A weblog (or just a blog) is a "public" or "blog document" written by an individual or group that utilizes one or a combination of the following:
* Straight text
· Photo or image (photo blog)
* Video (videoblog)
· Audio file (audioblog)
Usually presented and arranged in the reverse order of the time series, blogs are essentially used for the following purposes:
· Online journals and web diaries
* Content management system
· Online publishing platform
A typical blog has the following components:
* Submitted date - Date and time of blog entry
· Category - category to which the blog belongs
* Title - Title of the blog
* Main body - main contents of blog
* RSS and trackback - Return from other sites and link blogs
* Comment - Comment added by reader
* Permalink - URL of the entire article
* Other optional items - Calendar, archive, blogrolls, and add-ons or plug-ins
The blog also shows post date, author, category, and "statistics" (nubmer of comments and trackbacks), you can usually have a footer at the bottom of the blog.
There are many kinds of blogs. Among them are the following:
1. Political blog - Blogs based on news, politics, behavior, and other issues (such as campaigns).
2. Personal blog - also as an online diary that can include personal daily experiences, complaints, poetry, fraudulent thoughts, and communication with friends
3. Topic blogs - usually focus on either a technical niche (function or position) or local information technically in nature.
4. Health blog - About specific health problems. Medical blogs are a major category of health blogs that offers medical news from medical professionals and / or actual patient cases.
5. Literary blog - also known as litblog.
6. Travel blog - focusing on the traveler's story on a particular journey.
7. Research blog - about academic problems such as research notes.
8. Legal blog - About law (technical field) and legal affairs; also known as "blawgs".
9. Media Blog - Focus on falsehood and mass media contradiction; usually exclusive for newspaper and television networks.
10. Religious blog - About religious topics
11. Educational blog - usually on educational applications written by students and teachers, above.
12. Collaborative or collective blog - a specific topic written by a group of people.
13. Directory blog - contains a collection of many websites.
14. Business Blog - Entrepreneurs to use and various companies regardless of the company size, promotion business is doing.
15 Anthropomorphic Blog - Focus on non-human objects (such as dogs).
16 spam blogs - used to promote relevant websites.
Blogs are usually done regularly (almost every day). The term "blog" refers to the act of authoring, maintaining, or adding articles to an existing blog, the term "blogger" refers to a person or group holding a blog
Today, on the Internet more than 3 million blogs are found. This number makes it easier to update or maintain blogs as different blogging software, tools, and other applications are available, so bloggers can be categorized into four main types To:
* Personal blogger - a person who focuses on any topic that the diary or individual feels strongly.
* Business bloggers - people focused on promoting products and services.
* Organization bloggers - those who focus on internal or external communication of an organization or community.
* People who are hired or paid to do professional bloggers-blogging.
Problogging (professional blogging) shows blogging for profit. Prologgers (professional bloggers) are people who make money from blogging (as an individual blog publisher or as a hired blogger).
Below are just a few of the opportunities to earn much money for prologgers:
* Advertising program
* RSS advertisement
* Sponsorship
* Affiliate Program
· Digital assets
* Blog network writing gig
* Business blog writing gig
* Blogging non-writing gigs
* Playing Blogs
*Product commercialization
* Consultation and talking
Below are some things you need to consider if you want to succeed with problogging:
1. Be persevered. Problogging needs a lot of time and effort, not to mention a long - term vision.
2. I know your audience. The target person or group reads to the key people.
3. Be an 'expert'. The focus of a particular niche topic strives to be a "line" blogger on that topic.
4. Diversification. In the experiment you can add various, affiliate programs so please blog online.
5. I will not bore your readers. Focus on the layout. Blank lines spacing welcome big fonts blog.
Certainly, it is possible to earn money from blogging. One needs to take danger, passion and right attitude to be just a successful problogger.
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