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Guaranteed to increase sales!

By publishing as a publishing entrepreneur and for my customers, I spent years investigating the art of sales. The following technology is not difficult to learn but demands training and practice.

Your most important technique as business owner is your skill. Having the best products and services does not mean anything if not everyone can get to buy it, so make sure your business is successful

Here are the short contours of 13 technologies I developed to enhance sales:

1. Use the phone - absolutely the cheapest, most effective and efficient way to find a customer is on the phone. Yes, "Cold Call". Script to export Before you ask about this inquiry, it is vague. Introduce yourself, your company, the purpose of the call, and give the client a simple "profit" of your product / service. "What do you do for his / her business?" Point has 10 possible objections that are short and you can answer in your manuscript you may get. This way you will be prepared for a normal "brush." ​​Always try to get a firm commitment to the meeting. This call is not to "sell" the client, but to face-to-face meetings to establish credibility, then to sell him / her. Do you buy from your voice by phone? No. I would like to see the seller and listen to his offer.

2. Shout it from the top of the mountain - You must always be looking for new customers, I give seminars, guests talking in education, trade shows or organizations, or people make it a bad decision I want to buy from an expert to alleviate their fear. Everyone can overcome their fears of the speech and thus find the way to work best for you and do it. As a hopeless step, the participating Toastmaster group is an adult school near your nearest night course.

3. Ask questions - Most sales representatives think that the first meeting with the prospects is the only opportunity to sell. Asking questions before entering your "pitch", taking notes, what are your prospect's goals, tasks and so on? Helping the prospect of solving the business problem creates a "favorable for both sides" relationship rather than thinking, closing more sales.

4. Avoid "dumping of products" - to convey your prospects Before you know the needs for all customers' products / services, this is an inefficient way to sell by 95% of salespeople In reflection, your customers lose your trust. You will not feel good advice that you do not know whether our customers left several times. In the future, if I simply "sell" the service that was not the answer to their problem, it will outweigh what I might have made, remember the introduction of "colloquial" from them - nothing Do not add more to your credibility than referrals from satisfying prospects.

5. Know your number - Sales are number games, you need to learn your "sales ratio." How many exploration phones will be happy. And we will sell many conferences. We can predict and sell this manageable cash flow. But it is high profit for those who understand.

In the coming weeks column we will continue with 13 tips covering qualifying to get your prospects and trusts just to show the few. Happy sales!

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