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Herb gardening

Herb gardening has become more popular everyday and good reason. Herbs are practical worthy, fulfill the purpose and you can actually use your plant with herb gardening. The herb garden which many people think is automatically a thought cuisine, but herbs also have a fragrance and beauty.

One important part of herb gardening is drying herbs for use during winter months, especially if you plan on cooking with them. First on the herbs with many leaves it is cut to allow water to evaporate, it has to be washed, it hangs. Then hang up on a paper bag to tie the stem together and dry. Crush the leaves, dry in an oven and store in a glass bottle.

One of the common herbal gowns of herb gardening is basil. "Dark opal" and normal green basil are added beautifully to any garden and are often used as decoration. Dark opal light Pink flower It is dark red colored leaves. It is used for the extra taste of tomato juice and paste.

The chives look very petite and look like grass blades. But they are much stronger than you see and grow well with drought and drought. Their robustness and ruggedness makes the chives the perfect plant for herb gardening, especially if the gardener does not want plants that require much work. Chives are good to be used in salads, egg dishes, and many different sauces.

Mint is also very easy to grow and is good to use with other kinds of mint jelly, mint julep, lemonade, and fruity drinks. Mint is also good in herb gardening for its unique minty smell. The two herbs shown in almost everyone's herb garden are time and sage. You can also use it for seasoned soup, chicken, turkey, pork, other Hamos for this herb garden favorite use. Sage is sometimes cultivated for its beautiful blue spike flowers.

Lavender is perhaps the best scented herb in all of herb gardening, often used as a candle as a scent of perfume, scented on the chest of linen and a bright purple flower never smells beautiful.

Other types of herbs that are frequently bred in herb gardening are (used in salads), chervil (used in egg dish), sweet marjoram (taste of sheep, fish, salad, and soup), sesame Herb garden Looking at her garden dishes from herbs for gifts and gardening herbs, her fragrance will grow.Herb gardening produces much more new herbs of more taste than store bought herbs, much cheaper.

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