The deficiency of milk may exist even very early after delivery, but still can be removed. This, however, should not be achieved by means that rely too frequently. Sooner or later, this will prove to be harmful to the mother's constitution. Allow to keep a nurse and this point can be produced by an individual, both in terms of quantity and quality, milk obtained, sufficient, nutritious, and good
I recommend plain, generous and nutritious meal; exclusively one explanation without food, but as natural it is healthy, mixed, animal and vegetable diet, Regular exercise in the field is most important as it has a special effect on promoting the secretion of healthy milk. Carriage exercises that can get it after leaving the room lying at an early stage should be preferred, in weeks or so, for horse exercises, or daily lukewarm or cold saltwater shower bathroom It should be used every morning; but if it can not bear to wash the body withsalt sponges with sponges
By patiently adopting the above plan, milk yields are good enough and quality is good, as evidenced in the following cases, by the composition of the parent:
I attended a woman who is 24 years old, a delicate but healthy woman with her first imprisonment. Labor was good. Although everything promised that the breasts had expanded, except that it proceeded smoothly for the first week, a sufficient supply of nutrition for infants would be near the next two weeks A slight, but a very gradual amount increase occurred, so a dessert spoon was obtained only for the middle of this period, probably with a mean expiration time the child was not necessarily given to an artificial diet As a result, the bowels became crazy and severe diarrhea continued.
Because it was so small that it did not have the power to grab the nipple of that nurse because of the loose intestines. But after a few days it can get breast milk for itself; and in the same month, to shorten the case, the mother and the child will return home, the former being her chest With a very equitable proportion of healthy milk in, the child is complete
However, if the supply of nutrition is shortage early, the most frequent occurrence of infant 's demand growing larger than the mother can meet before the sixth or seventh month is generally the It must consist of artificial food, which must be of the recruitment type, before the six months and must be given through the bottle.
Baby crying - reason.
Crying is a normal event of all baby's life. The first thing to do when the baby comes out of the oh crying.By the first cry, he will take some air to the lungs for the first time in his life. After giving birth, if the baby is not crying, you need to start by pinching your feet a little or gently stroking. From this it is obvious that a healthy baby should cry and it is still some time, it can confuse mothers and families, positive
We all know that a baby can not tell his need or need of a word. The only way he communicates with other people is to cry. There is a gesture motion and a head rotation park, kicking the foot like a baby's part, like other signs. But the best way to catch others' attention is to cry.
Excessive crying, the crying habit changes from baby to baby, so some babies can calm down easily, so if you have a firm definition you can call your mother and home nurse crying heartache I can do it. Many times the baby will quiet by giving milk or carrying with gentle upset. A sudden onset of excessive crying requires attention as the baby is suffering. The cause of crying extends to a life-threatening state for simple reasons. You should not ignore the crying baby for that.
In most cases it is difficult to find the cause of cry. Common causes are discussed here for consciousness.
General reasons for crying:
1, starvation: -
A hungry baby will cry until he gets milk. Here the old adage gets the real 'crying baby gets milk'.
2 Wetting: -
Urination and defecation cause some discomfort, bringing her part to be clean and cry until dry.
3 company: -
The majority of children need someone nearby. They feel cry if they feel loneliness. When their favorite doll slides out of the grip, they cry for help.
4, I'm tired: -
When a baby is tired after traveling and can not sleep, just cry. They feel tired from unpleasant acidity due to the unhealthy climate.
5, heat and cold: -
However, I will scream with calmness of heat or cold. Children are comfortable in a ventilated room.
6 hard cloathing: -
Tight cloaths during warm weather are particularly unbearable for children. Tight elastic dress can also produce pain in the hip region.
7, dark room: -
I wake up from his sleep, but he needs it, it is necessary. If there is darkness he hinders parents' sleep by shouting. Naturally he is screaming and frustrated by a strong light.
The power of 8: -
Yes, these living things disturb sleep by sucking blood and let the baby cry.
Nostrils of 9: -
Children may cry until a passage is open as children can not sleep when they have a cold.
10, throat sputum: -
This also causes difficult breathing and weeps. In many cases, typical sounds can be heard with each breath.
11, general pain: -
In influenza, you can see restlessness and generalized body pain, and you can cry in the precursor season of several infectious diseases.
12, habitual shouts: --- Some babies cry without any real cause of ending their parents with pain. In many cases, doctors are being asked for help.
13 diaper rash: - If a hard, wet diaper is kept for the result for this conditon for a long time.
The rash may also be due to some allergic reaction to the elastic material of the diaper. When a rash is displayed, it causes pain and the baby can not sleep and cries. Eczema, ecthyma's other skin lesions such as ect of candidiasis all also cause the same problem.
14, otic pain: -
Ear infection is common in wet weather. Infection may spread from your throat. Ear infection can result from the rupture of the tympanic membrane causing pus emptying. Eareache usually gets worse by lying down late. Children may be unable to cry and become unable to touch the ears. Some children with otic pain frequently rub the affected ears.
15, colic: -
When the baby's cry constantly diagnoses it as most of us painfully. This roblem is still subject to discussion because the exact cause of colic is unknown and it is difficult to confirm the diagnosis. Pain may be associated with abdominal twinkle, distention. I feel like I have many children, I am sleeping abdomen. It depends on the free will of some children, and also touches touch. If the child is crying, a doctor's help is needed on an ongoing basis.
16, infectious diseases: -
All infectious diseases cause some kind of pain and inflammation. Infections are everywhere in the body. It is usually associated with fever, redness, swelling.
17, responses to specific foods: -
It is said that one man 's food is another man' s poison. Some foods are allergic to some. Allergy appears in the form of redness, shortness of breath, stomach symptoms and continuous cry.
18 stiff seats: -
Hardstools and baby's constipation may cry when they get an impulse for the stool. Some children hesitate to pass the seat for suffering.
19, gastroesophageal reflex: -
Here, the baby spends his food after breast-feeding and cries. If this continues it may be due to gastroesophageal reflections. This is due to the failure of the lower part of the esophagus that closes later than by food causing regurgitation from the stomach. It is difficult to diagnose this condition and can be confirmed by giving anti-reflex drugs.
20 tooth development: -
I cry between my dentist's children and I feel restless. Frequently associated with stomach trouble and diarrhea.
Some rare reasons
1 intestinal disturbance: -
Bowel obstruction is associated with severe pain and vomiting. The abdomen was rugged and bulging. The baby constipates with the absence of flatus.
2, sepsis: -
The invasion of pathogenic microorganisms into the blood is called sepsis. Heat is associated with this condition.
Torsion of the testicle of 3 male children: -
It should be examined when male babe constantly shouts at his scrotum. Twisting of the testicle creates a worse pang due to the contact of the affected testicles. When the testicle is pushed upwards the pain will be releived. If this is not handled correctly, you can damage the affected testes due to lack of blood supply.
4, meningitis: -
Initially it may not be You ignore the excitement when you look at the sky by replacing the crying baby's fever. The fountain gate is swelling. A neck stiffness seizure is displayed.
5 urine retention: -
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