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Inappropriate use of automatic response

Inappropriate use of automatic response

Automatic response is amazing! When used in
There are many things, but there are several ways
Please do not use automatic response. using
Auto answer in inappropriate way, do things
For other people it was a bit more difficult, and it made it
Make things for you really bad!

To have one autoresponder answer another
Automatic reply function creates confusion and in some cases it
 You can overload the server. Application for this case
For something, using your autoresponder's e-mail
Address When you sign up, a message will be sent
Responds to someone else's auto answer
Your autoresponder to answer it,
Autoresponder - And this continues on, until
It stops manually and is straightened.

Some people use their autoresponder's address
They aim to sign up for a list of arguments. so
The effect causes an autoresponder message
Sent either to the entire list or to one of the lists.
List, every time a person sends an actual message
Discussion list. Needless to say, a list of arguments
Members and owners who frowned upon this exercise, and
The owner of the autoresponder gets banned.

Avoid these problems and use your autoresponder
The way it was meant to be used. Please do not use
Autoresponder irresponsible! Not only you create,
Problems for others, you may get
Report for spam!

(Word number 220)


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