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Look at the history of electric guitar

Electric guitar

It's becoming an electric guitar, it's a sonicity, sound and classical guitar. In fact, electric guitar was created by Adolf Rickenbacker just 70 years ago (1930 's). Since that time, the electric guitar has evolved greatly to the place it is today. In this article I will explain the history of electric guitar.


A guitar, or similar instrument, has been around for thousands of years. Electric guitar was the first. .

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Electric, Guitar, Music, History, Gibson, Rickenbacker

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Electric guitar

It's becoming an electric guitar, it's a sonicity, sound and classical guitar. In fact, electric guitar was created by Adolf Rickenbacker just 70 years ago (1930 's). Since that time, the electric guitar has evolved greatly to the place it is today. In this article I will explain the history of electric guitar.


A guitar, or similar instrument, has been around for thousands of years. Electric guitar was first manufactured by Rickenbacker in the 1930's. It is a pickup tungsten for our own electric guitar. The pickup basically transforms string vibration into the current supplied to the amplifier, to produce sound.

Very early electric guitar features a small sound hole in the body. The semi-hollow body electric guitar called these guitars is a flexible guitar about the main current movements that are rather popular.

But with the pickup, it had the ability to hear if it is still connected to the amp (Acoustic and Classical These guitars are called solid electric guitars.

Electric guitar popularity has increased during the big band era, 30s, 40s. By the loudness brass section by the jazz orchestra, you hear the guitar. Electric guitar with the ability to connect to the amp fills up this gap.

The most popular electric guitar today is a solid body electric guitar. The musician that invented by the guitar, inventor Repo 1941. It is a solid guitar without a sound hole. The original solid body guitar created by Paul was very plain - it is a simple Les Paul original solid body guitar shape of wood connected to the neck with six steel strings, of course, I am changing from the shape of the original rectangle to a more rounded shape Les Paul guitar

In the 1950s, Gibson introduced Les Paul 's invention to the world. Gibson Les Paul quickly became a very popular electric guitar, as it is still called to have it. It remained the most popular guitar for 50 years.

Another inventor named Leo Fender around the same period of time came up with his own solid body electric guitar. In the late 1940's, Fender introduced the electric guitar of the Fender broadcasting station. Stratocaster and the renamed broadcasting station were officially introduced to the public in 1954. The start was a very different guitar compared to Les Paul, as it is now known. In addition, different hardware and different shapes make it possible to realize substantial weight saving. Fender's Stratocaster electric guitar is the world's second most popular guitar, only second to Les Paul.

Over the years, solid electric guitars made by other companies such as Jackson, Paul - do - Smith, Tayamaha etc. However, there are Les Paul or Strat Isios of the shape familiar with electric guitar.

Look at Iron Maiden

Iron Maiden was at the head of the heavy metal on the right. We will not deny their influence for all metal bands from the above 80's. They have a very strong influence on Slayer, and its early work is very similar to Iron Maiden lickks. Even now it begins the help of the maid who belongs to Mastodon like a band with metal. There are second level icons behind the bands like Zeppelin and Sabbath which are the godfather of rock music in their own right.

My Favorites..

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Article body:
Iron Maiden was at the head of the heavy metal on the right. We will not deny their influence for all metal bands from the above 80's. They have a very strong influence on Slayer, and its early work is very similar to Iron Maiden lickks. Even now it begins the help of the maid who belongs to Mastodon like a band with metal. There are second level icons behind the bands like Zeppelin and Sabbath which are the godfather of rock music in their own right.

Iron - Maiden of my favorite album is a power slave. It is the heaviest of all the maid albums. It features some of their best songs, including power slaves, rhymes of ancient crewmen, and 2 minutes at midnight. The criminal who killed the recommended album is his own singer - songwriter who blues - Dickinson - college before it was released in the end. Murder of the songs of Morgue and Killers shows more of Hard Rock, which looks like ACDC earlier than later Melodic. It is a huge eddy mascot that draws an album of the entire concept album collection to be done.

I will recommend Iron Maiden's stuff like d slayer's earliest album, especially a title song waiting for hell. I also recommend Mastodon's album Leviathan. Iron-Maiden and Iron virgin like the case of d slayer taking the name from what it was

Iron - Maiden Steve Harris (Alphabet is still, Bruce - Dickinson - College (singer) Janick Lu (guitar), Nicko McBrain (drums) Their albums are 1979 Soundhouse Tape Rockhard, Iron Maiden, Murder, Beast Number of minds, works of mind, Powerslave, somewhere Sony, the seventh son of the seventh son, trooper, strange land

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