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Protective tree with bird net

If you have problems with birds, you probably tried many solutions. Some of the most popular plastic animals, scarecrows, wind chimes, or high reflectivity tapes are included. All these things can do a wonderful job of reducing bird problems. I have quite a few cherry blossom trees in my backyard, and I will be used to struggle with birds a lot. All these solutions leave my problem almost completely. Unfortunately, the solution lasted only a few months.

Apparently, birds have a natural tendency to become bold over time. At the beginning while my scarecrow is scaring them meaninglessly, now I look outside and see that they are sitting on his shoulder. And I mumbed to cherry from my tree. Those arrogant little demons! I am not saying that I care about birds. I will correspond to me at that time. But, I already specified one tree specially to allow birds to eat. However, the bird seems not satisfied with what was given. They always have no fears around it Feel the need to go to my own tree when there is a tree for them.

I saw many garden shops that sell type of bird net. I decided to use it. The bird's net is basically the huge net you throw on the whole tree. The hole is about half the width inch. I bought enough to cover a whole tree. It is quite a hassle to install and that is to hit. I had no further problems with the birds taking the cherries from that tree. One day I wake up and have to gather up on my day. That day, I found 2 birds caught in the netting that was suffocated for death. I felt absolutely terrible. I buried the birds and quickly let down that net. I did not want to protect my tree at the expense of bird life! Certainly, I will kill a few bugs, but the birds are too nice for me.

For a while, I felt too guilty to prevent birds from eating anymore. I thought they would make it for them by making them feast in my cherry. A few months later, I saw something at the cloth store and let me reconsider my generosity. We sell almost all fabric store called "tulle". It is a very nice net with too small holes for every bird to fit the beak or head. It is easy to find, but it is also very cheap. Tsutsu tsutsu, tsutsu ", tsu dark singing.

My tree to the tulle you are installing and using (you set off many installed birds in a row, I had to attach several large pieces together at the joints) saw. I wanted to watch it every second so that as soon as a bird was caught, I could help it. Fortunately, no birds were caught. Tulle is a much safer, cheaper alternative to the bird's net, and I propose it if you have problems with birds. Please keep in mind that it will be the time for at least one for the purpose of having it done! Sharing with birds is an important part of being a good gardener.


Prevention of fruit diseases

Maintaining dented fruit trees such as plums, peaches, or cherries, I find delicious fruits that those type of trees are much more sensitive to disease than any other type of fruit, You can afflict the lives of all those who have grown one of these types of fruit trees and all of the diseases

The main illness that you hear most is known as "brown rot". This is a fungus that adheres to many of the fruits that remained after the picking season. Not only it will dislike the rest of the fruit, it can also come back to the new fruits, they can not be eaten rendering (you prevent encouraging good air circulation to prevent this disease) You need to prune your tree frequently.The accumulation of moisture is the main cause of brown spoilage Even if you are picking for the season, you will be on a tree or on the ground We need to remove all of the remaining fruits.

Cytospora ulcers are a dark, dark, soft area for tree branches. Gum penetrates the bark with big calli. Pathogens that cause these ulcers usually enter trees through older wounds. Cutting out all of the sprouts that occur at the end of the summer, the cankers spend a harder moment of informing themselves within your tree. When pruning, you can always use scratching dressing that you can buy at a gardening store, not healing scars naturally. I found that these are useless for helping a normal state only to make the tree look a little unnatural.

I tie down that the rice planting plum treats it. The symptoms of not being black are rough tumors or proliferation that can be seen in the branches of the tree. If you have the case you can quickly install it at the chop branch. ● Normally, when using branches for multi, please do not use this. The disease can easily reenter the tree if it is within a certain distance.

Most people keeping cherry blossoms deal with "spot of cherry leaves". It usually shows itself when there is an old dead leaf gathering on the ground. Preventing this disease is pretty easy. Everything you have to do is pretty diligent by scraping all of the leaves falling from your tree. Any signs can be seen illness, all raked leaves. If not, we will use it as it is and multi.

When your fruit becomes ripe, ready for picking, it should always end completely with stolen goods within 2 weeks. It is best to go outside everyday, pick all new ripe fruits, fall from trees, start to decay on trees. It depends on things from bees and bees to prevent this, it is tree nutrition.

Fruit growers are always faced with worrying diseases and pests. However, if you take appropriate precautions you can avoid most of them. Also, look at all the diseases affecting your area and take steps to prevent them as well.


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