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Guitar lesson - How to change guitar strings

At some point, all guitarists need to learn how to change the guitar strings. Sometimes you need to change when the string snaps. However, usually you will want to change it simply because the string loses its brightness and becomes tired.

The time left between change strings depends on several factors. If you regularly play your guitar, it might be like changing your string once a week or once a month.

I have a guitarist on the lobby floor. .

Small tits. :
Learn to watch guitar, guitar lessons, etc. Learn the guitar - Play /

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At some point, all guitarists need to learn how to change the guitar strings. Sometimes you need to change when the string snaps. However, usually you will want to change it simply because the string loses its brightness and becomes tired.

The time left between change strings depends on several factors. If you regularly play your guitar, it might be like changing your string once a week or once a month.

Most professional guitarists tend to change their strings before each gig. But in the end, it is down to all personal preference issues. Something to keep in mind if you are using the guitar for gigs, while your strings are correct and require a few hours of play to play, tune and stretch the string Please retune.

Remove the old string by detuning the machine head until the tension is sufficiently loose to allow pulling each string from the headstock

Another easy way to delete old strings is to cut them out using a pair of wire cutters. Please be very careful when you do it like this, please make sure they are relaxed, the bare end of the string, sharp and naked guitar strings, you There are many things you do not want to catch with the eyes of.

How to go on setting up a new string is a slightly different way on many guitars, with a regular type of guitar. However, the string is normally grasped at one end by the fixture behind or at the bridge, and at the other by the rotation of the machine head of the headstock.

Here the guitarist at the tip of a small insider has been using for years to get more life from your steel string once you remove them

Dropping a pair of strings into a boiling water pot in 10 to 15 minutes removes many dirty accumulations and returns the new life to what is another lively string in another way

It will not last a very long time and you can not get away from doing it too much time and even if it is a valid temporary measurement

I do not recommend you to rely too much on this technique, strings are not too expensive - and use the new string

Regardless of what kind of guitar it is, the string needs to be stretched. When you first adjust your guitar, put your hands under each lace around the loading area, pull a few centimeters from the fretboard If the pitch drops, readjust the process , I will repeat. Please do this until all strings stay in the song.

In most electric guitars, strings are fixed to the end of the bridge by independent tailpieces (like most Gibson guitars) or pass through the body of the instrument

At one end of every steel string there is a small metal disk with one end of the string wrapped around it. This is called ball end.

Take the other end of the string and thread it through the fixture at the bridge.

Pull the string until the end of the ball stops you.

The capstan with the most string is standing vertically from the headstock. The string can be passed through the hole on the side of the capstan.

The end is then passed and hooks it when the machine head is tightened. Some capstans have holes instead of vertical slots. To use these, cut the string to the length and insert it at the tip of the capstan. Next, bend the string to one side and wind it.

In this way, the end land of the character string is displayed
Slowly turn the machine head of each string and raise the tension until the string properly tightens.

In order to save your time and energy, you simply stretch it above the machine head, you can crank it along more quickly

Guitar code: a way on the code with a minor Pentatonic scale alone

Soloing on guitar chords is easy when you know how to use minor pentatonic scales. Add spices and power to your guitar solo.

Small tits. :

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Soloing on guitar chords is easy when you know how to use minor pentatonic scales. Individual solos for additional spices and power, these are technologies with high effectiveness.

Hana pentatonic scale was mostly done at the center. We will exhibit learning at the beginning. The problem is, they never learn to use the scale to the best possibilities of it.

Here, I will introduce you an easy way to use solo pentatonic scales on three most common guitar string types above: Major, My

1. Major code

It is a relatively minor code for the main code. An easy way to find the "relative" minor of all the major codes on the guitar is to note three half steps (3 frets) note under the root note of the major code

For example, C major code - root note is C as follows Cute note on guitar note 3 fret is A.

At least C major code is incorrect to be minor pentatonic scale of use.

Another example: Three frets under the root of F major code-f, you will find D.

Another example: G main code -frets Note the following roots. .. You are using E minor pentatonic to solo on the G string.

Now I notice that there are major codes for C, F and G postings. Coincidentally, they are 1,4,5 chords of C major key "key". This is not only all items but Isios.

More about this later. .

2. Minor chords

These are simple. .. things like minor codes like pentatonic. For example D minor pentatonic for D minor chord, E minor pentatonic for E minor chord, minor pentatonic for minor chord

Did you notice that I used D, E and minor code as an example now? Also did you notice that these codes are two, three and six codes of 'key' of C major.

Details about it later, too. .

3. Dominant 7 code

You have several choices here. But basically, use a minor pentatonic tone under relative minor pentatonic, or chord root of dom 7.

For example, in G7 you can use either E minor pent (relative minor) or d minute pentatonic.

Because the Dmi code and the G7 code go along with the chord progression in many cases, why you could use the D minor pentatonic over the G7 code, forcing the Dmi sound to G7 code, G7sus sound It can be obtained.

4. Think from the "key" point of view

Well, what we have seen is the key to C major. And, basically, you can use minor pentatonic just for all chords in C, or you are also used at once

Remember, these principles apply to chords whatever you are playing anytime, but also a more comprehensive picture, apply based on keys

C major key has these chords:

C, Dm, Em, F, G 7, Am, B min 7 b 5.

Ami pent can be used on them all, or simply on chords of C and Am.

D minutes pentatonic can be used above F and Dm chords.

E minor can be used above the chords of Em and G7.

As it is not very used, we have not mentioned 7 chords (Bmi 7b 5). But a good choice is Dm pentatonic. In fact, however, you can use one of three pentatonics from C major scale - Am, Dm or Em. Please try them.

I hope I enjoyed this article. Also, this information is guitar code on the site: http: //

The idea of ​​using pentatonics for different chords is powerful, but you can create with such a simple device Cool Soun

Also in future articles, I will show you how to use alternative and modified pentatonics for more sound choices "Pentatonic

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