your orthodox game. They intend to confuse the opponent's game through various spins on the ball.
Half volley
This blow requires the perfect timing, sight, and racquet work from any other, as the margin of safety is the smallest and it is a diverse opportunity for countless disasters
It is a pickup. The ball leaves the ground of the string and meets the ground and the racket surface at almost the same time as the bouncing sphere. This shot is a hard wrist, no follow through and a short swing like volley. Thus the racquet surface moves along the ground with a slight slope on the sphere and towards the net and holds the low speed of the sphere; striking is always on the outside of the ball all the other racket surfaces of the tennis always Should be slight.
Half volleyball is inherently a defensive stroke, it should be done as a last resort, so it is caught out of position by opponent's shot and desperate to rescue myself from a dangerous position without retreat It is an attempt. Never intentionally half volley.
Court position.
The tennis court is net from a long baseline of 39 pairs. There are only two places in the tennis court that the tennis player should wait for the ball.
1. About 3 feet behind the baseline near the center of the court, or
2. About 6 - 8 feet back from the net and almost opposite the ball.
At first, it is the place for all baseline players. The second is the location of the net.
If you are drawn from these positions by the shot you have to return it will not remain at the time you hit the ball,
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