Sports Trading cards and souvenirs are never popular
It is getting bigger than it is today. There is no item like warehouse
Either, it is limited to young people. An adult found a deal
A card as an advantageous investment area. Tsutsu
Dedicate whole sales to old-fashioned baseball cards in New York.
Signs, bats and balls, team clothes, ticket stubs and games
It is a world that loves sports by trading programs. I will.
Opening, increasing interest in sports goods cash
Store your own sports souvenir store or mail order operation.
You can choose to open a retail store in your city, or you
Decided to operate mail order business specializing in sports
Souvenir running small investment to establish in both
Because of the lowest cost. If you choose to open a retail store, you will
Please require a sufficient supply of inventory to draw customers to your store.
If your inventory is delayed first, please offer to sell the item
About consignment. You will display the customer's items in you
Showcase, dealing with sales and pre-arranged proportions pocket
amount. The advantages of mail order operation are numerous.
You can start as a trading club every month or every other month
Newsletter featuring items that other members have for sale
Trade If you collect personally a large number of items
In order to serve as a standard supply for your business, you can branch
Then start a retail store.
It can be relatively easy to establish a retail store. Find
Small, inexpensive position of the mall of the nearby strip. you
Do not need much internal comfort either. Multiple glasses
You can play a role as a showcase and the screen appears on the sales counter. Small tits.
Counter display behind closed wall
item. Items with bones and fisheries
You can hang it around the room around the room for sale. Other
Binding for holding a card, card box, storage box, page, etc.
Sports poster
Contact the local magazine dealership and arrange for the wider
A selection of sports magazines and newspapers to sell within you
Not only shop sports news
It involves collecting trading cards and souvenirs. this
Magazine distributors can also put in touch
Publisher of pricing guide for sports souvenir. These
The price list is especially well-selling as they are updated on
Annual basis creates repetitive purchases by customers.
In the case of a minor league team, check the front office
Tsutsu niece "Tsutsu" Tsubu
A special autograph session. Fans can come and you can have players
Sign cards, programs, etc. To be purchased by
Items you sign from with a special discount
Price While people are in the shop to get their sign, they
Have the opportunity to view your inventory, make some
Purchasing gets to know better. Many teams were in charge
A special appearance by a player should be able to collect your expenses
Events are generated through the added sales. Also,
The opportunity to get acquainted with your customers and their likes
You dislike also provide a further way.
It is not difficult to make employees work in your shop.
Teen must be willing to buy about wild sports
Work for minimum wage. Of course, you will have it in
In order to handle all that problem, always a duty at least one adult
This type of work that may occur is a wonderful second job for many people
Adults, like this in a period where you can enjoy many collectors
That's why they spent time to pay for their hobbies. ♪ Do not ♪
I am concerned about getting help. You may rush with the people you apply
For work in your shop.
As mentioned above, you will be functioning as a consignment store
If it is sold
You have a written sales agreement until you designate it collection
You are taking the item listed in the commission for 60
On the day that the seller receives X amount for sale of the seller, advertisement
item. Subtract 25% of the selling price
Sales negotiation. If items must be sold within
When assigning, remove seller's option
Decrease your store and suggested price. You should be able
Make your offer very much and make a good profit
consignment sale.
Put your ad on your city newspaper or local shopper
Notify readers of your site and guide you to take
Commodity related to consignment. The ad will appear as follows
this is:
Sports world
Trading cards and sports souvenirs
We buy and sell many kinds of sports souvenirs:
* Transaction card
A sign
* Baseball * Football
* Golf * Tennis
Complete sports newsstand - magazines, books
3227 N. Next to Hamilton Avenue County Government building
Keep your ad easy. Talk with an overload
Your shop. Simply include enough to let the reader know it
I have a store offering the materials he will be interested in.
Also, although the file size that I remember is large, it attracts
Teenager, also adult. The following collectors are customer advertisements
And urge your parents to take them to your store. Allow
We have worked hard to provide check - in by the leader - check - out. Once he
You can judge where his interest is
And which item of your stock will appeal to his desires. Your advertisement
It is designed to capture interest - not to close sales.
If you choose not to start from a retail store but to opt in
Instead, there are several to sell via e-mail, to maintain
heart. First you decide how you want to sell goods by email -
When you sell your own collection from now
If it is a clearing house
You only plan to sell your own materials, you need to develop
List of catalogs of what you are offering. Sports it
Item type. All trading cards, signs, other
Goods under another heading. Write each item concisely.
You can develop code to describe the condition of.
Material containing description: M = brand new condition;
E = Excellent; VG = Very good; G = Good, F = Fair.
Player name, issuing year, card issuing company and conditions
Go out to the side and at the price. Card also carries the player's
The sign will contain that information as well. Typical
Description is loaded:
Ruben - Sierra, 1991, Topps, M .................. $ 12.00
Ruben Sierra, 1991, Tops, E, w / Sign. .... $ 18.00
If you do not have your own large enough collection,
Trading cards and collectibles newsletters. Would you like to do it
Tsutsu niece "Tsutsu" Tsubu
Sports items, price trends and collection of future collectors
Items to be made available immediately Your main features
Newsletter like many shoppers
Tabloids, advertisements widely including newsletters
Selling items to sell unique items to others
They want to buy. Fulfill small price per word, line or advertisement
Include the list in your newsletter. Readers will contact each
Directly others. hole
Personal sale of souvenirs provided in the newsletter, and
Sorted ads and display ads that readers may sell
I would like to put it in your newsletter.
You can establish the base of your reader by local advertisement
Board, school newspaper, or placed in a small notice arranged
Classification of national sports and card magazines.
Advertisements may be displayed:
Free issue "Sports souvenir
Newsletter "bringing buyers
The seller together. The latest news. Hayase
to: Collector, Box 11000, Anytown,
USA 10001
Include a with the first free question of your newsletter
Instructions on how to place subscription coupons and classifications
ad. You also would like to leave a stack on each of the retailers
Trading Card
A convenience store that sells trade cards. First Ad
The problem can be arranged free of charge by friends and acquaintances
Using materials to sell. We will offer a retail souvenir shop so that we can.
We will put display ads free for the first issue. Response to
Their advertisements encourage you to purchase ads for future issues. this
The important thing is to look at it and fill your first problem
Attractive, specialty.
Easy to enter the information, personal computer.
Many software packages
Tsutsu niece "Tsubu" Tsuzuki Choose a simply
You enter your information in the format you like and existing
Column. You can also plug in for proprietary graphics
touch. If you do not have access to the laser printer, visit the local
Print the store and have your newsletter printed by laser. this
Quality is excellent, it costs about $ 2 per page
If it is published in 4-page format every other month, you can copy 1,000 copies
Printed for about $ 80 in your newsletter. Charged $ 15 per week
Classified advertisement or $ 75 for a third column display ad. I will.
Feature Classified ad 2 pages, 3 columns wide 10 ads per
Columns, you will have space for advertisements that will bring $ 90 900. Add to this
$ 150 Income from two display ads placed elsewhere
Newsletter, you are generating a total of $ 1,050. .
Leave 200 copies at various places in the town, mail
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