Physical disasters following ongoing use of drunk drinks are sad enough and adequately awful; but certainly the accompanying spirit, moral and spiritual disasters are the physical If you disturb the healthy state of an organ, the brain, you disturb your heart. It has no clarity of perception as before, nor does it control the impulse and passion equally reasonably.
The order of heaven in the body.
To understand the subject clearly, certain general laws or principles must be found and accepted. And here, as a general truth, the health of the human body is a normal heavenly order in the physical aspect of life, and when the disorder of that order exposes humans to destructive influences it is a natural and physical plane While on human beings living in this world, they are on the spiritual, mental plane, or the degree of life. This degree is a heavenly order whose reason is obvious, its appetite and passion under its sensible control. However, if this fine equilibrium collapses or is lost due to some cause, a way to infiltrate subtle evils rather than invade into the body is opened
We certainly know the consequences of loss of physical health with spiritual obstacles. If the sick seat is remote from the brain, disturbance is usually slight; however, trouble approaches that organ, and it is fretfulness, or disease-state, or selfish, in a multiform manner according to characteristics, disposition or inherited tendency If the diseases attacking patience and affection brains increase as exactions, or spiritual insight, or unreasoning demands, or when the brain is not disturbed by disease, as a result of organic disorders and deterioration, Next mental illness is also increasing, madness, its many sad and diverse forms
It is therefore fever, whether it burns lightly or intensely, that it is very serious thing for a person, reaching its bodies with brains on their wonderfully sensitive organs, and taking sick actions there ; So whichever disturbance of the rational equilibrium of the mind, it is in the simplest form of temporary unknown,
We are not writing for a special theory, not for the spirit of the faction. It is not always accepted, but it is still a while ago. Well, let me quietly think of him on this madness problem. As we hear it, we appreciate God for almost unexpectedly balanced and good heartfelt gifts. What happens if this beautiful equilibrium is disturbed, the mind loses the ability to think clearly, or keeps the passion under proper control? Would it be beyond the truth to say that the person in whom this is happening is crazy to the extent that he lost reasonable self-control?
In this view, the question about hurtfulness of alcoholic drinks is based on the new and tomb aspect. They interfere with the brain when in contact with the substance; and will it aggravate if contacts last long? Indeed, observation, experience and scientific investigations are all clearly saying; and we find that if the brain confuses the mind, it is likewise disordered; and obviously, His mind is temporary or constantly on the extent of damaging or hurting his heart is imbalanced; to that extent, he is not really a reasonable and sane man.
We hold your thoughts just here to think and to have the time to see questions in the light of reason and common sense, so long as he does this, he Can you feel the power of such evidence?
Other substances besides alcohol act injuriously in the brain; but none of the mental anomalies range following the use, changes and none of the aspects of the villainous pathway compare to this, but simply to everyone in observation A person who emits the truth that is being done, and everyone, especially those who take this substance in what form, should be placed deep in the mind. Why, such a terrible destructive crazy form, like them, we should obey the use of alcohol is not what we say, we know that they obey it We are holding a fact, with a solemn warning.
Each need to have weight with each one This is a guy tells what he might be a legacy character he received from his ancestors He is a potential transmitted through many generations You may have a legacy of evil power. As long as he maintains reasonable self-control and the healthy order of his life is not disrupted, they may continue quietly; however, if his brain loses its equilibrium, is hurt, is damaged A morbid state of morbidity is induced, and the power of potential evil is advanced to life.
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