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Indian jewelry beliefs and superstitions

Jewelry has been part of human life from the very beginning and all parts of jewelry almost always made a symbol or meaning. In the Greeks of the ancient civilization, the Egyptians, Indians and the Chinese were wearing jewelry as symbols and rankings of social conditions.

There was a strict rule and regulation that you need to follow when you are wearing jewels, so that you can convey your class, position, wealth. Let us see how many of them are changing today ...

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Jewelry has been part of human life from the very beginning and all parts of jewelry almost always made a symbol or meaning. In the Greeks of the ancient civilization, the Egyptians, Indians and the Chinese were wearing jewelry as symbols and rankings of social conditions.

There was a strict rule and regulation that you need to follow when you are wearing jewels, so that you can convey your class, position, wealth. Let's see how it changed today in the Indian jewelry world today and what the meaning behind each complex and attractive design is.

Indian jewelry beliefs and superstitions

India is a country of mystery and unimaginable beauty; almost everything you do or wear there has its own special meaning. Jewelry was always believed to have supernatural power and was carefully placed in jewelry worn by the king and queen.

It still carries all the bits of mystique, beauty and its complicated work as well as beliefs. Almost every single type of Indian jewelry has the meaning behind it and even if classes and wealth are no longer considered status symbols

Most of Indian jewelry is made as yellow 18K or 22K gold, and enough to make jewelry for wearing something less than married women are still known as 'mangalsutra' with gold I wear a black beaded necklace and it symbolizes the state of their marriage.

Other symbols and meanings of Indian jewelry

Since India is a rich country of jewelry and precious metals, there are certain Indian jewelry made to strengthen traditional dance and drama such as Bharat Natyam. There are specific kinds of jewelry in various parts of India and can be identified through it.

Indian jewelry today

Men's clothes today Indian jewelry and women have the same passion, their ancestors were wearing. Normally gold bracelets come with at least a dozen different types and colors of glass bracelets. Indian jewelry has special mystery and style as it is becoming very popular with top jewelry designers and people all over the world.

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