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Health and Diet

Baby's nutritional requirements depend on
Breast milk soley, so my mother
It is necessary to maintain a healthy diet. When there is a baby
Breed and grow fast, a fat shop got by
Pregnant mothers are likely to run out quickly,
Meaning to be troublesome
Maintain and develop a sufficient amount of milk.

This type of diet usually contains high calories,
The following high nutritional diet therapy
pregnancy. Mothers in a situation of famine
Nutrition ingredients, mothers and milk can be produced
It is malnutrition that it is missing and can produce milk
Levels of Vitamin A, D, B6, and B12.

If they smoke, the lactating mother
Pay close attention to more than 20 cigarettes that the day has
Although the supply of milk reduced vomiting,
Diarrhea, rapid heart rate and emotional anxiety
Toddler. SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome)
It is more common with babies exposed to smoke.

Heavy drinking is also known to harm imfant
Well as yourself. If you are breastfeeding,
it's time 

Excess consumption of alcohol by mother
Results of irritability, insomnia, and increase
Infant feeding. Appropriate use, usually 1-2
The day of cup usually has no effect. Therefore,
Breastfeeding mothers are advised to avoid
Restrict caffeine or its intake.

By restricting your next intake and next healthy meals
Above, you guarantee that your baby gets
The right nutrient during your time of breastfeeding.
This stage of life is very important - as you do not
I want everything to happen to your baby.

Begin breastfeeding breeding

When you first hold your baby
Please note that there is a delivery room To his lips
Boobs You have not developed your mature milk
Yet your breasts are still producing substances
Baby can be colostrum known as
From infection.

Discover your baby's training manual and completion
It was an accidental confusion of nipples. Breastfeeding
Art that requires a lot of patience and
Lots of practice. No one expects you to be
Experts can not start
Ask for advice or nurses hesitate to see you
What you need to do.

Please be aware that there is no nursing when you start
Be painful. Pay attention when your baby latches
How to feel your chest. Locking down latch
Ouch, break the suction Then try again.

It is obvious that there is a nurse who is all
You will care for your mature milk more quickly
If you come in more milk than you produce. tits
Supply for 10 - 15 minutes per chest 8-10 times
Every 24 hours it is an ideal target. I am crying
It means what you really need to do and signs of hunger
Baby feeding and its beginnings are crying.

I need to wake up for the first few days
Milk that starts with a baby, he ends
Falls asleep during up feeding. To ensure that
Baby eats often and can often go up ♪ ※ There are limited numbers
If it is four hours from the end,
Time is supplied by him.

To be comfortable
Feeding may therefore take more than 40 minutes
I want a comfortable point. You do not have to
As you like it, sit down somewhere to worry
It is very painful as it can be done.


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