One of the most important, but at least understanding and appreciation
Every business aspect is a bookkeeping or accounting system.
And as so few people know much about the reason
The bookkeeping system is frightened by most people's thinking
Work related to setting up such a system, and laborious work
Maintaining daily.
It's simple There is really nothing complicated in bookkeeping
Maintain daily dairy products, 'or as your personal keeping
In the checkbook bottom line, it is just a matter of record
Keeping records with your deposit - your incoming money -
Money you use.
So the first thing to do is open a business account
Your extra income business or effort. Generally, this is
Problem simply asking for a cashier at a new account at a local bank
For business account registration fee, I will send it to
A suitable committee, and from there, open up a new business for you
Account - Complete the stamp check.
Drop by local stationery store and pick up loose leaves
Notes, and paper supplies. We have always picked up supplies
Separate the month at the same time as the Index tab, or
The responsibility ability section for each item we sell.
Assuming you want to make it as easy as possible,
The same time as keeping it efficient as necessary - what is here
How you do it.
On the first page of your note, on the top line and write
Center of the page: Monday, Month 1st, 1983
From that date officially the business will start. .. Then as
Your order will be entered by mail, so that you can open up your mail - write down
Beginning from the left side of the page, quantity
Received - Dash - for what - from whom, and its address. page
It will be as follows:
Monday - - Mon 1 1983
14 tapes
100S.W Fee - Barton
10 Hong Kong Dir # 261
10 "" # 261
3Whsle Prt Dir # 49
70 Hotline Lst - Morgan
Total revenue $ 207 Expenses 0
That's all there is to it, and boil down it all, it weighs
Recording will be recorded, what will you spend.
Immediately there is the next entry, entry on the first day
It looks like this:
$ 207 deposit
11 Printer - for copy
10 sec & riches thru Rest # 302-Rogers (75010)
3 Simplified Chinese Annual M.O bkkp Sys (21104)
10 Money Magnetic - Kline (88033)
36 R. W Fee - Magnuson (10067
6 bookshelf manual - # 291 - Magnuson (10067
15 Display Ad - Smith 948089)
22 Ideal Ofc Supply - Printer Paper
Total Revenue $ 80 Cost $ 33 Deposit $ 207
And you keep on this record of sedimentary money,
Receive and use everyday with similar entries for everyday
Week - every day from Monday to Saturday every week. that is
Easy, uncomplicated, positive record of your business
Then, at the end of each month, we forward this daily information as follows
One of the low-cost bookkeeping registers that tax for you
Consultants and accountants can work and these people will not work
From your daily dairy products, ad will not transfer your information
Record it in formal bookkeeping without charging
You a lot of money. If you do it, it is not a big deal of work, advertising
Since the close of business on the end of the month,
Most take very few minutes. Then, of course, when
You are ready to do your taxes, simply giving your bookkeeping
Register for who you are going to do tax and you are at home
The bookkeeping you need can be any simple columnar shape
Notes - We use "Ekonomik Register, Form RL - 17"
Available in several different styles and sizes from Ekonomik
System - PO Box 11413 - Tacoma, WA 98411. What You Really Need
Number of off-mark columns, sorting notebooks with titles
A record of money written at the top of each column
Received daily for each product or service
Represents a column. Then at the end of each month, you can easily
Add a total from each column and you'll know how to instantly
Many money you took from each of your offerings.
Beyond Te's date column, it will be your record of expenses and money
As we spent, we need to add a title to each column
Enter numbers in, then record your spending for
Items that fall into these categories. Then at the end of each
Monday, it's a simple matter of adding a total from each column
Know exactly where you stand relative to profit or loss - how much
It is done, and how well the ratio is balanced.
Bookkeeping and / or accounting is very simple and should not be done
Keep it simple, scaring up, the latest in advertising.
The secret of getting free advertisements
Opportunities for getting free ads on your products
Or service, with your own imagination
energy. There are so many proven ways of promoting
Review deleted
Think of them as a list.
One way is to write your specific relative articles
Submit to expertise and all publications and media transactions
In dissemination of relevant information. In other words,
You become a writer of your own publication and promotion. Tsutsu
Word out, establish yourself as an expert in your field
"Together with the tag" to the place with all writing
Address for catalogs, dealer opportunities, or more
It is information.
Another really good way is to become many guests like
It became a topic on radio and television, as an interview program
In fact, this is much easier to bring than most
People realize. Write letters to the producers of these programs,
Then follow in-person visits or the phone. Your initials
Cancellation and refund of participation fee, of the product or service
Programs of Interest for Listeners and Viewers - Perhaps
Save them time and money.
Other ways to get free or very cheap exposure are as follows
Post advertisement circulation on all free bulletin boards
In your area, especially coin laundry, food items
Store and beauty and barber shop. Do not discount the idea of
Distribute a call to all shoppers in busy shopping
Center and mall, especially weekend. Also you can join
Because the aid of junior high school students in your area was out
Circular every door.
Advertisement such as some daily methods
Relating to your product or service printed on the front or back
Printing with you on your envelope when you have them
Reply address.
Please check all publications that carry types of
Advertisement you need. Acquire only the publications of many mail orders
Provide a low rate that is unusual for the first advertiser to be started; a
Free insertion of your ad when you pay for the order
Tsutsu niece "Tsuzu" Tsu Tsu Tsu Tsu tsu tsu tsutsu tsutsu tsutsua
Twitchy knick. And there are many publications
Give per query (PI) space - organize all orders
Come to publication, they take a commission from each
Order forward to you for achievement, then order.
Many publications will give you a contract for you "" space. In this
Organize and send your ads to them and hold them to them
I have unsold spaces and always with a price of one third or even
Less regular price for space needs to insert your advertisement. along
Please check these lines in the neighborhood in the suburbs
It's a newspaper
If you send or publish a type of catalog or ad sheet, please get it
With touch, we will contact all other publishers
Possibility of exchange advertisement. They move their ads on them
Publish in exchange for running advertisements for them
Your equal size.
Finally, there is nothing in the world to defeat low costs
Wonderful exposure you get when advertising free offering.
Simply run ads that offer mostly free reports of interest
People --- Invitation "Tagline" and a simple one page report
The reader sends money for more information on all pages
Advertisement for your book or other product on the back side. Small tits.
In case of a self-stamped stamp envelope, and according to
Appeal for your report and circulation of publications
Which of your ads will appear, can easily flood
The trick here is of course to convert all these responses
Most of them to sales. this is,
"Tag line" to issue an invitation to send to readers
For more information, and all page advertisements on the back of the report,
And the complete package you send and other offerings it contains
Back to them. As mentioned at the beginning of this report,
The problem of unleashing your imagination. Doing it, you
You can not attract more powerfully.
Your goal.
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