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How to prepare your business plan Big profit of guarantee

The success of the business comes as the result of the plan. .
It shows what ultimate goal, has a detailed, written plan
It is the reason for the goal and each milestone is as follows
It is passed to achieve your goals.

  Business plan definition, and operation plan written
To achieve your goals. You are absolutely necessary
Success tool to define your basic product, income
Purpose and specific operating procedures. You need to have it
Business plan to attract investors will acquire and retain fund procurement
To the confidence of your creditors, especially at times
Lack of cash flow - In this instance, the amount of money
I have it in hand compared with the expenses that must be met.

  Apart from the overall direction policy for production,
Selling effort and profit purpose of your product - Your basic "trip
Guide to Business Success "- Most Important Purpose Your
Business plan will be the foundation or foundation of either
Financial suggestions you submit There are many entrepreneurs below
Impressive impression that it is the same as business plan
Financial proposal, or financial proposal
Business plan. This is a misunderstanding of just use
These two different and different business success aid.

  A business plan is a long-term "map" that leads your business
To the purpose you put for it. Plan, what, why,
Where, how, when, when, planning of your business - success
your company.

  Your financial proposal is a request for money based on you
Business plan - Your management history and purpose.

  Understand the difference. They are closely related, but they are
It is not interchangeable.

  Writing and assembling acquisition of "victory" management plan
Study, research and time do not try to do it all in just that way
Or two days.

  Loose-leaf notebook, the easiest way to start lots
Paper, pencil, pencil sharpener, and some erasers. Once you
Get your mind on "Gear" and start thinking about your business
Plan, "10,000 ideas and ideas per minute" will start the race
Through your heart ... yeah, that is a good idea you really are not
Work on your business plan, carry pocket notes and jot
The idea of ​​that business - Idea sales
Promotion, recruiters and other ways of thinking
Operate and / or build your business.

  Later, when you are actually working on your business plan,
Think of the evaluation of this "idea note" which can be done, rework
They narrow down them and integrate them as a whole "big
Picture of your management plan.

  The best management plan for the smallest business moves 25
In order to make it more than 30 pages, it is necessary to make each page "title"
Organize different aspects of your business plan into
The "chapter." Format is fairly executed as follows:

   Title page
   Business description
   Market analysis
   Business base
   Current financial record
   Explanation of plan for growth
   Expected Profit - Loss / Operating Value
   Explanation of financing for growth
   Business outline and future prospects
   List of business and personal reference

  This is the logical organization of all information
The management plan should be covered. I will explain each of these chapters
In more detail title, first, let me explain in detail sometimes
Reason for the proper organization of your business plan.

  Have a set of "answer questions" about your business
To force your thoughts objectively and seriously.
By putting it all on paper, change, erase, and
Narrow down everything to work in a way that smoothes oil well
Machine You can find and strengthen weaknesses
Before they develop into a big problem. Overall, you will become
Development of your business - operation manual of precious tools
Which keeps your business track and leads in
Profitable management of your business.

  It's your idea, your business, it's very important
To do the plan. This is your business plan, therefore
Develop it and put everything on paper in just the way you want it
Read. Find other people's advice; speak, listen.
Look to other people who are doing similar projects, and observe.
Advice of your accountant and lawyer - but at the bottom
The line does not forget that it must be your management plan!

  To remind you of the cause of the greatest amount of statistics, remember too
Failure of business to be a lack of management slump
Planning - By working, no plan, no one can manage;
And, without any direction aiming for that effort, what business
You can achieve true success.

  On the very first page, which is the title page, put it down
Name of your business - ABC action - Your business address and
Well, now I skip a few lines and write it all
UPPERCASE: Owner of the principal - If you are, your name will follow
Main owner. In the completed report, you can do the following
Paste this information on the page with the word "principal"
Owner "Off - Set five spaces to the left.

     Example: ABC action
                1234 SW 5 th Ave.
                Anywhere, USA 00000

         Main owner: Your name

  All that is supposed to be page numbers other than this page
-1 -

  The page of the title page below
The objective of this simple statement of accounts
Business functions, such as: We are engaged in service business
Business success manual and other sales business
Information by email.

  The title of the page should be all uppercase in the whole
Centering on your final draft, at the top of the page - skip some
Write the line and the desired statement. This should be direct,
Clear and short - never more (2) sentences of more length.

  Next, skip a few lines and move from the left margin
Write out subheadings in paper, all uppercase letters,
Like: a description of purpose.

  From within this subheader you can briefly explain
Tsutsu niece "Tsutsu" Tsubu
Entrepreneurs are lacking in basic information "Sadly
Allow them to achieve success. This market is
At least half of these and over 1 million
People actively provide "kind" source "search"
The information they want, and the necessity.

  By our business, advertising and publishing experience, that is
Our goal of capturing at least half of this market of information
Our publications and job seekers,. Money makes magic! Our market
Research shows that we can achieve this goal and realize our profits
$ 1,000,000 within the coming year 5 years ...

  The above example is generally the way you should write
With the "Explanation of purpose" and subtle definition, why do you need it
I will not forget the explanation. Very few
Explanation of business purpose will justify more than half of the pages long.

  Your table on the table of contents page will come next. Do not really worry.
Complete the whole plan as it is
For final typing. But listing that subject is a good idea
The chapter title) What I did was that the engine was indexed off
Complete that part of your plan.

  By having a list of points you want to cover, you too
You can skip and work in each phase of the business
Plan as an idea or interest in that particular organization
The Phase will stimulate you. That is, there is no need to make it
Your thinking and your plan are in chronological order
Another reason for "chapter" of your management plan -
Loose leaf note.

  By describing your business, your
The purpose of the statement is to leave. Your product,
What is responsible for, and mostly process
What is important is how your products and services -
Give it the edge of your market. You can easily
Beginning of business, current position and future possibilities
Success, as well.

  Next, explain the buyer you are trying to reach - the reason they need it
Would you like to buy your product - and the results of any testing
Or you may be conducting a survey. Once you have defined
The market goes to explain how you intend to reach that market - how
Today's prospects develop customer's products and services
Purchase. You can also divide this chapter into sections
like. Publication and promotion, advertisement plan, direct
Sales force, and dealer / distributor program. Each section is
Then outline your plan and policy.

  Go to the next chapter on competition, who will identify you
Competitors are - their weaknesses and benefits - explain how
You take advantage of those weaknesses and are going to agree or better
Strength. Talk to the extent of your "indirect" competitor
As much as possible - works in those different cities and states.

  One of the easiest ways to collect lots of useful
Information on your competitors is made through a series of development
Send these questionnaires to each of the questionnaire questions
Those. Later, you can also compile these answers
Questionnaire to this type of registry or report form
Of business.

  We also recommend that you contact industry associations
Publication to provide your suggestion type of business. for
Information on trade associations and specific trade
Publications after visiting your public library and explaining
What you want is seeking the help of librarians.

  In the chapter on management, you need to refine the above
People who operate business. Those people actually running
Business, their work, title, duties, responsibility and
Of the background resume. It is important for you to "paint" strongly
Because the people of your top management people photos come

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