The purpose of this report is to give emails a rookie
Order business overview of those laws and regulations
Affect most small mail dealers. The intention is
Give legal advice. And, such advice is always pursued
Only laws applicable to lawyers
Small order operators are most directly covered. Advice is given
From the viewpoint of mail-order business
Not from a legal point of view
For those interested in detailed review of the law
It is recommended that you use the impact mail order industry.
Next book: by direct marketer's legal counsel, by
Robert J. Bosch's McGraw Hill Book Company.
30 day rule
In order to protect consumers, the Federal Trade Commission established mail order sales
Product rules commonly referred to as 30 days
Rules Similar laws are enacted in many states. Some of them
The law has a narrower definition than the Federation.
It is noteworthy that New York State.
Under the 30-day rule, the seller orders
Unless otherwise stated in the sale, the period of 30 days
Literature For example, if the seller is listed on the order form
Form that the delivery takes 4 to 6 weeks, he has effective
I insulated myself from the law. In the real problem, however,
He may also affect his business in a negative way.
The 30-day period starts when the order arrives.
Pay properly.
The 30 day rule is easy rule to follow. that is
In rare cases should not be taken as long as 30 days to fulfill the order. That
The seller must notify the buyer of the delay
Reason for that.
Check by the delay shipping for some mail companies
Clear the payment to be drawn. This is generally
It will take more than 10 days. If the seller wishes to do so
Policy, he should so state in his literature. From
Perspective of mail order operator, I do not consider this
Have a sound policy. NSF and account closed check are relatively
It is possible to suppress scarcity and manage it appropriately. If you practice
Such a policy may save a few dollars, but in return
Make your customers unhappy. I personally did not purchase from a company
In their literature that they keep checks that state
Clearance Most mail-order companies experience very small bad experience
Debt ratio. We recommend you call the check on the bank
It is drawn to confirm more money in funds. ,
$ 50 for ordering over.
When the purchaser is notified that the order has been delayed,
The seller will be automatically awarded an additional 30 days delay
Unless the customer advises the seller that there is no delay
If accepted he will not reply to the notice, that
It constitutes the legal acceptance of delay. In general,
Most states, the seller can get a delay for the second 30 days as long as
Because there is enough reason.
The law of New York varies the formation of federal law into its provision
Up to 65 days of order (including delay)
Please be satisfied. New entrant into new mail order field
In New York state it is New York's rule to get a copy of.
The 30 day rule does not concern credit card sales. Small tits.
We need to process the card fee when the order is fulfilled. .
In the event that sales of communication cards are canceled, they must emit a seller
Credit to buyer's account within one claim
Cycle after receiving the cancel request.
Federal laws related to unordered goods are simple.
It strictly prohibits this exercise. Sample, if so
It is identified and exempted.
Product substitution
Not only most states, including New York, but also federal law
Allow the seller to substitute similar or superior items
quality. The law needs it, it is also a good business
Advise buyers in making his substitution
If he is not there may be returning goods for free
satisfaction. Certain items like items you have,
Artistic value can not be replaced. In this respect,
For example, there may be books on how to start a particular business
A similar book of the same subject, but replaced by a book
Documents by famous authors may not be substituted.
Product returns
Unless the seller specifically stated that he did not offer
Money back guarantee or offer, for example, 30 days money back
Warranty, he is required to make a full refund for the period
60 days if material returns in good condition.
My own experience with returned goods is that it
Very uncommon. As one example, we have not received more than 1
In 2, we will return for all 120-150 orders. If you are a seller
Sell reports or others
Information that can be easily copied can also be enacted by you
Policy indicating that there is no return policy for reports etc.
The above law is the only federal regulation pertaining to
Sales of merchandise-only merchandise
Head liner of advertisement and sales literature
A few words should be told about some suitable usage of
Most common headings used in advertisements. again,
For a detailed review of advertising laws, please see the following
A book like the one above.
The most common and most effective of these terms are: ,
New, most of all are free. It is a magical word of free America
Advertisements that are also used by huge companies and small ones. By
All means must use these terms.
Sales and if the advertiser follows simple rules of honesty
In the usage of these and other advertising words, he will stay
Out of trouble.
Small tits.
Sales is a reduction from the original selling price of the seller himself
Of a given article. Not only selling but also offering
Article for a reasonable period,. This is simply
If 50% discount is offered in $ 10, some books
The previous time must have been actually sold for $ 10. If only that
It has a cover price of $ 10, but it was always sold at the price of $ 7, $ 5
It is not a 50% discount.
Small tits.
Free means that it is free. To re-emphasize, this term is very
Succeeded and generate sales. But if something is provided
For free, it must be free. Free item value is not available
Hidden in another part of the offer, such as more charging
We normally satisfy more for other items.
Here is another simple word. It should be used
When a new item is promoted. A new book came out
For the last 6 months (perhaps 12 months, it will be something like
It will definitely be two years.
How to start your own company
Once you decide what you want to go to the business you have to put it
To start your own. This is not difficult at all. you
We need to be concerned about this problem. It's easy
It is cheap to do. There is no unusual legal requirement in
Sell by email.
Private enterprise, corporation, and partnership.
The only ownership is easiest, fastest, at least
A high way to set yourself. In most cases, this is
How to start for small business.
A corporation has more advantageous tax benefits
Than ownership, they also have strict recordkeeping
Requirement. As a rule of thumb, business
It will be incorporated if you have annual sales over $ 250,000. that is
In most states, it is illegal to use the abbreviation Inc. Inc.
Unless business is incorporated. Can be used.
Collaboration is also a specific legal requirement. Form
Entering business when partnership is generally needed
Someone else There are advantages and disadvantages to this
This other shared workload and revenue will be given to partners
Become friends and in most cases you need to legally acquire
A lawyer ordered to establish a corporation or partnership.
D.B.A. or business license
Most cities and towns need a business license
Can be obtained. In addition, you generally need to register
If you are using a fictitious name, the business name. If you are
Using your own name, it is not mandatory. I will.
We will obtain the necessary information in the county secretary's office.
Outline of copyright law
By those who are interested, by publisher
Create your own work or use someone else's here, it's short
Outline of copyright law.
What is copyright?
Copyright is a form of protection provided by the law of
To the author of "Original" (Title 17, US Code)
"Literary works, drama, musicals" Original work '
Art, and other specific intellectual works. Under
Concerning copyright law, copyright protection (printed works etc.)
For words and its sequence only, it is not related to
Think, process, system, etc. Regardless of the form,
The main ones are as follows. In other words, it is your copyright word
It is included in the copy, not the content. Copyright law
Generally giving exclusive rights to the owner,
Allow others to do the following: if printed
The work reproduces the work in various forms such as reproduction,
Etc. It also gives the owner the right to display
Publically copyrighted work.
Automatically protected copyright upon creation
The way copyright protection is secured under the current law is as follows
Frequent misunderstanding. No publication or registration
Other actions at copyright places need to be secured
Twitchy knick. However, there are clear advantages in doing so
In case of lawsuit, it is practically much easier
Prove copyright when registration is done.
In the current law, copyright is automatically protected in the following cases
"Created" when work is created and work is fixed.
I copy it for the first time.
Registration procedure
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