Empire by email or other means
There seems to be any number of attractive multilevel marketing
Programs available these days. Our researchers
All of them based on their appeal for
Many of the participants put money
Your pocket. But do not ever mislead ourselves into the thought so far
We need nothing at multilevel sales cost
A lot of your time, or work on your part. Certainly, it succeeded
Sales, and most certainly, multilevel marketing will be required
Investment - decision - and so much hard work!
But before you sign up "any of the MLM contracts or starting
Your own, it's going to pay you to do a little of the market
Research related to the potential of sales of all transactions. for
Instance, if you can sell to "Waiting Market"
However, if you want to recruit as duplicate people trying
Yourself, feeling that they are going to have a hard time selling it
To someone else, you do not have a lot of Victory MLM
If you can claim how much money regardless of the program
Only they get there and sell it!
This specifically applies to the MLM program "Limited
Appeal "Gourmet recipe, health food, home products and other products
"knick-knacks", a book on needlecraft or magazine subscription.
Also note the transactions you need to purchase inventory.
Maintain a specific sales level. Please look for "bad part" of
, And weigh the weight of these anti-
You can sell it. On the bottom line, if you are having trouble
People who sell it and recruit you for selling it for you
But sales are exactly "big
Money "Muti level program.
There are countless reports, manuals, books and others
Publications that will tell you how to achieve wealth in "probably"
Mail order, sales of party plans, and sales of street corners. of
Things that all of these "how-to" publications are about to tell you
How to put the mailing part together, how often will you send for you
"Offering neatness and quality, and importance"
Offering in within, other aid so far
You will get your offer to your most likely customers. as you know,
Why do buyers with interests with regards
to make money.
What I want to say is that most people are wasting time,
Use hundreds of dollars and do not simply make money
Because they do not know how to get their offer to
People - it does not cost them the arms and legs. .
Regardless of whether here it is communication,
Together with the most dynamic and massive attraction "1 page" advertisement
You can come up with a circle. As I have said so frequently
The past, the bestseller and the most productive circle are one of them
"You tell readers who have solutions to many of his money
In other words, in your circle, promise him the way
He is interested not only to enrich myself, he will jump
With your program.
Next, please make it as easy as possible for those who see you
Provide response. In other words, in addition to order coupons
Please give the bottom of circulation of advertising, describing your offering
Please minimize the opportunity he participates in your program
If you are putting together "Victory Offer" Most people watching it
I would like to know more about it, but if you charge them $ 5
Registration or registration fee, you will lose about half of them
Because they are afraid of being ingested, "I want it". But if
You charged you $ 2 or less, watching you for almost all people
The offer will take you a chance, just to find the type of deal "
You are offering.
In summary, you need to have an advertisement circle of one page
Chance to solve all you really appeal to most of the people
Money problem! Must include in coupon clip off
It can be sent or registered program.
It must be sold at less than $ 2 to get "everbody" at least
Check it out. And you need a complete one page
Cost of line printing.
If so, until now, this
Advertisement circle You have made it in its original form, quickly
Printer in your area. Ask him to print these $ 10,000
A circle of one page of advertisement for you. This is expensive
Approximately $ 200
I can do something, but I arrange my work
Pay him in 30 days at the printer, or to include him as
"Silent partner" of your program. Ask him to read on you
The offer explains how you get it to people, about
How much money would you then expect from gross to. Then simply provide to
If he carries your printing fee for you split your income.
While the circulation is printed and the ink is dry,
Line up your initial allocation effort. First things to do
Please contact the organization of Cub scout and brownies in your area.
Arranged with the leaders of these groups to pay them per $ 10
If they are people at the station at every exit thousands of people
Shopping center in your area, pass one of your circles
They tell them just a shopping center
That you have 10,000 of these circulars in hand, and that
You will pay them $ 100 for the first time to distribute them
That month
The best kinds of places to distribute your circulars are those things
Discount store, recycled clothing store, inventory
Reduced sales. Place to get next to your list
circulars, flea market, swap, shop event, even
Garage sale It is a place where many people gather
Coming and going are good places to pass from your advertisement
circulars - everything in your own home town and without postage.
A good part comes now. .. While your "hired helper" is passing
Out of circulars for you in a strategic location throughout the area,
You need to call it directly at all shopkeepers and shops
Owner or manager in the area.
Display each copy of your circle. Description of the program
Although it has come to be able to offer, I got the profit of
Hand them by dropping one at each purchase
Their customers. The store will not want to be involved
Extra bookkeeping is also handling of money for you, so you are
We must devise ways to know where your order came from -a
A code for each of the shops to distribute circulation for you.
This is very easy. Just assign another "department number"
For each store, if you have a circulation printed for each
The store inserts the department code at the address where the leader is located
I should send his order ..
In general it should provide providing circulars
Including dealers of cost, "special coding"
For each store. Therefore, the need for a good relationship
Using a printer in your area. Amount of fee
The order you received that you allow each store,
15-30 percent, of course, always try to finalize each transaction
For the lowest amount.
Remember to keep the record of al in your order. It will be
For wisdom, we have separate store of each notebook. Therefore,
You can check the number of orders received from each order
When you pay his fee to him, the distributor's customer with him
At the end of the month. At the same time, it should be jot
Name, address, phone number of each person to send
Please place an order on the 3x5 index card. Alphabet
The order of the postal codes of ads store them in old shoeboxes. When you are here
10, 15, or 25000 of them, you will be able to sell them with $ 1
For any number of names of mailing list brokers.
Another thing you want to do, each envelope that you receive - clip
Stamp off and save these in yet another shoebox - stamp
Collectors will pay you $ 10 for each complete shoebox for $ 25
Stamps you can collect. After clipping the stamp,
Please fill out the customer's return address on these envelopes
Still another storage box. When there are several boxes
There, from those who spent money with you, these envelopes
Any number of "buyers on the list" would pay you for them.
Once saturated with a circular reseller that has your town -
Please leave a stack on every barber shop and beauty
Counter cafe restaurants such as salons, bowling
The center, the theater, and also the "Lodge" of all brothers as well
As a labor union within the area - your next move is to make it simple
Reproduce these efforts in neighboring towns and cities.
Basically a toy multi level sales and gross
Advertisement - We will recruit your efforts. Your main thrust
We need to "pull in" as many people as possible - show them
Forget about them and move on to the next prospect. ..this is
Called "exploration", it is going on to take your money and time,
Regardless of what you are going to sell.
So you put together "invitation type announcement" together
Your first 42 ad circle, you get it like much
People as much as possible. They will pay a "cover charge" of $ 2 to find you
Before you get your shake all your uproar
Welcome basket waste basket thinking about this:
Let's say there are 42,000 people in your town - 30,000
Adults, and 18,000 separate families. In each of these cases 18,00
How much money does the family should have sent $ 2?
Is it 436,000? Well, tell me if you want to do
I have an extra $ 36,000.
People send $ 2 to "see" in your program
Solve their money problems. You put them back to multilevel
Duplicate in a way to describe the program brochure
Make a bunch of money for yourself as you are doing,
The cost of consumables for them to begin. at the same time,
You are offering sending another one page advertisement circular
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