When you bring your new baby's house, especially when you enter sleep for the night, probably have an urge to keep him near you! (Try!). It makes sense to have a crib or cradle in your bedroom as it minimizes the interval you have to walk to handle the feedings of the night
From the beginning you can take a baby to a nursery for a nap. Sit with him in a locker or a glider, move him to his crib, first shake him to sleep.
Later I can put him in his crib, and if he can not get noisy or sleeping, that movement chair in a few night's cribs, even one until he falls asleep About a week. Finally, placing the chair close to the door, the baby gets used to sleep without being next to you.
It gets your baby to the point that, if it is tough, consistent at the beginning, eventually he can sleep in his own room. Start Night Normally you need to know and evaluate your baby. A wonderful, warm bath, followed by a change to soft and clean pajamas, is a good start. But very young babies can read at bedtime. You can sing to him and talk to him. The sound of your voice is important, so he feels as safe and safe as getting to sleep. By starting these simple routines early we hopefully try to move the baby to his nursery and get him to sleep at normal times
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