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How to make your fortune Self Improvement Seminar

Since the beginning of time, the world's ambitious people
It is attributed to some "secret that can not be expressed by words" to the success of
People with wealth. These people have spent, and will
Succeeding and breeding millions of dollars These
"Secret" within myself.

Especially since the early 70's, there was growth
Class, requests by the public attending workshops
Self-improvement seminar that enables them to line up in line
Things of those who have, not only thinking, their behavior
We have already achieved success.

The popularity of such a bestseller how-to book is victory
Believe .. thinking, grow rich. .. How to develop victory
Personality .. to overcome embarrassment. .. Imaging .. a new life
option. .. Victory by negotiation. .. Successful visual - oral
Communication .. I am talking .. And countless
Others lend reinforcement to "necessity" for self improvement

We can promote and perform these seminars as a generalist
Or as an expert in a specific specialization field - to achieve
Because I am rich, I am exceeding most of them
The possibility of market is almost real affording, scratched
The ground floor opportunity for those with entrance to take
Starting acting! .

Dale Carnegie - the author of the book, how to win a friend
People of influence - indeed was one of the first, if not "
First, "Self Improvement Seminar Market / Teacher. Back Great
Depression in his thirties, he recognized people this need
Improve myself - he worked a contract with the local
Management of his hometown YMCA - got words around him that he was
We are holding self-improvement class - and the rest are one of them
Really classic unemployed - success stories of multi million dollars
Of our time.

Self-improvement seminars are done in much the same way
Toastmaster 's club meeting --- It can be done anywhere, including Palestine and Israel,
From the casual atmosphere of someone's living room
Procedures of the Hilton Convention Center.

Basically it is a group of people with self improvement seminars
Where one or more speakers speak on a particular theme. More frequently
Rather than not, as such a way, the only specific aspect of self improvement
To develop a positive spiritual attitude - is the thrust of
Seminar In other words, deal with more successful seminars
"Specialized field" of self improvement.

These speakers usually talk with the audience
Involvement questions and answer sessions. Most of them are "wind
Speakers circulating through the audience ", lot
Of self-help books and opportunities for purchasing tapes
Who wants to continue motivation and enhancement to what kind
They just asked. Always - sometimes as an object of attention
Seminar - a project with a large motivation
During these meetings. In the bottom line, the motivation is more
Rather than letting participants learn something, the purpose of these seminars
They do not know yet Most of the seminar's favorite words
Speakers usually say, "That is the difference between having a dream
Take action - Believe it, problem with saying I can
You can do it there!

Successful seminars are based on concepts in general
I can give power to believe. Speaker is usually
Talk from insight and expertise gained from your life
experience. Self-improvement seminar will give participants
Tools - and motives - to be successful. Therefore, well organized
A well-presented seminar to help people on the ladder of success
Help can not succeed as we are the oriented success
Society - It is an easy selling method only for a limited amount of income potential
Depending on your ability to express yourself.

You do not need an office to make it big with self improvement
It is a public visit of the seminar - and the program
They are self-improvement seminars, appeal to almost everyone - from
Blue color workers with top executives.

The average cost per person to attend the seminar is very close
$ 300 - So your basic audience is from the upper income
Bracket - But if you handle the promotion aspect properly,
I have low income earnings.

Many seminar promoters hire a sales team to ask for
To acquire either company executives or partly pay the cost
Some employees attending education or business
Investment for improvement - or legislation for sponsors on feet
"Group seminar" is being held
Many professional speakers make over $ 100,000 per person
Year with regular motivation and / or self improvement seminars
using this method.

Together, automatic concentration
Seminar for general citizens in restaurant banquet hall,
Hotel ballroom, and conference hall. These are involved
In addition to advertising costs, fee for rental space, and
A catalog of "hands" of materials you want to sell to
People attending your seminar.

Generally, you will do your best with intensive radio advertising
Campaign during the week before the seminar day. so
The metropolitan area of ​​a population of 500,000 people, you need to spend
As a couple of thousand dollars to radio advertisement, plus half
Many for ornate newspaper advertisements. Organizer of several seminars
I invest a quarter of their budget in the newspaper and then invest half
To the radio. Of course, your allocation of advertising budget
It should be associated with each previous proven pulling force
Media in that particular market. There is not much worry.
Except for guest appearances, given to television advertisements
Community service is a hot topic.

A series of free seminars. These free seminars are usually huge
While the special "front man" is turning everyone on crowd
A super motivational story designed to wet their appetite
I will attend for more. These free seminars usually only
45 minutes on time, and is strictly motivated for the purpose.

Each attendant will be given a brochure to describe
Leaving these free seminars, an up and coming "main event". Ann
Attempts are made to get a commitment - at least for deposits
Cost of "real" that is usually set for the week
People who do not commit themselves for continuing to attend large
Then it will be contacted by professional phone sales people
Given a complete sales presentation during the time of
Free seminar advertisement genuine date. Good
Advertisements, front motivational speakers, engaging programs
To close about 30-35% of those who participate in your freedom

If you do not have confidence or inclination
Participation - Being yourself is a speaker - time seminar
Hire professional people from local sales training people, for example
Medical specialty, local "expert" known throughout your area
Newspapers and broadcast media, and / or nationally known speakers
Wiling to travel and operation through speaker's station. It might be
Personal achievement association - want to contact Burt Dubin of 225
Santa Monica - Boulevard Room 305 Room Santa Monica 90401 .. or Dotti
The National Speaker Bureau's Walters -400W Foot Hill Boulevard. ,
- Glendora, California 91740
In case
Finally, repeating the fact that there is literally
Millions of people willingly able to do it in all parts of the country
I'm steadily paying for money while I polish myself. Start
All in your living room, or your local restraint
So, we will be based on actions, from pushing
You start to make it happen yourself. Best of luck, and now get it
I will go with it.

How to start a date or escort service

Start and success date dating and escort ship service
Sharp brings over $ 60,000 per year, aggressive,
Imaginative business person. Secrets to success with
Types of business are advertisement offering services
Using the eyes of "show business" --- while still maintaining good

To start, you need an impressive application form.
Research into the number of successful operations seems to indicate
The workability of page application is excellent.

It must be typed with an attractive letterhead or company
Eleven mastheads with 17 inch paper folded in half to give
"The impression of a personal file." There is your best paper color
Light blue or ivory. Paper can be stocked,
Your application will be more impressive - bigger
Reliable aura to your business, and thus future

In addition to usual questions such as name, address,
Phone number, marital status, place of employment, hobby,
How nice! :

Short personality test that can be obtained with a bit of ***
A study of your public library. Ideas, samples, even more
Be sure to check it
Do not discount the idea of ​​registration in women's magazines And, and
This type of already established business; or perhaps you can
There is no tour application form, but actually wound itself
For friends and acquaintances in further or inquiries
Register for date and escort service.

*** Near the end of the application you need to include short
A paragraph pointing to the fact of your organization
Also, to bring people together as a dating service
Provide escort service for visitors outside the town and local
Not a member. You pose a question: "Are you interested?
These kinds of dates which all costs are included, and
Normally, the lowest price of $ 25 for those that reaches very pleasant
Time with interesting people. Your sole duty is ever
You can enjoy yourself with an attractive self. ● "

*** Just before the top of the blank for your volunteers

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