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Minerals are inorganic substances naturally present in rocks and the ground

8) Minerals

Minerals are inorganic substances naturally present in rocks and the ground, and have their own distinctive appearance and chemical composition. The three main functions of minerals are the solubility salts that serve to control the composition of body fluids, as constituents of the skeleton, and the action of many enzymes and other proteins Many different types of calcium, magnesium, potassium, selenium , Zinc and

Calcium is a major mineral required for healthy, strong bones and teeth. It also guarantees proper action of muscles and nerves and will help your blood clot. It is very important for growing children.

The source of calcium is milk, cheese, eggs, dairy products, fruits, green vegetables, almonds, seaweeds (like combs, wakame and hijiki), nuts, beans and pulses, bread and fish.

Calcium deficiency affects bone and tooth formation, and its excess can cause kidney stones.

Magnesium is an important mineral that helps the body maintain muscles, nerves and bones. It is also used in central rhythm, energy metabolism and protein integration.

The main sources of magnesium are spinach, nut, seed, whole grain, water, fruits and vegetables.

Noise of tiptoe, feet, feet, or fingers due to lack of magnesium, tension, hypersensitivity, mental depression, confusion, pulling, trembling, anxiety, insomnia, muscle weakness and vigor

Potassium is a mineral that functions as an electrolyte and is involved in the balance of body fluids. It is important in controlling heart, muscle, nervous system activity, almost all cells in the body. It regulates water balance and acid-base balance in blood and tissues. Our body contains potassium twice more by sodium (usually nine ounces vs. four ounces) more.

The main sources of potassium are bananas and orange juice. Some other sources of information include bread, cereals and other grain products.

Your muscles do not work properly due to the lack of potassium I feel weak. Excess potassium can cause irregular heart beats.

Selenium serves as an enzyme and helps to prevent damage of cells in the body by oxidizing agents in the environment or substances produced by normal metabolism, selenoprotein

The source of selenium is seafood, some meat (like kidney and liver), and certain grains and species.

Selenium deficiency causes "keshan" disease which is a fatal form of cardiomyopathy (heart disease). The excess may cause reversible hair loss and fragile nails, give breath a garlic smell, which can cause intestinal pain, weakness and loss of mental function.

Zinc is a necessary mineral necessary for protein production and cell division. It is also an element of insulin, involved in olfaction.

The sources of zinc are eggs, cereals, meat, liver, seafood and nuts.

Zinc deficiency is characterized by short stature, anemia, increased skin pigmentation, liver and spleen enlargement (hepatosplenomegaly), impaired gonadal function, impaired wound healing, and possible zinc overgrowth that can cause immunodeficiency, It can cause inflammation (stomach upset) and cause copper deficiency.

Chromium picolinate
Chrome picolinate is a necessary mineral that plays a critical role in carbohydrate and fat treatment. It also uses auxiliary cell insulin (a hormone produced in the pancreas) to take up with glucose and liberating energy; it uses blood sugar as our basis

The sources of chromium are meat, whole cereals, fruits, vegetables, fats and vegetable oils.

Chromium deficiency can cause anxiety, fatigue, impaired glucose tolerance (especially diabetic patients), insufficient metabolism of amino acids, and increased risk of arteriosclerosis.

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