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Invite the best-selling author to your book club

In an attempt to provide readers with a unique and engaging experience, the author John Shore has made unprecedented efforts to connect with bookclubs nationwide

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Invite the best-selling author to your book club

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In an attempt to provide readers with a unique and engaging experience, the author John Shors is making unprecedented efforts to connect with the book clubs throughout the country. Shors is the author of "under the marble sky" which is a work of historical novels based on remarkable stories behind Taj - Mahal 's creation. "Art work" which is welcomed by book review as "under the marble sky" has been made in major Hollywood movies and received "this year's book" award from the previous bibliography

Shoes has asked the national book club to invite him to participate in their conference. By his count, he is spoken by about 200 clubs (via speakerphone). Shors said, "I grew up reading a few books in a week and I wanted to ask the author questions after completing a lot of work. Unfortunately, I usually sign in a stranger's room In a book, I had some kind of conversation.If feeling that the reader is more valuable, I will do a wonderful effort to connect with the reader if I have published a novel I promised "

"Under the marble sky" was published as a hard cover in 2004. As his book hit the list of bestsellers, Shors created his book club program he called to the book club across America. The club is necessary to simply contact him in advance and have a convenient speakerphone. Shors was chatted weekly with his website ( and soon with several book clubs.

"My book club program was a lot of fun for both me and the reader." The reader is concerned about the process of transforming my novels, publishing industry, or "under the marble sky" into the main film You can ask some questions. They get amongst their friends to talk to me in a way that is very casual and open-ended. Most people like to tell you the ventilation as a group. "

Which American security will threaten soap to Hollywood

How many Americans, the most sophisticated tools of modern communication are beamed in almost all countries on this country and the earth, about that people

Every time I travel abroad, I watch this program at work and witness the results. "I am very grateful for this opportunity to know you and your family," In 2000 Muslim women in India said. "We are no value for Americans ...

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National Security, Conflict Resolution, Peace, Islamic Relations

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How many Americans, the most sophisticated tools of modern communication are beamed in almost all countries on this country and the earth, about that people

Every time I travel abroad, I watch this program at work and witness the results. "I am very grateful for this opportunity to know you and your family," In 2000 Muslim women in India said. "We thought Americans were not worth, I never thought to them Children and all my family members do a good manners of life, but I can not see it.

Daily war of wages of our own self-created publicity for us.
What is this image of America? If someone totally launched to create a powerful propaganda strategy to hurt the state credit, they will be sold to foreign countries in Hollywood, and an overall citizen

Our soaps are displayed on a daily basis in the thousands of slums of Rio de Janeiro, Cape Town, Nairobi, Bangkok, and other cities globally. It is Hollywood for a nice profit with resale sale.

As an American, we cheapened ourselves by their presence in our house. But at least most of us live in a mansion filled with greedy people who neither we nor our neighbors are looking for their next contact

Unfortunately, most of the world does not know this. This realization was the first time I was stunned when I lived abroad in the 1980s and the evening began.

Do you really think that what they see on television is the real life of America? Today, there is no question in my mind. After getting enough opportunity to know me that they are free to speak honestly, I have experienced people in Africa and Asia, "I am everyone I thought it was .... "

 In the world we are a city of sin.
Holywood's profiteering means to the world that we are syncity. We create cheap and immoral feelings, cut them out, people believe. We are unprincipled; materialistic; we satisfy our lusts, they believe ourselves without thinking.

At this time, I am doubting welfare, others, seeking a point standard or request. People believe that we are showing who we are and how we are alive. Why should they trust a nice word? Our tilt to lecture others on the right and wrong makes us look particularly hypocritical.

To make matters worse, our vast military network - the base of the 60 countries - and the history of frequent use of violence, to advance "national interest" - we dropped bombs in 23 countries

Can we blame Muslims where sexual humility and purity are important values? Fortunately, civilians of innocent people were sacrificed against the teachings of the US Koran against violence against Muslims. But considering our paintings Hollywood puts on screens all over the world every year the percentage will be mixed in the anger of justice. In case you do not need to do anything except for those who have a purpose and are hatred already exist.

Many Americans are disappointed with the reaction of Iraqis to our occupation. Why they do not have a little patience, people wonder?

Part of the answer is that the Iraqis were skeptical of the long American intention, like most of the world. They wanted to get rid of Saddam, so many people wanted the best when the United States invaded. But their trust was originally very low, so it was an error in some of us to persuade the Iraqi that their long-standing doubts were true

In the era of portable and powerful weapons, the military power on the earth is sadly American, as long as most of us believe that we are morally corrupt and selfish, Americans sadly, the truth That is that moral corruption and selfishism exist within us. But can not we suppress supporters of evil exaggeration at least to the world?

Now that we are not trusted at the most basic level of social integrity, now the harsh truth is that we are clearly supported by the majority of the world and we look immoral, but also ruthless It looks incomprehensible.

 What you need to build sustainable security
Our security can never rest with vain efforts to destroy every threat living abroad with violence. As we can say, we can not "cut off the head of the snake" which threatens now. When the majority distrust us, all strikes, even "successful" things will multiply our enemies.

Sustainable security, people around the world, when we see that the wealthiest and most influential country in history, take seriously the everyday happiness of others

When the majority have seen the evidence of this, now the honest people can not point much, the extremists of the world will get a few followers. That day, the scattered rabblerousers still have noise and rails against us from the margins of their community, the world is handicapped and more than our bombs and looting special forces

Meanwhile, in the meantime, we show that the entertainment world's greatest people show some responsibilities to their fellow citizens and relax off to disinformation they are peddling overseas

Copyright Ron Kraybill 2006.

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