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I will not call extraterrestrials

The earth is unique within our solar system. It is the only planet with intelligent life and has features that suggest that the situation of a planet like us is very rare.
The earth usually enters into what we call our sun's life corridor which is within the distance from the orbit of Venus to the orbit of Mars. Mercury is too hot to support life The gravity and coldness of gas giants (Jupiter, Saturn Uranus and Neptune) eliminate life from what happens in them
Neither Mars nor Venus creates intelligent life. Mars seems to be too small to hold the atmosphere, while Venus suffers from complete inimical runaway greenhouse effect on life, about the proper size.
The above gas giant seems to protect the earth from excessive shock from comets and floating asteroids. Sho McCart - Levi 9, Do you remember the comet of the pearl of the string that affected Jupiter in 1994? There is no doubt that it affected the earth.
The earth has other special properties. First of all, it is ubble. The gentle upset movement of the earth during the orbit around the sun gives us our season. Secondly, our moon is the largest satellite in proportion to the size of the solar system's planet. Large and relatively near, the moon gives us a generous tide.
Periodic tides and seasonal rhythms, in my opinion, if the choice life to promote the arrival of the earliest life form that can emerge from the first amphibian sea can not land, Communication intellectual life does not exist.
As we all know, the earth has a vast ocean of liquid water. Liquid water works to sustain life and it is certain that life will be born first, but it fulfills a different purpose. Recently, the question related to the greenhouse effect caused by atmospheric gases absorbing radiation in the infrared band and making the earth unacceptably warm, but we need some of this effect. We will freeze with absolutely greenhouse effect. Water vapor in the atmosphere supplies the necessary level of greenhouse gases to keep the surface temperature of the earth vivid. We need a lot of water as well as liquid water.
Time scale is another matter. Aside from the fact that we seem to be doing our best to provide some statistical data on that point, the survival of our own civilization
Do we know that we had some form of life here for more than 300 million years, we here have less than a million years quarter, and about 100 with us Intellectual life forms may arrive, prosper and die even without the opportunity to contact each other.
We will never chat with extraterrestrials.

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