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Mental growth: contemporary spiritual challenge

It is hard work to grow spiritually in the world defined by power, money and influence. Modern convenience such as entertainment via television, magazines, and the web as well as electronic devices, gadgets, and tools as well as the physical knee consequently confusing the concept of self-worth and self-meaning as a result It is. How to balance balance material and spiritual side?

To grow spiritually is to look inside.

Introspection goes beyond recalling what happened on days, weeks, or months. You need to look closely and reflect your thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and motives. Periodically you need to keep track of your experience, the decisions you make, the relationships you have, and what you are engaged in, it must be maintained and it reacts to you, Provide clues about how to do yourself in such circumstances. Like any skill, you can learn introspection; everything it takes is the courage and spontaneity to pursue the truth within you. When focusing on some pointers here: focus on your area for objective things, your own tolerance, and improvements.

To grow spiritually is to increase your chances.

Religion and science have different views on human spiritual issues. Religion considers people temporarily as spiritual beings living on the earth, and science regards spirits as mere one dimension of an individual. Self learning is a regular theme with both teachings of Christianity (West) and Islamic (East). Necessity of the body is recognized, but it is placed under the need of the spirit. Faith, values, morals, rules, experiences, good deeds are blueprints to ensure the growth of spiritual beings. In psychology, realizing complete possibility is to self-actualize. Maslow identifies some human needs: physiological, security, affiliation, self esteem, cognition, aesthetic, self-realization, self-transcendence. James previously classified these needs into three material, emotional and spiritual. If you meet the basic physiological and emotional needs, spiritual or existential needs will come next. Achieving each need leads to the comprehensive development of individuals. Perhaps the difference between these two religions and psychology is the end of self-development: Christianity and Islam, self-development is a means of serving God and psychology is self

To grow spiritually is finding meaning.

Religion that believes in the existence of Gods such as Christians, Judaism, Islam, etc. believes that the purpose of human life is to serve the Creator of everything. We propose mathematical psychology and ultimately mean it. We believe that whether we believe that the meaning of life is decided in advance or whether we believe it is self-leading is not simply present. We do not know the meaning; however, we declare and declare that we will refuse and discover our behavior and anti-sense in this situation from the interactions of people with us There are certain beliefs and values. Our lives have a purpose. This aim is to put all our physical, emotional and intellectual potentials into use; to support us during the time we are trying to do; and those who do not have purpose or meaning, It is like a drifting ship.

Spiritually growing is to recognize interconnections.

Religion emphasizes the concept of our relationship to all creation, living, and inanimate objects. Therefore, we call other people "brothers and sisters" even if there is no direct blood relationship. In addition, God-centered religion, such as Christianity and Islam, tells the relationship between humans and higher existence. Science, on the other hand, explains the link to other creatures through evolutionary theory. This relevance is clearly seen in the concept of ecology, the interaction between living and non-living things. In psychology, the connection is a feature of self transcendence, according to Maslow is the highest need of human beings. Recognizing your connection to everything makes you more humble and respects things among people, animals, plants, and nature. It appreciates everything around you. It is in reaching out to the zone which is beyond comfortable movement beyond movement in, it is everything else on the page to become another person.

Growth is a daily encounter that is a process that grows in this way in this way. We will win some and lose some but the important thing is that we learn and this knowledge will allow for further spiritual growth.

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