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How to start money brokerage business

... and collect $ 100,000 for a year, please get a great charge to help
All other money is borrowed owing to others ...

Easy and most rewarding for fund mediation
Effort available. Since almost anyone can do it, mediation of money
With minimum investment. You can start this business
Part time base and acquire a large "finder fee" or open your own
Absolutely unlimited income office and full time of work

Until very recently, "money secrets"
Bankers who are closely guarded and are known for only a few options,
Investment corporation, business consultant. No other
Almost for the potential benefit of the project
investment! As an example, starting with less than $ 100, some
Money brokers made their first year to $ 100,000
business! This is the ideal way to complement men or women
Change his occupation after his or her current income, or period
Temporal. It is absolutely "Dream come true" for
A semi-retired or retired office worker.

I do not have another business that needs less than $ 100
So the startup cost you can put you in a 6-digit income bracket
None of them will give you power, prestige, or
Status --- equal to that in your community ---
Money broker.

To start, you need fixed, envelopes, and business
Your own letterhead and card. When ordering, please be sure to fill in the following
Your phone number. I also have a copy of your charge contract.
We presented a typical rate contract form (this is where you
Replicate after eradicating the instructions we give

As we started, the investment in this business is small.
You have a fee for your stationery, envelopes, cards, and finders
To the contractor, you have spent part of it. The other part
With both borrowers you
The lender is really in progress.

If you have your "working paper", you will do some
Advertise your local paper under the headline "to money
Loans, "or" business opportunities. "Typical ads may read:

   Building integration, money available for home repair,
   Expansion of business, value project consolidation

(This ad is used to "pull" the borrower)

   Businessman will expand the necessary capital. outstanding
  Collateral and reference. I will call John - Johnson after 4 PM

(This would be attracting lenders)

Depending on the phone or letter from the prospect,
We need to prepare (prepared by actually practicing)
Appropriate answers and sales pitch - (in the future
Borrower): "Yes, this is John - Johnson. Thank you for calling.
First, I will explain how it works. I am a money broker, Mr.
His name is! ) ____. I will bring you, borrowers, and lenders,
Together I have another source of money available --- bank,
Insurance companies, private investment groups of doctors,
Dentists, lawyers, and other professional people. My source is
To lend money and earn money in business. Let's see - I
You need to decide the purpose of the loan in your need and order
To properly prepare the necessary financial documents for your loan
As 10 different loan groups to acquire, many requests
Loans for you. If I had approval on your loan request,
I am paid from anywhere 2% to 10% total loan
Drawing. ..
We will finance the acquisition payment amount. I, however, will not charge $ 100
To cover my expenses in preparation, non refundable application fee
Make your own data on this portfolio of counterparts
Lenders In a nutshell, that is how these types of loans
Negotiated Well, how much do you need?

(Registration point is registered $ 500

This is about to start getting the information you are doing
In order to need to continue - the amount of money needed --- purpose
Loan --- the term the borrower wants for repayment - with profile
Educational background, employment history, birth date,
Social security number, marital status, general health, and
Number of dependents.

Then enter this information in the appropriate form and assemble
Present it in cover letter to at portfolio, at
At least five lenders for consideration.

Grant your brokerage fee when a loan is granted - a
The pre-determined percentage of the total loan figure.

   (Typical commission contract form)

Your name and address

Financial service agreement

The name of the unsigned borrower will appoint your name here as follows
Approve him to submit to his agent and lender data
For the purpose of the information provided by the borrower
The lender directly provides the loan and investment to the signatory. of
Investigations signed to pay your name, _____% charges
Amount of loan or investment acquired. I signed here
Pay $ ____ as a refundable fee for your name, time
Involved to evaluate the feasibility of the requested loan, this fee
It is different from everything
Other fess, according to the case where the loan is obtained.

___________________ _______________________

  Date borrowers

Checklist of questions to answer before purchasing a franchise

Franchise business such as Wendy 's, McDonald' s, Jack * In * The * Box etc is booming. Setting fc I have really promoted good ideas and business ideas. Just about every conceivable kind of business privilege is always being sold with increasing number.

Some privileges are very good. They handle both franchisors and franchisees well. The others are very single-sided. Still other almost total rip off, 10 to 50 business ideas, equipment, or whatever you trap one to pay the actual value of it

I examined the franchise for deposit. Whether to ask my question, I invest before I answer satisfactorily.

1. Your agent will investigate the privilege contract and fully discuss it with you and approve it without reservation.

2. The franchise needs to carry out any procedure that you are illegal or illegally also on the border, or you must do your state, county or city

3. Does the privilege give an exclusive area for the duration of the privilege period, or can the franchisor sell the second privilege in your area?

4. Franchisor for one month Continue this Other company dealing with other business base Similar products or services?

5. If answered to the above question, what is your protection against the company with the second privilege?

6. With respect to the circumstances, where and what are the costs in the termination franchise contract?

If you sell your privileges, will you be compensated for your favor or will you be lost?

8. How many years' company does the operation have been franchised?

9. Does the company providing this privilege have a reputation for honest people and fair coping in franchisees?

10. Does the franchisor show a proved figure showing the strict net profit of one or more of the members, personally checked the figure with these people?

11. The franchisor can help with: a) management training program; b) employee training program; c) pr activity and advertising program of a; d) capital

12. If necessary, will the franchisor help to find a suitable position?

13. Is there a franchising company that is sufficiently financed to carry out enjoyed plans?

14. Did the franchisor experience the management trained in depth?

15 Can not franchisor what can be done exactly?
In case
16 Have the franchisor investigate carefully enough to assure itself that you can successfully operate the benefits to both of you.

17 Does your state have a law to regulate sales franchises, and do franchisors comply with that law to your satisfaction?

18 years old How much do you need to buy fair capital privileges and operate your income until it matches your cost?

If you can get answers to each of these questions and their answers are satisfied, you are probably thinking about purchasing a fairly good privilege deal. If you have any doubts about any of these points, check it out and answer for the specific before you invest or sign anything

In the case of measuring security concerning purchasing franchises, we will go. Business survey shows that less than 20% of all franchised business will fail. This is compared to a failure rate of 60 to 80 percent for every new business starting in this country each year.

Information on the idea of ​​a particular franchise can be found in the directory of franchising that is generally available at the local library. Frequently there is a notice posted at the exit of the privilege itself.

If you can afford to enter this business, the statistics are on your side. About weapons and cautions against, it is a sign of stop & go!

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