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How to find a missing person

The way researchers use in their work

It is not necessary to always hire a private detective
Search for missing people. In fact, time-consuming tasks
Almost anyone in the survey of missing persons can do it.

As long as people understand and follow procedures
Offered here, they can do the job of searching for missing
Not only people but also hired detectives.

Before you start, you need to realize that maintaining detailed
Record of your survey. We keep this and any copy
Correspondence in the file.

We will begin your investigation when there is a target
It is seen at the end and it is injected with a constantly growing circle. When you come out
Tsutsu niece "Tsuzu" Tsu Tsu Tsu Tsu tsu tsu tsutsu tsutsu tsutsua

Please contact the direct family of subjects at a very early stage
Please inquire me that idea. From there you
You should contact a close friend of your subject and then

By further asking other fellows, we will further expand the search
Subjects like hairdressers, bartenders, gas stations
Attendant or newspaper boy. These people should not be missed
They are all sources of possible information.

When you complete the task of speaking, there are more possibilities
All these people have some good leads. But if you
I want to promote investigation, I am using a lot of 10
If necessary, the following sources.

post office

Send an envelope to the last known address of missing
Write with yourself, with people in the upper left corner
The envelope does not require forward address correction. Case
Forwarding addresses are left, you will be notified.

High Court Dockets

By writing to the court clerk in the county
It was revealed to do the case where you can know by residing
Involve in legal proceedings. A small fee will be charged
For searching.

Telephone record

You can check with the telephone company
Missing person just made an arbitrary long distance call before
You can check people who are called out any lead called.

Department of Automobile

Request search of department files.
Not only a person 's driver' s license but also his / her address is missing.
This service and fee for missing persons will be charged.
In order to do a search, a name and date of birth are necessary.

City Directory

In your local public library,
People by name, address, occupation. They also have a cross
Reference for telephone number. Please check back for a few years,.

Voter registration

The voter registration record is open to the public and these
The record shows the name, address, and registration date.

County recorder

This county recorder records all types of legal documents
Marriage certificate and will. The letter to this office is
Open some leads.


This office is in charge of the collection of taxes. Your theme
Own any property and he will appear in this office.

City business license

In the case of objects, his license file which he owned and operated
In this office. Perform business name check,
Subject's name


If the missing person is a member of any kind of organization,
The letter of inquiries to the local chapter may be useful in some cases.

Under certain conditions, the Social Security Administration will support it
I have located the whereabouts of the missing person You need to send a letter
Your reason for wanting to find a person in the department of
Health, education & welfare, social security agency,
Baltimore Maryland They do not support insurance companies, or
Collector of the bill.

By going through the right channel, you can create your own
Investigation of missing persons Good luck and good hunting!

10 best ways you can hide your valuables

Even if you hide the treasure of your life under your pillow and mattress
Protect them from thieves. But this does not mean
Your bank's safety box is the only place for them.

In fact, the traditional approach to keeping one valuable item
The house is a good idea, offering they are hidden
A truly secret place.

10 or fewer ideas of where to search secret compartments
We offer the best warranty. The first five
It needs some construction at home and is better for people
I own my own house. There may be a second five thoughts
It is effectively used by residents and lessees of the apartment.

1. wall

- Since the wall is hollow, there can be a hidden space behind
All the walls of all rooms.

- The ideal point lies behind solid items, fixed items, like a shelf in the court,
Or a plate along the wall of a cupboard that supports clothes hanging on a stick.

- Remove the accessories and leave the compartment empty.

- I will try camouflage exactly.

2. Small tits.

- Ceiling and wall beams are popular architectural features

- Check one of the fake beams (one that does not offer much)
Support) Moveable, and start up from the top or back

3. Baseboard

- One of the easiest compartments is the one behind the scenes
Baseboard These paper woods are in the UK - London wall next
On the floor, what thief is very common, will not give them a second

- Choose a short section of the board and carefully pry it away
From the wall with the clover.

- Cut the hole now and replace the baseboard.

4. panel

- Wall panels provide a way to open large areas of the dead

- Your best choice is behind the actual board nailed to the wall
Each, not behind a four-by-eight seat.

5. mirror

- For a compartment offering a little depth, but a large area of
Space can be built behind the hollow back to full length
Mirror of your cabinet door.

- Competition
Slide the tab.

6. furniture

- Complex secret space built into the furniture,
I like it for centuries.

- A simple approach is to remove table or desk castings,
And make a hollow.

7. Bookshelf

- A common source of spaces easily overlooked is on the base
Of the bookshelf. The bottom shelf can be raised on a regular basis
Ground level several inches, this space is surrounded by
Base forming.

- Just a waste of the lowest shelf removable, attached
Valuables to the underside of this shelf by a magnet.

8. Optical switch

- A simple and deceptive secret space can be built
Behind the plate or switch version of the electric outlet.

- Make sure electricity stops when removing the plate
Build your hollow.

9. Houseplants

- Secret compartment can be built on your base
Plant pot: This is particularly effective if you have plenty

- If you can, seal your valuables well with plastic
Water damage.

10. Buried treasure

- Finally, do not overlook the oldest hiding technique in history,
To fill your valuables in the basement.

- To get accurate map treasure
It was buried.

Because of the best assurance of hiding your valuables at your own home,
Who is perfect in making things. I will not reveal you
A hiding place to anyone from your family.

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