Success is more than economic benefits, titles, and degrees. A plan for success is about mapping all aspects of your life. As with the map, you need to define the origin, destination, vehicle, backpack, landmark, and route details.
Origin: Who is it
The map has a starting point. Your origin is the one you are in now. When most people were asked to introduce ourselves, "Hi, I'm Jean and I are 17 years old, I am a student of senior high school." It does not tell you whether Jean is who. In order to gain insight about yourself, look closely to your confidence, values, and principles apart from your economic, professional, cultural, and civil state as well as you To reflect insight into good and bad characteristics, skills, knowledge, strengths, and weaknesses in your experience Our department is motivated to realize Jean and awaits a wide service orientation. Her trend was in the biological medical field. Furthermore, she believed that life had to fulfill its purpose.
To: The vision of the person you want to be
"Who would want to be?" This is your vision. It is now important to know yourself, as you will have a clear idea of who you want to be. If you do not know yourself little, your vision and target of the future will also not be obvious. Your destination needs to cover all aspects of your existence: physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual. Continue with Jean's story, after she defines her beliefs, values and principles of life, she wants to have a life that is dedicated to serving her fellowmen
Vehicle: Your mission
Vehicles are the means by which you can reach your destination. It can be analogized to your mission and occupation in your life. For the most part, your delegation is determined by what you know about yourself. Based on Jean's self-assessment, she decided that she was suitable for becoming a doctor and thought she wanted to be one. Her chosen occupation was a doctor. Her vision - to fully explain the mission: to live a life devoted to serve her colleagues as a conflict area doctor.
Travel Bag: Your knowledge, skills, and attitudes
Food, drinks, medicines, and other travel necessities are put in bags. Applying this concept to your life's map, you also bring specific knowledge, skills, and attitudes. These will determine your ability and help you achieve your vision. Given such a thing, you need to evaluate what you need to get along the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and paths you currently have. This double rating will give you insight about your landmark and the measure of success. Jean noticed that she needed to acquire professional knowledge and medical skills to become a doctor. I wanted to feel like I was doing something that surprised me.
Landmark and route: S.M.A.R.T. Target
In case of landmark confirmation you can decide the route. Therefore, landmarks and routes are also necessary to plan your life. These landmarks are a measure of success. These measures must be concrete, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-constrained. Therefore, since the minimum number of years to obtain a Master's degree is 2 years, returning to Gene as an example using two major landmarks, such as obtaining a Master's degree and Ph.D. within 3 years, she I identified the following landmark of her life map: completing a bachelor's degree in biology by 21 age; medicine by 27 age
Predict turn, detour, and pothole
The purpose of your Life Map is to minimize hasty and peacetime decisions that you can lose your way. Are in many cases exceeded some disadvantages, delays and other circumstances due to our plan changes. Like every way, there is a rotation, a detour and a hole in the road; thus we have to anticipate and adjust accordingly.
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