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If you were born in 1942, m1954, 1966m197, 1990 or 2002, you are a horse.


You are popular with opposite sex and attractive. You can show off and show off. You need a person, but you need to marry a tiger or a dog. Avoid rats!

Horses want love and intimacy. The connection of love tends to come easily to horses, as they diverge things like raw sex appeals that are magnets to other people. This symbol tends to come on very strong at the beginning of the relationship, with nearly natural feeling of romance and temptation. Horses are generally seducers; checked from the list party is bound to find attending horses. This symbol has a sharp wit and witty presence, it really knows how to manipulate the crowd. Surprisingly, horses tend to feel a bit inferior to their misunderstandings, from their group, from their unbelievable, unreasonable fear of exposure as fraud.

Horses tend not to see lots of big pictures; instead they are quite early in the relationship, work, project traces of their cause which can be attributed to their whims Why this billboards for me, A lot. If you find peace within themselves, you can suppress their wandering tendencies and learn what some recognize in their own backyards.

Horses are nomads of Chinese Zodiac, moving from one place or project to the next place. There is a possibility to satisfy deep-seated desire to fit in all of the constant activity and search of this sign. Paradoxically, a horse feels a simultaneous longing for independence and freedom.

Greek - basic astrology

Greek astrology is often more properly called Hellenistic astrology. And actually in Egypt it is the first Christian era by Alexander the Great to overcome after some points. Hellenism Astrology also consists of Byzantine and Roman astrology. Therefore, there are many references to general geographical areas and history era, not specific societies and cultures.

Hellenism astrology can not be linked to any individual or culture, but it is the root of all modern, or Western astrology. Numerous papers are in Greece, in part Latin, that Natal astrology. This is a branch of astrology related to individuals. Some of the reasons why it is difficult to provide these documents to any individual or culture are over a period of about 800 years.

But it does not mean that important Greek philosophers and scientists are not part of the development of astrology. Hippocrates used astrology interpretation as part of his medical diagnostic system. Pythagoras studied in Egypt and there is nothing in Pythagorean theory in writing, but he said that the Earth, the planet, the stars have revolved thousands of years around the sun before Galileo But later, his theory, Aristotle, who declared the earth to be the center of the world, was rebutted.

Following the conquest of Alexander's Mesopotamia, Greek astrology began to take a more personal approach. Zodiacs and planets that are made to respond to figures from their myths. Greek astrology affects metaphysical astrology in India. At approximately 70 BCE, the Greeks devised the first personal horoscope based on the time of birth, at 30 BCE, the emperor's Augustus his horoscope charted by Thrasyllus

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