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Guitar lesson: Power of the goal of the guitar speed.

Do you ever get a feeling that you are not progressing at your fastest possible speed? Do you feel overwhelmed? How is your feeling that you are not 100% sure if you are improving? If so ... you are definitely not alone!

When you learn guitar you can be a bit overwhelmed. It is literally enough for everyone to learn to be busy due to their many lives. This can be both a blessing and a curse. I will get this grace or excitin. .

Small tits. :
Guitar fingerboard notes, guitar lessons

Article body:
Do you ever get a feeling that you are not progressing at your fastest possible speed? Do you feel overwhelmed? How is your feeling that you are not 100% sure if you are improving? If so ... you are definitely not alone!

When you learn guitar you can be a bit overwhelmed. It is literally enough for everyone to learn to be busy due to their many lives. This can be both a blessing and a curse. This grace is a learning new work to learn. It can also seem to be like a curse never to the bottom of your "to do" list! So so how to keep on feeling of ingenuity and constantly progress. It is where the purpose of speed comes in. .

I've been using the speed goal for the last 15 years. They are one of the most powerful weapons of my guitar practice weapons. It is not currently in place, what kind of benefits there are related to this is the goal of the set speed.

*** What is the purpose of speed? ****

The speed goal is the goal that you set to reach a specific metronome setting. For example, your goal for your speed for a particular sweep picking exercise might say that it is 16 notes at 160 bpm (beats per minute). Practice that exercise everyday until the target speed is reached.

There are these qualities for the purpose of effective speed. .

1. No deadline. Unlike the conventional purpose setting, there is no deadline for speed purpose. It should allow you to develop your technique in a relaxed and natural way. If you set a deadline, you are tempted to raise your metronome speed at too fast a rate to meet the deadline? You basically program your tension in your muscles and you will probably get disappointed.

2. Challenge. We can struggle every day on our list on the quick list. For example, if you can practice at 120 bpm now, something like 144 bpm is a good goal. When you reach 144 bpm, you may set another speed goal around 160 bpm. Where to see?

3. Realistic Do not set too high a speed goal. If you currently can do exercise at only 120 bpm, 240 bpm will probably be too high. I generally set the speed object I think that I can achieve within the month or two.

*** Advantages of speed objectives ***

There are several advantages to setting speed goals. .

1. I will try. I practice guitar with this motivation and enthusiasm.

2. They give you a sense of progress. Every time I reach the purpose of speed I feel it big. It is a performance of a guitar that sets a big goal steadily progressing to such a goal as having entered such a goal.

3. They say when they can stop practicing practice. Once you achieve your purpose you can then move to something else. The goal of speed stops practicing unconsciously the exercise you have already learned.

4. They give measurable results. If your speed is increasing, you have quantitative evidence that you are improving. I hope that you will do well. This is a guitar performance that has established a sense of security against this.

I encourage to put a few speed objectives now. If you set it, you want to be consistent.

Guitar lesson - How to practice in 20 minutes

Many guitarists do not have enough time to practice for a long period of time. However, if you want to make progress quickly, you need to get the guitar as regularly as possible.

It is better to practice more than 10-20 minutes every day, 4 hours per day of the week. Going into the rhythm of picking up your guitar regularly for quick practice sessions is a wonderful habit to get into.

Difficult exercise, it is 10 to 15 minutes. .

Small tits. :
Learn to play guitar lessons and guitar

Article body:
Many guitarists do not have enough time to practice for a long period of time. However, if you want to make progress quickly, you need to get the guitar as regularly as possible.

It is better to practice more than 10-20 minutes every day, 4 hours per day of the week. Going into the rhythm of picking up your guitar regularly for quick practice sessions is a wonderful habit to get into.

You do not have enough time for a complete exercise session, and if you have 10-15 minutes to afford, here you practice:

I will practice changing the chords.
Perhaps it is difficult if you switch from F barre string to D open?
Your ability will improve to do it at the level you need.

The key is to concentrate and sharpen with a grinding stone with one technique that you can improve in a short period of time.

I am working on the song you want to memorize.
This gives you the opportunity to actually play some music! Because it is necessary, the focus on practice is focused.

I listen to the top songs along CDs and jams.
Improve this way, especially in playing and practicing.

An important part of learning the guitar is to train your ears and disturbing along the CD is the best way to do it.

Licking work you want to learn.
I think you can be surprised how many times you can work through Rick in just a few minutes. You can integrate practical methods and change to practical code.

This will improve your skills in a short time.

Work on picking skills - down the neck as you drill.
You can use your metronome to work with speed picking skills, or you can slow down everything right,

Work above and below the scale.
You can play through the scale around 50-100 times. It is not stamina, so it will be faster to build.

Revue by "" Because you want to make a smooth rhythmic sound to the sound, not to pick your speed, but to struggle and hurry.

So build it gradually.

Do some code with a combination that makes you good or melodies a single note. Again, this will improve your ears and you will probably be able to work out some parts on your own songs.

Well, that's all the idea I am going to give you now. Because it uses imagination, various things are included and it is not a team that represents each league.

Also keep your guitar ready and set up. Indeed, it is all protected hidden in your case, but it is a place where you are ready to have a short practice session

So keep that guitar ready to practice!

You may not think these short practice sessions will be very helpful, but doing this will build your skills at high speed - you

However, I do not want to rely on these fast practices exclusively. Like most things, you need to balance. A good way to find that balance is to set the routine.

If you do, I will find more and more time to practice. As you regularly practice habits, you can find it to break out of difficulty, it is a good habit to have!

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