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Inferior, outsmarted, but not defeated

There are a few things to do when there is not a number during the game of paintball. Initially - there is no need to panic. Secondly, you need to think - it's just a game. Or is it?

The first thing to do is to select a team leader. After that, we will promptly make decisions when we must rely on our colleagues to be leaders.

Below is a paintball with no feeling like a team as much as you can do basic things.

Defense will be:

As your opponent team will have a little chance to sneak up on you, all of your teammates will be placed near the field boundaries and then point to such players by patrol field number Unlike team size). Especially look for enemies, take out their enemies and ask them to patrol around the field. If they notice groups of opponent team and this group does not notice them, this little patrol team will return soon and the enemy's position on the rest of the team


If the power of either enemy is notified and this force is the size of the squad, make sure that teams of similar size should be dispatched in the face of the opponent team

Seduce them:

We will keep customers' opponents and solicitations who should send patrols. However, there is a risk that if you do this, members of your opponent team may escape and warn your teammates. It may not happen, and victory will be the same as yours.

Ignore enemies:

You can also make a choice to pretend that you are not seeing opponent's enemies. The idea is that if you are not looking at you, you are not a threat to them.

Everyone gathered:

Carefully and carefully, please make sure to collect all members of your team together, you seem to be hard to use by the opponent team When you are there hunt the enemy's power, that side Please be sure to hit your opponent team from.

Basically, the best thing to do when you surpass the number is to relax. This way of thinking and behavior becomes clearer.

mark! You are it!

Paintballs are promoted by compressed gas in games where markers and guns are basically filled with non-lethal paint in capsules such as gels that are used to shoot the opponent.

Evolution of paintball for markers throughout the year - that's why we created the reasons you used now.

Markers for trails, trees and cows:

Believe it or not, the use of these markers started in the 70 's. The gun used was powered by gas. Then - whether by inspiration or boredom - these gun users started playing, instead of aiming at them with other objects, guns to each other

There is a paintball:

It was that in 1981 a group of friends decided to make their own unique version of the paintball. They were talking among themselves and using the same guns they were using to mark trees when they were decided to buy wood gun manufacturing. The gun was then changed to control the speed as well as the power of the marker.

They generally disseminated guns and markers and the paintball game officially began in 1982 in the field near Rochester, New York.

First paint ball marker:

Ironically, it was a paintball for use because it was not even a paintball marker that the first paintball marker was not called. It was called paint pellets and was originally created by the Nelson Paint Company for the forest industry. It was invented by James Hale and the patent was approved at January 29, 1974.

The first paintball gun:

The first and only gun specially designed for paint balls was later called Splatmaster invented by a man named Robert-Shepard who was issued a monthly 3,1985 patent, a marker was developed by electro-pneumatic cancer I know that.

The first paintball marker to wash:

A specially designed marker with washable liquid placed in a soft gelatin capsule is invented by a person named George Skogg and the liquid of this special marker is more precise when shot: When you hit something, it is brighter and more visible. It can be easily washed with regular soap and water or detergent.

It is a paint ball marker and we are friendly to users and players. It is a game as many people who can be enjoyed by people of Beef Trees as those people used to imagine. Hurray for paintball!

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