It may seem overly complicated to anyone who has never made any HTML design to create a MySpace website, but it's really quite easy for members who are advancing Html knowledge, obviously they You can incorporate more sophisticated features into your design, but still it is possible because many of the attractive designs that do not have HTML knowledge can be done using templates. This article can be incorporated into some new type of change on MySpace website and existing website can incorporate into the type of change Basic posting of this article, background change, image import, web site Includes information on adding music, posting quiz for other users.
Add or change background
The background color of the MySpace website is very important as it is one of the notifications of the visitor of the first one when loading the website. If the background is flashy and the website is difficult to read, visitors can immediately exit the page. Conversely, if the background is attractive, you can make the whole website more attractive.
We need basic HTML knowledge to add colors and background graphics to Myspace's profile. After logging in to edit the profile of additional colors and background graphics, set up an account. Next, enter the necessary code in the appropriate section. Please include your profile in the background, set the "I" account to the code. If you do not know the code you need, there is a wealth of online available information for those who are learning HTML.
Image capture
Many members are my page of pictures after selecting MySpace area. People engaged in online friendship often seem to inform the easiest way to social photography of the online community again because they want to see how their new friends look.
Upload to MySpace Person Please apply for yourself for the first time. You can skip this step later. You need a photo uploaded to MySpace. gif or. jpg file. By utilizing it again, it is low cost 600 k high. The number of characters or characters other than the space not including the one of the file name of the file name.
Add music to your website
The addition of music to the MySpace website is very common. This is used both by the band who wishes to promote their music and by individuals who wish to let others know what kind of music they like. The process of adding music to MySpace's website is very simple. My space artists from listening to music at the following web addresses to members: http: // Fuseaction = music. In other cases the author is granted permission for other music, entertainment "add" next song. When logging in to this account, click this link and will automatically add music to your MySpace website background. You can add one song to your profile only once, but adding new songs will change the music as you like as often as you can, but add one song already, replace it with another song Original song profile.
Post quiz on website
Quiz of fun personality of many My Space members Published on our site and the result is a quiz. It is a member of the information that these quizs convey. Since it corresponds also to the case of the member, since the link to the stills is this quiz, it is the page of the quiz of the other members and the comment of the result which can be other members. Types of personality quizzes can be found on the Internet and many of these quizzes copy this Quicode into your MySpace website and other websites and place them in the "Profit" section of the MySpace profile You can paste.
People at the MySpace conference
People's process of MySpace conference is very simple. MySpace is an online community that encourages individuals from around the world who are involved and create online profiles. Members can create a MySpace website that can be used to give other information about them. Members also know about other members belonging to the website and other areas.
Those who join MySpace do not need to provide specific information as they want and they design their website, those who are willing to open as much or as little more as possible, It could be more interesting to other members and accumulate friends very quickly on MySpace
Search for MySpace friends
It is a friend of the community society of the new my space myself with the search function of. The search function provides search results including websites of members of MySpace that allows users to enter specific words and uses this word. This is an interesting way to meet MySpace potential friends because you can enter keywords associated with your favorite hobby. , Van
Those on MySpace can use the search function to find new friends, but also those who have lost their touch for many years and friends have their full name on their MySpace website Since this is not always effective, although members are not always effective, looking to find someone from your past MySpace as members are also worth trying this search function, although they also have a specific name because there is no need to post There are many that contain the full name of someone
Please use note on MySpace.
Any online community and attention should be used when fostering MySpace friendship. The majority of people using MySpace conduct a MySpace made service, sincere attempt, simply to make new friends or to find long last friends, but can have malicious intentions The Internet that it is difficult for the terms to be possible
The Internet may occur on the internet so that some unscrupulous individuals mask their real identities and they can persuade other MySpace members who are people who are not really common For scenarios, you can make physical harm to another member of MySpace or to another member of MySpace. To ensure that those using address book MySpace carefully, personal information is online for individuals. Information that can be used to harm them includes any combination of the following:
*full name
*Place of birth
* Information on children's name, when and where were you born
* High school and year of graduation
*social Security number
*credit card number
* Bank account number
Several of the above information may seem harmless, but it is important to remember a criminal offender. You can use public resources.
When you are harassed by MySpace
Harassment, MySpace administrator is very seriously serious matter very seriously. However, ignoring harassment by the most effective method is ignored. If the harassing e-mail is completely ignored, 99.9% of the harassment situation will depend on the spread MySpace FAQ page. You can also contact them through MySpace and prevent them from adding comments. If another user maliciously created a profile about you, deleting them from your friends list, MySpace Contact the customer service of
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