The Internet is evolving, including personal MySpace pages, individual blogs, as well as information, as well as information on how the public finds and deals with how to listen to music
One of the most popular formats in the future is the Internet radio. Let's talk about the internet station Promote people, characteristic reproduction major only - the artist's music.
Internet radio station has been online for over three years. .
Small tits. :
From internet radio, independent music artists, music, radio, privilege internet radio,
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The Internet is evolving, including personal MySpace pages, individual blogs, as well as information, as well as information on how the public finds and deals with how to listen to music
One of the most popular formats in the future is the Internet radio. Let's talk about the internet station Promote people, characteristic reproduction major only - the artist's music.
Because the Internet radio station was online for more than three years, listeners music in an eclectic music format and unique opportunity for independent bands are brought to the forefront at stations like www.ilike2rock .net.
As for the ilike 2 radio station I talked with DJ Tom of I, not only the bands and individual artists they advertise, but also to the public as to why it is important.
"First of all, it's all about music," explains DJ Tom. "We provide independent artists the opportunity to submit their music freely to us and give them the opportunity to do it, they just" on the site "on our site" bands "and artists band Bios, media kit, and of course submitting permission to submit music, obviously this service will then ezines, other internets "
Then add it to the table. I asked DJ Tom to explain in detail.
"This will introduce the band with" Talent Showcase "also to reach the opportunity for the band to achieve independent audiences and new fans for independent bands and artists and activate the band with playlists We also use the artist's own promotional materials (blogs, YouTube, my space) and link up with them within our website structure, and their "
Free program download "Fate music player" can be adjusted with other internet radio stations in the station. Even though it is a computer for many music players and navigates very easy to use.
Tired of the same format from your local radio station? You can add ilike 2 rock to the tune 150 or more (count) is a song playlist to independent bands and artists. I listened to DJ Tom about some of the bands they play and promote.
"This is the most exciting thing for me, we play independent bands to submit to us (and the music submits), all of the music genre I am for all our bands and artists Some of the bands we promote are called FX which we play in the Sturgis bike and hide from Creo, one of the hottest bands in Michigan province "
I was impressed very much with Tom of DJ and it is stimulated to find too new bands when listening on the internet. After all, it is always about music.
Interstellar: Films about searching amateur astronomy and extra terrestrials
If there are hobbies and work not rewarded by this world, that is amateur astronomy. Amateur astronomers are funded under underestimate and always obvious. However, these small giants of space science can also limit the limits of our scientific knowledge to the unevaluated nature of this effort, without having to work in the constraints of some established scientific theory and database Regardless, in many cases, you find yourself against the science establis. .
Small tits. :
ufo, alien, interstellar, astronomy, astronomer, amater, John - Leonard - Walson
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If there are hobbies and work not rewarded by this world, that is amateur astronomy. Amateur astronomers are funded under underestimate and always obvious. However, these small giants of space science can also limit the limits of our scientific knowledge to the unevaluated nature of this effort, without having to work in the constraints of some established scientific theory and database Regardless, in many cases, we find ourselves in conflict with scientific establishment, amateur astronomers reach in astronomy
Okamura Keiichiro, a Japanese amateur astronomer, taking photographs of Halley's comet just using his telescope without the help of a computer so far He is the most powerful explosion known in the gamma ray burst, the universe After becoming the first amateur astronomer to discover the afterglow of South Africa Berto Monard has recently been largely ignored by NASA or was neglected early in his work.
Michael Oates pioneered technology using advanced photographic processing techniques to search for comets NASA's SOHO archives that missed before British amateur astronomical Australian amateur astronomer Owen Robert - Evans as a record high Supernova explosion of the number and number of visual discoveries. America's own Clyde W. Dragonfly began his career as an amateur astronomer and later discovered Pluto after being hired by the Lowell Observatory in 1928
Oates took a lot of years to draw attention. Evans is the Minister of the Union Church of Australia who has 40 supervised discoveries on his credit, but when he began his work in the 1950's Young and Under Rating Clyde W. Dragonfly found his niche at the Lowell Observatory. This is a businessman, author, mathematician and amateur scientist and astronomer of Percival * lowell, who discovered himself to the scientific community after insisting where cannels were on Mars, on the surface of Mars He argues that there may be an artificial structure.
"John - Leonard - Walson" is an amateur astronomer and developed a system that shoots and video tapes near the earth and deep space objects. These objects seem to be huge spaceships and mega structures built with unknown intelligence. I learned Walson through a wonderful new movie called Interstellar. This movie is another wonderful piece of the eclectic movie director Jose Escamilla. UFO researchers and enthusiasts highly appreciate his work on several movies documenting evidence of foreign visits. Jose not only rejoiced it but also revived the but suggestive, visual work of art notifying it.
Walson represents a new generation of amateur astronomers in the 21st century who are simply moving beyond the planet. Unlike most of their professional colleagues, they do not choose to ignore the signs of other lives in the universe. Instead, they search and document the evidence for those signs. Karl - Sagan once said, summarizing the attitude of the twentieth century of most astronomers, "I'm looking for stars, not satellite or planet. I am not looking for E.T."
John * Leonard Walson's trick is unique and he has a substantial body of surprising picture as his way is not yet proved, but he also has some fans in the scientific community I'm waiting. Astronomers and other people from scholars visit the shadow of this picture and are impressed with his technique. Sadly, his work may be the best secret in amateur astronomy. I certainly have not seen anything about him on the mainstream media. But I believe that new film from Jose Escamilla will be changed to take hold on TBLN.
Hara will exhibit his work, the vast distance of the universe is a little too large, it can look like the sky. This movie is a must for people who are interested in space science or those interested in exploring extraterrestrial organisms. For people like me it is fresh air that the majority of astronomers had to bear with skepticism for years. You can not do almost anything, nor will you give credibility to the evidence to prove the existence of our own outside life. Tipping over their hats to other forms of thought of the universe's life turns to the right and asserts that it can not do just that we can visit us
If astronomers, scientists, news media are skeptical of John Lenard Walson, he is in a good company. Like the pioneers of astronomy that came before him, Walson is supposed to change the hearts of many people. I hope that the film doing stunning work like documenting it with his work will do more than that. I would like to see the direction of astronomy go back to business to investigate it away from ignoring the evidence of the living organisms outside the ground.
It was not long ago that scientists and astronomers believed that the universe was more than just collections of lifeless objects. Some felt that it was "full of life". "It is always skeptical of me that the few major scientists and astronomers who owe grants and carriers directly or indirectly to government funding and intervention are sold out, Is sold out his / her profession and it reaches the far part of the universe from the assumption of life other than a human being affected by the deletion place
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