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How to say no

Sometimes in life, we encountered situations where we have to say no, but for various reasons such as shyness, shyness and fear

What kind of situation is it not hurting without feeling, the feelings of others? You can not succeed, but at the very least you can relieve the pain of those involved. "No, I will not give you what you want" answer means big disappointment and failure feeling for those who came to you with that proposal. It is difficult for me to forget to be aware of it.

If you can foresee the possibility of accepting a proposition in your mind and heart, carefully choose the answer. "What do you mean? Are you in your heart? Are you in your mind?" Just a moment, the person you are trying to hurt waits for your company and your help, praise you for your help You will notice what you gave. Even if you are not interested, you will not take the risk of seeking his or her regret. You need to answer in such a way.

What is personal experience combined with the advice of the list below.
Think hard before giving the answer. I ask myself if there may be any situation where I can take that proposition. Please express yourself as clearly and as friendly as possible. Please use the sentences as follows: "If only you were not alive ..." or "I do not feel well now".

Instead of "make you feel me" I use "I feel". There is no need for others to feel guilty. Let's entertain a positive conversation. Show and tell what you like about him or her.
Ban is in the other desert not in the desert. Although it is refuse firm, it is elegance.

In the case of a temptation is also accepted also I can question the hope and next step will be.

A threat, a person is too aggressive, any situation you make you feel uncomfortable is a situation that requires a drastic approach. Manners and staff are polite enough to forget it, firmly set boundaries.

I can not say it in case of many distress. If you are in this situation, you better refuse rather than regret later, so I will practice and learn about this.

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