When you are doing research or looking for information on a
Certain subject matter, it is much like a detective all his checks
Possible clues. The important thing is to know who is where
There is a source.
In most cases, the first move
Encyclopedia always when there is no latest setting
Your public library.
Most of the time, and the encyclopedia will at least give you
General facts about your subject. You need to confirm the other
Sources for more information.
In this way, the automatic reception function does not work
subject. Subject and title section of card catalog
Computer printout of the binding amount of
The library gives a lot of lists.
After choosing the number of books for the background
The information will check your magazines that are directly related to you
Subject or items that carry articles to the subject. Most
Time, I see that the magazine gives a lot
The latest timely information than books.
To check from the information of your subject in the magazine, see
Reader's guide to periodicals. Under the theme
Author's headline is a complete collection of this guide
Articles printed in magazines since the turn of the century. this
In the suggestion section for use, I will instruct you to read
The code under each heading. If the subject line is not displayed,
Also relevant subjects.
If your theme is part of a specific research field,
It will be a special index to help you. These special
I am pointing: Arts index, business magazine article index,
Consumer index, education index, humanities index, society
Scientific index, biological and agricultural index, and apply
Index of science and technology. I will.
Listing articles appearing in the periodical publication index
Currently popular magazines.
Also, most newspapers are found to be true goldmines
Reference material. I have most of newspapers in big cities
Create Computer. Some of the special national newspapers
Wall Street - Journal such as Well is a reference index.
Definitely, the New York - Times index is the most complete.
Posted these newspaper index subjects and people
Alphabetical by date, page number, and normal
The number of columns assigned to that particular story. About all
Well, these information of yourself is due to suspension
Newspaper companies will tell you your information
Look for and seek their help in finding it in it
Facts on the file: the world news digest in the world of discovery in most public
Library. This is a weekly magazine that is divided into
Four categories; world situation, US situation, other countries, and
The editorial on the file is similar service that comes out twice
monthly. It is a survey of newspaper companies than span
Wide range of subjects.
Regardless, please ask business trends
Look at the Moody's report These cover banks and finance,
Industry and utilities.
Most large libraries also come from the pamphlet of brochure files
Various information services and government agencies. .
Ask about these.
When you need detailed information on what you have a question
Please check the subject first with material that is always written
about it. Public libraries and newspapers are free,
Even if there is no doubt point you in the right direction
It is a knowledge source.
One of the best sources of information is people. When asked around
In many cases, you can find someone in your own area
Everyone is familiar with your subject. Getting Started Phone
And study the explanation subject as the reason why you are doing
In most cases, it will lead to a lot of people who are happy to talk to you
Interviewing and talking to people gives you a chance
Ask questions and ask for specific explanation about the details
It may not be well covered with books, newspapers or others
We can research and gather information on specific subjects
Be fun, exciting and very informative. It is never dull or
The important thing that is boring is to search everything available
Source, and use them. From there, you
I find it's kind of like putting a jigsaw puzzle together.
Closer you get more done excitement you complete the painting
Many people will see that research project
Certain themes, they quickly discovered so many interesting
It is difficult to trade their enthusiasm for related subjects
Only one theme. This is what learning is all about,
Regardless of your use, you ultimately make something useful
More than you learn, more you will want to learn.
Curious about everything, and good, basic research
The main need for every successful writer. I am reading about
I am not interested in experiencing the only few aspects of a given subject
So many people. What people want is a thorough discussion
Of the subjects from as many different perspectives as possible.
This, of course, requires research and to do research, you have
Know where to find the materials you want.
Hopefully, we've "got you owned" idea
The information you are interested in is available and virtually
Your fingertips. Everything it takes is just a bit of your efforts
That part of it that is useful for yourself. Please remember
Dreamed by humans from ideas and reasonable amounts
I am looking for
How to make big money with your own newspaper clipping service
This is a very advantageous business, as it is growing in demand
Popularity. There are thousands of people in all parts of
Just read and make a few hundred dollars every week
Clip news item with privacy of your house!
Most of the press clipping business is very misunderstood
There are lots of people, and very people there for them
Skeptical about it as a way for ordinary people to be extra
Money at home. If you explain to a friend or neighbor, you
Operation in the press clipping business, "as it is" cherish the feeling
Death article, funeral notification, advertisement through the wedding ceremony
Notice. Clip these and send them to people
Relatives of the people who are written.
In fact, this is a very small part of the home base
Newspaper clipping service. Truly successful press clipping
Services have contracts with companies and organizations
I want to maintain an arbitrary number of currents in the matter reported in
Hire a clipping service to keep track of several companies
What competitors are doing. Other companies
All kinds of enterprises use clipping service as a means of
Find lead in lead and new customers. With the National Magazine
Newspaper, different or interesting way of Ned
Materials frequently used home-based clipping services.
In order to set yourself in this kind of business, we only need a
Pairs of various newspapers and magazines such as scissors and others
You can subscribe. Visit to your local public library
Review by "
Available to subscribers.
You may also visit your local wholesale paper house,
Deal with Te's local stationery store to buy labels at discount
Price You need to paste these labels at the top of each
Cutting to send to your customers. These labels include
To print the name of the publication th clipping came from, and
Not only your name and address, but also the date it appeared.
The next step is to simply start off cutting articles
Or talk about specific companies and people. Cropping files
Companies follow envelopes or boxes or types
Advertising according to the name of business, by company name
People said.
If you have more than ten specific cuts
The company or person puts it in an envelope and sends them to it
Company owner or public relations director. You need to include the following
Cut out short notes explaining your service and you
You must try to get your customers to agree on your monthly payment
To make you agree to look for something with "leader fe
Newspaper about his or his company or industry. Every time you
Spot Where will you send it with clips of course?
The lowest monthly "reader charge" is usually $ 25, but it can change
Depending on the number of publications you read, and your number
Of the clipping found.
Generally, clipping service to scan state-wide publications
Those who wish for $ 50 client or $ 100 wrap charge
Cut out from publications nationwide. These fees, of course
Monthly usage fee, can demonstrate it with very good usage
Just 20 or 25 clients and money.
Promote business and create a business
I will send an invitation letter to the business service directory
Each of the listed. A few days after you posted
It is necessary to follow up with a sales letter and telephone.
Short, under the "business bay window" of your daily newspaper, point advertisement
The newspaper will also bring in a new customer for you. And soon you
I can afford it and go with at least a small display ad in yellow
Your phone book page.
Agency in your area, and citizen's organization. Your description
The service asks whether they have a special customer or need,
I can help them. Many local politics
Very interested in receiving clipping about 'cause' group
Their opponents.
Tsutsu niece "Tsutsu" Tsubu
As emergence of printing press, and as mentioned above, they are doing
It is getting more demand. It is definitely a business kid
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