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Low milk supply

Pass almost all mother's chest feeds
Duration of question whether to supply that
Milk is enough. Some mothers simply
You can produce enough milk to meet the needs of
According to her baby many experts, true
The shortage of milk is very rare.

Many women think that supply of milk is low
It is not actually. To think about this,
You lose the sense of satiety in your chest
Or when the milk does not leak from the nipple.
You may want a baby to go by the spur of growth
Always more milk, and these more often
Breast feeding may cause your chest to be less than perfect.

Cause of it
Supply of breast milk may be reduced due to shortness
The period of time when she is not feeding her baby
It is often enough for nipple pain, or poor latch
Technically. Disease or estrogen containing
Oral contraceptives may also affect production
Of milk.

what you have to do
Best way to deal with low supply of breasts
Milk is due to the worry of the doctor. I will.
Please check baby frequently
Wrong things will be wrong or nipple
Your breast duct. Doctors are the best
It's okay in your body.

If milk supply is low,
Baby, it's more about spiritual condition
If your baby is not getting anything more than anything
If he is losing weight, any weight or you
Please contact the doctor immediately. Improved
Techniques for breastfeeding are usually
Help, weight gain in some cases, or
Weight loss shows serious concern.

In most cases, you can still nurse
Temporary decrease in milk supply, however
It is the key to frequently increase breast feeding.
Your production of milk.

How to use a breast pump

Just like breastfeeding, the pump is that technology
learn. When first trying a chest pump, most mother
Only a few drops of milk can be expressed. Along with
Proper practice and knowledge, mothers
Be more effective with pumps.

Preparing the breast pump
1. Read all directions of the kit
Very carefully.
2. I need all parts of chest pump
To sterilize it before you start using it.
3. After use, all parts of the pump
Then rinse, warm, you need to wash with soapy water
Drain on hot water and clean towels. this
Plastic tubes do not need to be clean
You put milk in it. If you clean it, that should be it
It is dried to allocate time to completely drain out.
4. If your doctor feels the need,
The whole kit can be sterilized daily.
5. When you first start with electricity
The pump should be at its lowest level, and there should be a level of aspiration
Possible settings.

- Warm compression, gentle massage
The stimulation of the breast and the gentle nipple,
Stimulate quick disappointment.
- As usual please feel at ease.
Breast massage in pump. Some mothers prefer
Close their eyes and think about nursing
Babies imagine babies in their arms. More
Relaxed mother is better, she is disappointed
As you have more milk will be distributed.
- Your initial attempt at the pump should be there
Practice sessions considered as learning to use
How much milk, not as a target breast pump
Actual distribution.
- If you use a hand pump, it is quick and short
The start pump is exciting and will imitate
The way of baby chest feeding more closely. one time
Let down occurs, milk starts to flow freely,
Longer, more stable blows are more effective
It is hard to get tired.
- When you learn a pump, you should
At least once 5 minutes of practice on the side or
Twice a day. We always take a pick-up and at least stress parts
For your day of pumping.

To realize the bath, pump
Friends are the single most important thing
There are some things that Mother can do
People can relax with mothers
Put the photo of the baby and play
Watch games, TV with cards and friends,
I read books and talk on the phone. Just watch
Collection bottles are useful,
Due to the stress of the news
I need it.


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