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History of Fairground Industry

Title: History of Fairground Industry

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A brief history detailing the development of the UK amusement park industry

Amusement park, amusement park, history, entertainment

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The fair in this country is deeply rooted in tradition, long, has an ancient history.

The word "fair" comes from the Latin "Feria", meaning a holiday, and the Romans were credited with the introduction of the fair at the same time.

It is now generally accepted that their origins are from pagan customs of those who first settled this land. Their seasonal gatherings were held for both trade and festival purposes, included among them an important element of the fair.

Romans did a lot to promote the fair by improving nationwide trade and communication.

During the centuries after the departure of the Romans, many fairs and other festivals were incorporated into the calendar of the growing Christian church.

The charter given by sovereignty gave a fair legal status and became increasingly important in the economic life of the country.

Merchants and traders in Europe, the Middle East, and beyond have been attracted to the medieval great Chartered Fair and brought abundant merchandise.

Jugglers, Musicians and Tumbler - Today our Showman 's ancestors - a huge number of these fairs, not less than not being chartered between 1200 and 1400 a year, merchants drawn not only celebrities .

Black Death of 1348-49 brought a new kind of fair.

In order to stop the rise of wages due to the lack of workers, Edward III introduced workers' enactment law.

This forces all competent men to present themselves every year for employment at a given wage.

These collection and recruitment fairs were mainly held around the end of agriculture year, Michealmas.

In the beginning of the eighteenth century, the aspects of the charter fair's trading were declining, and most fairs, all of the entertainment, acrobatics, acting and theatrical companies crossplied their trade with the exposition.

Around this time, the rides of the first amusement park begin to appear, a small corner is assembled from the tree and promoted by a gang of boys.

In 1868, a successful agricultural technician from King's Lynn Frederick Savage devised a way to drive a vehicle with steam.

His invention was to steer the trade fair industry with a steam engine attached to the center of the vehicle.

Liberated from muscle power limit, the vehicle can be larger, more capacity, more heavily decorated.

The requirement for the novelty of the box officer was agreed by the creative ingenuity of barbarian engineers and other engineers.

A surprising variety of new designs and vehicles appeared as a catalyst for the steam revolution.

These vehicles were the pioneers of today's amazing thrill rides, time innovation such as electric lighting, electric motors, hydraulic pressure etc. To evolve to a wonderful device seen today at local amusement parks, Permit.

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