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Pests in the garden.

Gardening is actually a simple problem if we can grow the garden without interference from pests attacking plants. But all the time, we need to watch out for those little enemies a bit small in size, but tremendous with the mess in the greatest they make.

Human diseases are often preserved by preventive health condition, pests may be preserved. Clean in harsh garden. A mountain of waste is an accommodation facility for the breeding of insects. I do not think the mountain of compost will harm, but the spot for blurry, naked seems to cause trouble.

There are pests that maintain certain help. Steady stirring of earth by earthworm is aid to keep the soil open to air and water. Many of our common birds give insects. Sparrows, robin, chickadees, grassland larks and orioles are all examples of birds that will help in this way. Some insects eat other harmful insects. Several kinds of ladybirds do this good deed. Ichneumon-fly is also useful. And toad is a wonder of the number of insects they can eat with a single meal. Toad is worthy of very kind treatment from all of us.

Each gardener must try to make her or his garden in an attractive place for birds and toads. A good nest box, About grain In the early spring is an invitation for birds staying in your garden sprinkled with a place of water for a while. If you wish, it seems to connect ipod to the alarm clock of the bedside. During a hot summer day, toad like to take a rest in the shade. Since toad likes living food, he is ready to eat by the night, but he does not kill. To be able to do, is it grand for "correction"? Well, one thing is to prepare a quiet, dark and moist retreat. Some stones of some sizes, perhaps under the moist leaf carpet and shrub shade, will appear very finely to the toad.

There are two general classes of insects that are known for their way of doing their work. One kind of gnaws at the factory to actually take it's work on that system. This type of insect has a mouth equipped to do this work. Grasshopper and larva are of this sort. Other types suck juice from plants. This is the worst sort in some respects. Plant lice belongs here like a mosquito that feeds us. All the scalpfish fixes themselves to the plant and sucks the life span of the plant.

Today this event has ended Do these efforts? Kaeru fellows can catch with plants, spray poisons they take on plants and their bodies. A mixture of Bordeaux that is a spray poison to plants for this purpose.

In other cases, the only thing is to attack insects directly. So certain insecticides are sprayed on plants to fall into insects, as they are called. They are doing a fatal work to attack the body of insects in some way.

Sometimes we are annoyed with insects underground at work. You have seen a garden covered with ant hills. There is a remedy here, but one of them needs attention.

This question is constantly being asked. A good thing, rice terraces seen in part are often seen in western Japan. This latter thing is not always easy to achieve at all times. I have cutworms one season and I have not seen it. I saw only work. If the soft plant stems are cleanly cut, be sure that cutworm is foreign abroad. How does he look? His family is big, so it's a difficult question. When you should, the gray Caterpillar company is as you know cutworm. However, it is difficult to see it because of the habit of resting on the ground during the day and working at night. Cutworm is early in the season when ready to cut hyacinth flower stalks. When the peas come a bit later, he is ready for them. A very good way to block him is to place paper color, or tin stuff about plants. These colors should be about inches apart from the plants.

Of course, plant lice are more common. Those we see are frequently green in color. But they may be red, yellow or brown. Lice is easy to find because they are always clinging to their hosts. You should find a factory for food to the rescue, as food as you know. But chewing insects do their work and go hiding. It allows them to deal with much more difficulties.

Rose slugs do great damage to rose bushes. They eat the leaf's body, so the pulse is only left. They are soft bodies, green on the top and yellow on the bottom.

Beetles, striped beetle, attack Young melon and squash leaves. It eats leaves by examining the hole in it. This beetle is striped as its name suggests. The back is yellow with vertical stripes and black.

Then there is a slug, which is a pest of the garden. Slag, regardless of whether it is flower or vegetable, will eat almost all garden plants. They lay a lot of eggs on old garbage heaps. Do you refer to good cleaning of garbage? Slugs exert more harm in the garden than most other single pests. You can discover them in the following way. There is a trick to bring them to the ground of the time of the day. You see, they rest during the day under the ground. So just pour water into the soil where there must be slugs. Do you know as a way to do it? They are very likely to hide near the plants feeding them. So, water on the ground with some wonderful beautiful lime water. This will disturb them and they will poke to see what the problem is.

Next to these most common of pests attacking many kinds of plants, pests, there are special pests for special plants. Disappointment, is not it? Beans have their own pests. In fact, vegetable garden has many inhabitants. In the flower garden, lice is very troublesome, cutworm and the slag had a fun time even there, ants often will be very much as the season progresses. But vegetable garden for real disappointment insect trouble will take the award. No matter how we were going to the fruit, the vegetable garden probably will have to resign in favor of the fruit garden.

A common pest in the vegetable garden is a tomato worm. This is a big yellow or green striped worm. That work is to eat with young fruits.

Large, light green larva celery. This caterpillar is sometimes told by a black belt.

A squash bug may be conveyed by a long, thin brown body and a bad smell when killed. A bug in potatoes is another companion to see the outside. It's that frustrating back-up yellow and black stripes and beetle. The small green cabbage worm is a perplexing annoyance. It is a small caterpillar and is smaller than a tomato worm. These are probably the names of the most common garden pests.

Battle against plant enemies.

There are two types of devices and implementations used to fight plant enemies:

(1) those who used to protect plants mechanically;

(2) those used to add insecticides and fungicides.

The most useful one is the covered frame. This is, usually, a wooden box, some eighteen inches two feet square and about eight high, covered with glass, protecting cloth, consists of mosquito nets or mosquito wire. The first two covers, of course, retains the heat has the additional advantage, allowing it, sooner than otherwise to protect from the cold is safe they cucumbers, melons and the other It is widely used by getting extra fast and safe start with crane vegetables.

A simpler device for protecting newly set plants such as tomatoes and cabbage from cut worms is a hard, collar of tin, cardboard or tar paper,

To apply poison powder, home gardeners need to supply powder guns themselves. But if you have to be limited to a single implementation it is best to get one of the hand power compressed air sprayer. These are to be used to add wet spray and should be supplied with either of the best fogging nozzles, multiple forms of non-cloggable automatic type. For more extensive work, a barrel pump attached to the wheel would be desirable, but one of the above will do a great deal of work within a short period of time. Extension bars for spray tree and crane use may be obtained for either. A good hand syringe is used for very small scale operation This type is sourcing continuous flow or spray and what type is retained for holding a much larger amount of spray solution, the brass Get a machine and it will be out - wearing three, four of what made of inexpensive metal, bow very quickly to

Tools for harvesting, spades, rakes and on the side of spading fork, very few well most of them long column with a small garden and onions for mulberry dual wheels that are economically used Harvester accessories may be used with advantages, such as loose onions, beets, turnips, etc. , From the soil, or to cut spinach. Moving the end of the hands on either side of the carrots, parsnips and other deep-growing vegetables materially helps getting them. For fruit picking, a wire fruit picker fixed at the end of a long handle with a tall tree will be of great help, but use a low headed tree

Another class of garden implementation is used in these pruning, but this is properly attended from the beginning, a pair of good sharp jackknife and pruned shears

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