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Google Adsense: When will I get paid using Google Adsense?

Google Adsense will charge you about 30 days after the end of the month of the month you're paying. You will be eligible for payment only when your Adsense account reaches a minimum of $ 100.00. For example, suppose you started on the month and at the end of the month, you have not yet accumulated $ 100.00 with your Google Adsense account. You need to wait for your January and February revenue equal to $ 100.00. If they do, you will be paid about 30 days after the end of the month, that is, you can expect payment near the end of the month.

Another good reason to use Adsense for investigation is also to get to combine revenue to reach the lowest of $ 100.00 dividend spending. If Adsense for Content revenue does not reach $ 100.00 in time for current payment, however, combined with your Adsense revenue for search

Google Adsense: What other forms of payment do Google Adsense provide?

You can receive Google Adsense payment through check-in in local currency. This option is available in 42 countries. The checked Google support center country is listed in this list.

To choose to receive checks by post, log in to your Google Adsense account, click on the edit link near the payment details, then click on the check to continue. Now, if you are available, you can choose your currency. If you are satisfied with the selection, click "Save settings".

You can also receive payment via secure express delivery. Because this service can be expected for the commission fee will be sent within 5 to 10 business days after confirmation. If you choose this option, you need to contact DHL (courier) Make sure they are servicing your area Please log on at


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