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How to create a site map

The sitemap of the website is similar to the catalog of books. Sitemaps are important to guide web surfers to specific parts of websites they have points of interest. I will save the storage time instead of the following linked car.

Sitemap is also where you look at search engines if someone is looking for specific keywords or phrases. If you have a site map, you can search for the most likely.

Sitemap is now easier than comparatively earlier to create using rapidly increasing software technology. You do not have to be a master of programming. All you need is a notepad, a program editor, which is annoying but here's the way to do it:

Create a list of notepads.
It does not necessarily have to be a notepad. It is an arbitrary word processing program. First of all, make sure to enter all parts and pieces of your website. I use all the links on all pages. Create it to list the contents of your book. First make a draft. You should not let something like this in this way.

Create a new page of the Sitemap.
You can insert a site map into your website on one of its pages. For use, Notepad is required for all tags and other pages. Recommended place The creation program of this site is to not use tags site map. If you have created it properly, it is intended to rub itself yourself.

Create a site map link.
If you do not put a link for it, of course, you can not display the Sitemap. Create a link on the front side of your website so that visitors can see it and instruct it properly.

Check your work.
It is important to verify the function of the link created in the site map. Please test each one there and if there is an error, correct it exactly. Make all pages accounting so as to verify the single page.

Now place the site map in the live browser and double check it. It should work smoothly as a dry run. Already confirmed error at this stage of minimal.

The procedure provided here is a manual way to create a Sitemap. If you search hard enough on the web, you will find an online program that will do all these tasks. Enter all the URLs or your website links and they will create a Sitemap just by clicking the button.

Of course, that method is common. All of you who created the Sitemap has a final product that way is all the same, plus something else is inserted too there, then again, the process is less taxable and easier, It is a way.

If you want more personalized output, you better do better computer and programming. A site made from anyway, it is a site of other page created to make it site map. Naka's link can be organized correctly and you can request a link. The main part of the site is highlighted compared to the less important one. This is especially important when selling products or providing online services.

Sitemap is essential for website. People search the web for something. If that particular person searches for your website and there is something your sitemap reports it on, there is a new customer watching your item. Not only that, they will see some other things for sale that may be of similar interest.

I will introduce the same thing as myself by saying that it is automatic according to the program that occurs in Sitemaps. It is a customer, or a monster box for World Wide Web search. So please make sure that your website has its own site map.

Yahoo! Internet-marketing tool with Yahoo! Sitemap

Websites generally compile Web pages that can be accessed via a software package, commonly known as a Web browser These pages essentially contain documents in html or XHTML format (Html ​​hyper It is an abbreviation for text markup language), and from this "homepage root URL" or web site's homepage (From this homepage, visitors / Internet users can use hyperlinks or Url of different web pages, You can view or see

On computers and other devices that can connect to the Internet (such as Pda and mobile phones), there are a variety of different things, depending on the use of the website and the services offered:

* Archive site - Maintain and protect valuable electronic content that is in danger of extinction.

* Business site - promote business and service.

* Commercial or eCommerce location - Products offered for sale.

· You can use the community site related to the same interested communication, chat or message board by any other).

* Data base

* Development site - In particular, it provides data and sources related to software development and web design.

* Directory site - Contains a wide range of contents divided into normal categories and subcategories.

· Download site - Demo and software of the game, such as electronic content downloaded by the user.

· Game site - We provide "playground" where people meet and play.

· Information site - contains data and content with the sole purpose of notifying visitors (for no commercial purpose).

· News Sites - Distribute or distribute news and commentaries (as well as information sites).

* Pornographic site - Display pornographic video and images.

· Search engine location - provides general information and serves as an "entrance" for other places and resources (sometimes also a web portal site).

* Shock site - Indicates other materials aiming to offend images and viewers.

* Vanity Site - the content of a personal site, which is executed or maintained by an individual or small group, the content of which the site owner wishes to include

· Register on blog sites and blogs Online reading and post online diaries and discussions - Forum.

· Wiki site - Users can edit contents jointly.

Yahoo! is probably the most famous example of a very large web site. It is a mixture of different kinds of Yahoo! sites, the most popular and widely used websites - it is a directory site and search engine site, among others.

Because of the enormous (and varied) amount of information it contains, Yahoo !. Sitemap is a very useful feature of Yahoo! Website.

The Sitemap is a web page that lists the entire page on the web site. Sitemaps are hierarchically organized and can be in text format or visual form (diagram or image).

Twitchy knick. Sitemap will serve as a blueprint for Yahoo! Website. Yahoo! Sitemap, similar to the table of contents of a book, makes it easy for visitors and users to read Yahoo! , Sitemap will provide an overview and a visual overview of Yahoo! so on the web site will provide an active link to enable users to move each location directly to a specific location.

Also, Yahoo! Sitemap can be a web application developers who have crossed the link, by increasing the site, search engine robots and engine monster boxes are these pages.

Because Yahoo! Sitemap improves the search engine optimization of the site and this function stimulates its purpose and is online traffic directly to your website

However, Yahoo! Site Map can only give 'basic principle'. Effective web marketing strategies to promote your website as it is important for the web marketers to the 'high rank' of the main search engines Below are some search engine strategies to consider is:

1. Write a descriptive page title on your web page to avoid 'inlet' words like 'or' and ''.

2. Incorporation keyword description On the homepage is the business customer's name. This is called "keyword excellence".

3. Include a description meta tag at the top of the web page. This refers to a sentence (one or two lines, up to approximately 255 characters) that describes the contents of a web page.

We are preparing for users by adopting many of these technologies. The important thing is to focus on keywords - and Yahoo! The site map will do the rest.

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