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Google Adsense: rules that you can avoid and control invalid clicks

What is important about invalid clicks?

More than anything, invalid clicks are big no no, your account ends faster than anything else. To say it, the invalid click is when publishers turn on their ads to add to the income potential. It is also when publishers ask others to turn on their ads just to raise others. It also generates advertiser costs, and Google does not tolerate this. Google Adsense has state-of-the-art technology and knows what is happening.

Click on advertisements by robots that also have invalid clicks or automation software. This is any deceptive exercise that is used to click on advertisements.

There are many opportunities to make money with effective clicks, so invalid clicks are unnecessary. For optimized websites, useful content, engaging ads, there is no reason to enjoy the idea of ​​using invalid clicks.

Manage Adsense account

Your publisher has complete control over the advertisements that will run on your site. You can choose image ads only, text ads only, or a combination of both. Where we are recommending Google We also choose the combination and maximize both profitability determines.

When deciding on ads, you can also choose the type of ads you want to display throughout your account (images and texts) freely.

At the moment we can not distinguish between image ad click rate and text ad click rate. Of course, as opposed to another site, you can distinguish CTR from one site. For example, suppose you only want image ads on one site and only text ads on another. Click the site where the setup channel tracking site is available. Of course you need to consider that there will be more factors than whether you were running text or image ads. Content, in general, placement of advertisements, and even colors can produce differences.

To learn how to enable or disable image ads, please visit the Google Adsense support site. Remember, it's all up to you!

Google Adsense: Learn about the program and the most important rules

What kind of funds will you receive for working with Google programs?

When someone turns on ads placed on pages that contain text advertisers pay Google. For example, if you are writing content about a lawn mower, you will probably see ads from mower makers and / or retailers on that page. When someone turns on those ads, the advertiser pays Google, and Google pays. Of course, the advertiser wants the person who clicks on the purchase to actually purchase the mower or purchase what they are offering.

In fact, Google is very strict about the completeness of this process. It is prohibited that you click on your own advertisement. If you do, your Adsense account will be terminated and you may not regain it. But since it is forbidden to click on others to ask others "ad". It's a strange advertiser just wants to pay so why no one really is interested in buying advertising lawn mowers or subjects When your friends and family are not interested in your

The good news is that you do not have to "cheat". "Google still seems to be used for money, please write interesting content that goes around" or will be targeted "right people who read their ads with search engines and you." Just as someone in Indiana Think of buying a lawn mower and getting a duty!

The most important rule - Things not taught to others about the Google Adsense program

Compassion is only so far. It's against the Google Adsense program policy but if you rely on friends and family members instead of diligently working the program to turn on your ads

Although your children are selling extrajeously high candles for the end of the school party of the year, wail that will help "me" when there is no place in the Google Adsense program may work.

Also, if you are asking users to click on your ad, it means that you have not optimized your site for valid clicks and referrals. It shall be the content of Poland to use and energy. When families and friends ask, you can proudly show your hard work to them. They will show you how exciting your referral will rise your referral income.


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