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Oil lease can win the formation of government

People are facing newspapers, telephone, direct barrage
Promising email advertisement through quick wealth and wealth
"Opportunity too good to be true".

And invited inside
By entering drawings for petroleum gas leasing, such opportunities
Federal land. Advertisements say: write about details or send inspections
It covers the cost of application fee and other services,
Name entered in the drawing.

Is it really possible to beat it richly? How is slim odds
And what is the risk?

The purpose of this report is to inform relit and you
Procedure concerning oil-gas leasing

Lease type

Land not within any known geological structure of
Generation of oil and gas fields commonly known as "wildcat" land,
We are in accordance with the lease to the creation of the first qualified person
Application for lease. Such a lease is called non-competition
Because the applicant has the right to lease without competing

Tract location

There are many tubes provided for non-competitive leases
A Western state where most of the public land is located. these
Alaska, Californi,
Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming. Sometimes,
A few areas of Washington and Oregon are offered.

Midwest and eastern tracts are also tolerated for non-existence
Lease of competition. It is a major arterial road in Alabama, Arkansas,
Florida, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Ohio.

How the drawing works

Each state office of the Land Management Bureau,
Post a list of available land within the jurisdiction
For liberation. These areas form 40 acres to a
Up to 10,240 acres. These lists a can be seen in the state
Obtained from the state office by e-mail because it is an office or small
Charges per list, usually $ 5 to $ 10.

If any land is available for liberalization, land station
The administrative state office will post a list of the first day
Business for the month of February, April, June, August,
October and December. It is a reception desk
After the list was posted 15th business day business. if
Multiple applications are received for a specific tract
Drawings are retained to determine whether to get a lease. All applications
At the same time it is necessary to submit to lease of oil and natural gas
Maintain central computer Wyoming State Office

Qualifications and restrictions

Any federal oil and gas lease can be acquired and retained
But you can not get a lease
Depending on minors, it may be issued to legal guardians or trustees
Instead of a minor. Citizen and company group
It is also qualified under US or state law.

Alien Amy does not hold interest in leasing. But they are likely,
Control shares of companies holding ownership or lease, in case of law
Do not deny similar powers to citizens of their country
United States of America.

A person, association, or corporation can not own or manage
Tsutsu ", it's a pair of sharp tips.

How to file

The application can be submitted to one of the parcels displayed on the list
Posted at BLM State office. The applicable parcels are as follows.
It is identified by the number displayed in the list.

Each offer to be leased must be automatically officially submitted
Simultaneous oil and gas leasing application (Form 3112 - 6),
Allow signing by applicant or on behalf of anyone
Applicant during application period.

In each part B application form,
Refund for each parcel $ 75 filing fee, and for the first year
$ 1 rental per acre or part thereof.

Each applicant must include actual business and housing
Applicant's address. Third party address of filing
The applicant's representation is not allowed.

Applicant may be interested in files, or just one
However, the applicant can submit it,
, As many applications as
Different parcels as he or she wants.


After the application period expires on the 25th business day
After the list is posted, computer-generated random selection
It is held in Wyoming office. Because it is heavy
Applicant volume to be processed, do not select
It will occur until the next month.

An applicant is randomly selected for each numbered parcel. if
Selected applicants will be unacceptable or rejected, re-election
Also apply from within the computer. Each
The applicant will be notified of the results of his application
Random selection. Advance rental will be refunded to
There is no winner

Select parcel

It should be noted that these lands are being leased
It is not known to include old and oil and gas deposits.
Bureau of land management, none of the other federal
Agencies can make recommendations on potential value
Of any parcels offered for non-competitive leases.

We select the applicant's "application service" most. some
Fees for valuing parcels based on service charges
Geology and marketing data, other provided map information
About the activities of petroleum companies operating in the region
There are various parcels. Third type of application service
Fee for selecting parcels from the list posted by
We support the applicant for the secretariat and application.

BLM, or any of the other federal agencies does not support arbitrary filings
service. None are any way with the federal government.
Watch out for overly optimistic paint service submission
Picture of your opportunity to earn money with victory. Consideration
Hundreds or even thousands of customers for these corporate files
Limited number of parcels, and more interest to these companies
More applications will be filed in the drawing can occur
Each package, and less chance Each individual needs to be
Get a lease.

Person or company name to specialize as filing
Business and pros through service
Association through oil and gas industry magazines and chambers of commerce
Commercial. At that time the upper "Federation
Lease service "on the yellow page of the phone book.

Those who are considering using the filing service carefully
I can not provide that service
The premium is charged beyond the required $ 75 application fee
Advance rental which must be paid to BLM for each filing.

Better sources of application services better possible sources
Business bureau in the region where the company is located and
State, county or local consumer protection agency.

Lease Terms and Conditions

The lease contract explores for the lessee and grants rights,
Extraction, removal and disposal of oil and gas deposits
Helium that may be found on leased land. Issuance of leases such as
As for petroleum - gas for a period of ten years and then, so long
It is produced by paying amount. Borrowers can not build
Plow the house of the land, plow the land or remove the minerals
Lease other than oil and gas from the land.

Before any sharp operation can begin, the lessee or his
The operator will be unified into fournish to ensure compliance of all
Lease conditions including environmental protection.

What is the value of the lease

Oil and gas lease values ​​vary widely. None of
The vast exported know the potential for oil and gas production. so
In certain cases, noncompetitive lease contracts have brought considerable
Benefit the winner. In general, however, these lease means
Only a few dollars per acre of acre will be resold.

Sales or assignment of lease

Many people getting leases of oil and gas through leasing
The system does not intend to drill oil or gas. Frequently motivated
It is to sell a lease to an oil company for entering drawings
For benefit.

If the lease contract is in an area that may be attractive
There are industries, buyers.

Pleasure the buyer may offer a lump sum payment of the lease. In some cases,
The original lessee,
Any future production from the lease.


It is worth taking into consideration
Keep certain facts in mind:

* Land provided for lease was formerly included in oil
Expired, terminated or abandoned gas lease

* The land concerned is not recognized as being within the know-how
Geological structure of oil and gas fields of production.

* Your offer to lease is strictly gambling.
There is never a big percentage of vast victories never to you
Even if you win, parcels may not have the potential for oil and gas

* A more desirable package of hundreds, thousands

What to do next to participate

If you wish to participate after reading this report carefully
In your own drawing, here is how to proceed:

Select the region of interest

I will look for an office in BLM State that is in charge of your area
I selected it. Write that state for information. State office
I am sending you and trying to submit an application form
Please select the mail list by obtaining the cost
Your tract for drawings.

How to acquire real estate without risk

The number of ways to get properties without risk. We
List the most important number:

* Limit size and quantity of investment
It's a debt

* Sell some of the items you purchased for profit.

* Buy only properties that you can hold with pleasure
It is indefinite.

* Before you buy, check the estimate of gain or loss probability.

* Endure all the pressure of people trying to induce to sell
Being at a loss.

* Increase the desirability of properties before selling.

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