Numerology is to use a combination of divination numbers and numbers. Numerology is often used as part of a spiritual reading. Each number corresponds to meaning. They also correspond to the letters of the alphabet. These meanings and correspondence are interpreted numerology and charts are made fortune telling.
The number used is from zero to ten. Any number greater than 10 is broken down by adding two digits of the number together to obtain a single di. .
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Psychic, fortune-teller, Tarot, Astrology, Paranormal, New era, Runes character, Horoscopes, Horoscopes
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Numerology is to use a combination of divination numbers and numbers. Numerology is often used as part of a spiritual reading. Each number corresponds to meaning. They also correspond to the letters of the alphabet. These meanings and correspondence are interpreted numerology and charts are made fortune telling.
The number used is from zero to ten. Any number greater than 10 is decomposed by adding two digits of the number together to obtain a single digit number. I explain the generally accepted meaning of numbers from zero to ten:
0 - All and nothing at the same time
1 - singular, individual
2-balance, pair
6 - Responsibility
7-mind, thinking
8 power
9 - The end
10 - Please start again
The meaning of numbers often varies according to each numerologicalist. In general, however, the above meaning is a good representation of the meaning of the most frequently used numbers. Sometimes numbers 11 and 22 are assigned special meanings as prime numbers representing the most important and meaningful numbers in numerology.
Numbers are also related to letters of the alphabet. For this number, 1 through 26 are used. Normally in the report of numerology it is written that the person's name is a number for each letter and then categorized. The numbers are then added together, down to the number between one and ten. For example:
Sue will be the number of 18/20/5
18 will be 9
20 will be 2
Stay as 5
It is then added: 9 + 2 + 5 = 16
The answer is, 16 is decreasing to one digit of 7
This is the basis of words translated into numerology. It is an important part of the process, but something every numerologist needs to know.
Numerology charts are often done for one person, or like such a relationship, you can compare two people. In numerology reports, in many cases, please tell me about the internal mechanisms of people and relationships.
Numerologist can not only make a connection between letters and numbers but also can add and interpret the meaning behind the results of my work Numerology reports are often long Take a considerable bit of time to quit. Reports are often based on the name and date of a person's birth. Name and birth date are broken down into various equations, each of which means something different.
Numerologists need basic information, name and birth date to complete the birth number archetype chart. Make it even more complicated and you need additional information. Relationship charts require the names of both individuals and their birthdays and may require an anniversary date depending on the reading to be done.
Numerology requires a lot of skills so that you can remember all the corresponding details of numbers and letters. Numerologist also needs to learn different meanings of different mathematical expressions to come up with numbers and reading results. It takes time to learn, and this time, it is said that it is difficult if it does not. A good numerologist can explain the process to the customer and be able to answer questions you may have.
Numerology is a form of fortune telling and can be used on other forms of fortune telling and small scale such as tarot reading and rune casting. The numbers always have special meanings and they can add depth to Tarot's reading and Rune Casting. Many spiritual readers sometimes associate their reading with numbers as they might receive messages in the form of numbers.
Roman army battle tactics
The battle fought in much the same way as the era before Marius except for heavier use of artillery. In many cases, before the heavy infantry was sent, weakened and disappointed the enemy with the missile launch barrage from fighter and barista (ancient artillery). But they could not do such a thing. It's a sin ..
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The battle fought in much the same way as the era before Marius except for heavier use of artillery. In many cases, before the heavy infantry was sent, weakened and disappointed the enemy with the missile launch barrage from fighter and barista (ancient artillery). But they could not do such a thing. A single line was replaced by three to five male lines so that soldiers could easily fall or rotate to replace tired comrades.
The training and the uniform gears that improved, however, think that a new form of cohort will change and a new task. These were the main examples that exemplified the ingenuity and effectiveness of the Roman war. First of all, it was probably the most famous, Turtle, or Testudo. When deployed effectively, the soldiers will lift and link the large Scutum's rectangular shields, the entire company will be almost completely intact square box in missle fire, drop off from above
Wedge was also a very important tactic used by Romans. A small or large group of army soldiers can form a triangle and use that point to drill a hole in the enemy's line. The troops in the triangle also reinforce to break through the enemies and help to effectively create a solid "point". It was very important in the fight to be able to destroy and break the enemy's formation, as it could very well be a difference in win or loss.
A skirmish formation was also used. A person's ordinary hard line effectively spaces to wobble themselves, effectively to increase the apparent size of the unit. This tactic was very helpful when it is necessary to quickly attack and retreat, or to march a rough terrain. It is easy to line back to the back of gentle troops anymore.
The attitude of the Repel cavalry was very effective and devastating to enemy cavalry. This required only two lines of men. The first line will kneel down and securely interlock their shields Form an incomprehensible wall with their pilum Fingers at an angle of about 40 to 5 fingers The line of men behind them is the first line of I put a shield on top. They have their pilum prepared for approaching and throwing in the cavalry. This was very effective as horsed will not happily charge on the solid wall of shield and spear point. Instead, the horses will probably come to a stop in front of the line, leaving the Legionella Inn free to throw their pilum and slaughter enemies.
The last tactical arrangement, called Orb, was used as the formation of the last stance defense. Any number of soldiers separated from the rest of the army, or if they are surrounded by enemies, they are close circles of officers and shooters and corps in the center on the outside This is a battle during battle Because small group soldiers were often formed, highly trained and trained troops at individual levels were needed.
The Empire Corps of the Roman Empire represented the technical height of the army. At this point the army had tweaked their tactics, organization, and equipment and gears to create unstoppable war machines. When the military gained momentum, adopted a new recruitment method and began to emphasize the battlefield and society, the Roman Empire ceased its expansion and focused on defending the borders. By the end of the third century AD, the Roman military power had passed its height, declined, began to fight against the constant attack along its borders.
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