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Magical spells, are they working?

The type of magic done in the ceremony is done using spells. I know something.

Magicians who perform magic in this form usually need to use proper spells, activities and exercise and memorized scripts. People practicing the occult argue that running this type of magic is more like driving a car. If the instructions are adhered to properly, you can actually go to your destinat. .

Magic, show, magician, trick, ceremony

Article Body:
The type of magic done in the ceremony is done using spells. I know something.

Magicians who perform magic in this form usually need to use proper spells, activities and exercise and memorized scripts. People practicing the occult argue that running this type of magic is more like driving a car. Once the instructions are properly followed you can actually get to your destination, so Magic can work. However, there is still no 100% guarantee.

Practicing Wicker Magic, the present witch has books of their possession spells. This book has a concrete and sometimes complex direction to carry out basic ritual magic. A basic magic ceremony usually means that animals, insects, bugs, or worms are not harmed in the process. Regular wicker magic spells require plain candles, herbs and stones as one of the ingredients. The spells used come from various influences and cultures that are also used to perform ritual magic from Romans to Egyptians and Greeks.

Every kind of religion around the world has magic and magical spells. Christianity, Islam, Hinduism - use several forms - all forms of spells, calls, and petitions.

Special magical tools are also used by ritual magicians. They sometimes use a common dagger, or holy grail, and those that can not go without a magician are magical wands. Each of these objects serves as a symbol for a specific force.

The use of sacred shapes is also used by ritual magicians. This not only protects them from any entity trying to interfere with the ceremony, but also invokes the entity to raise it into a sacred circle These shapes are usually in the shape of a pentagon. Any spirit can be commanded within the circle by appropriate call of that name. In addition to these names, hosts of other phrases and spells will help you achieve the ultimate will power of causing magicians to concentrate on tasks by hand

But unless you do such a ceremony yourself, unless you repeat that no one can guarantee 100% actually doing such things

Uli art style magic line

Magic of expansion dots or Uli lines, which is a moving point, has so many possibilities, especially those drawn immediately. My painting is derived from Uli, exploring the exciting and lyrical possibilities of the line. Uli's artists work voluntarily regardless of whether they are human bodies or walls. There is no problem of erasing or cleaning. There is something about breathtaking vitality and freshness that naturally work done, challenging the description or repetition.

African art, abstract art, articles, black art, Uli art style, art of Nigeria, wartart, chiddy Okoye,, fine art, contemporary art

Article Body:
Uli is an expression of people's abilities for a creative design that is firmly rooted in their myths and experiences of life in the past, present and future. At its best, it is their synthetic existence, epic expression of their search for a new order in the modern world. It is my traditional art style which is privilege to share uli with you in my work, as I once again fall in love with all over. Knowledge of Uli's motifs and symbols and its application have been shown to identify traditional wart artifacts and validate people's aesthetic intelligence and judgment. This culture is one of the world's first known cultures of recorded archaeological facts and is doing casting bronze. (Igboukwu Bronze).

The symbol of Uli is a point, line, triangle, direction inner circle which is universal around the concentric circle around the everyday world reflections, as seen by the artist, is a rarity of cultural existence Because it reflects the reality of reality and rituals, the outer circle is the same as being in contact with the human beings it expresses and the ecological reality

Art activities at Enug formed part of independent development in the early 1960s. Nigerian novelist, playwright, poet, literary critic, architect, artist, musician, scholar have grown local and international popularity. Interesting collaboration, especially in southern Nigeria, took place between literary and visual arts. These heart efforts and artistic life sowed prosperity seeds for unusual worldwide harvest. I thank God for these great minds, I can not forget your outstanding contributions.

Uli creations rely heavily on drawing skills based mainly on warts culture, especially mural paintings called women's body and Uri, story of warts, ceremonies, beliefs. Resurrection of interest in uli through contemporary art began with Uche Okeke in the 1960s when Nigerian independence enhanced the sense of freedom from colonial restraint on cultural tradition and it was completely with the teacher at the Nsukka university in the 1970s Developed among the students and linked to a new interest in warts culture after the destructive Biafran war.

Traditional uli motifs are rarely drawn on human bodies and walls, but often have strong linear curvilinear quality. Art utilizes the contrast between its positive and negative space, sometimes the image that appears as an empty constellation. The lyrical nature of Uli expresses harmony and simplicity. It is a freely and spontaneously created art style often created. "Uli is a heritage of pride." The motif of Uli, although some are generally purely designed, but the everyday Ingbo life, farms and cooking tools, pots, plants, birds, animals, sun, moon, and Korann ritual opportunities and important events In order to add beauty to the walls of human bodies and buildings and compounds, female artists of skilled warts drew uli. Uli is making her way in the setting of modern society; hanging on the surface of sculpture and paper, board, and canvas, frame and house wall, institutions, and world galleries.

Magic of expansion dots or Uli lines, which is a moving point, has so many possibilities, especially those drawn immediately. My painting is derived from Uli, exploring the exciting and lyrical possibilities of the line. Uli's artists work voluntarily regardless of whether they are human bodies or walls. There is no problem of erasing or cleaning. There is something about breathtaking vitality and freshness that naturally work done, challenging the description or repetition.

Analysis of wart drawing and painting revealed that space, line pattern, simplicity and spontaneity seem like a pillar with rich tradition and heritage. It is these unique qualities I strive for, intuitive and intelligently assimilate in my work. Intuitively, during my years of studying warts carvings, paintings and paintings, various aspects of design and repetitive motifs are internalized in my system and the great work of my art is It is probably obvious that adding what is the result of a harmonious marriage of intelligence and intuition.

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