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Quality of review diamonds

To find out what

If you want to start judging the quality of diamonds 4C to judge the quality of the four diamonds that are the four features of diamond that first give it gemstone is full value 4C diamond color, clarity , Carats and cuts.

Determine color

Most diamonds are considered to be ideal if it is transparent or colorless. Diamonds evaluated as colorless are the highest in diamonds. Diamond color is evaluated in alphabet grading system beginning with "D" and ending with "Z". Completely colorless diamonds are colored with "D" and "E" grades, gorgeous diamonds are on the other end of the "Y" and "Z" alphabet, but fall

There are two main methods used by jewelers when judging diamond quality based on color. Consider the omission, stone, the closest warfare diamond stone that letter. Also, jewelers may use a colorimeter that can electronically measure the color of the stone and determine the grade within one third of the grade.

Clarity of judgment

Whether the transparency of the diamond clears all the way through the diamond, or it has small defects or cloudy areas within the jewel it is absolutely perfect clarity and no defects, in fact it has diamonds in fact very Although it is rare, most defects of diamonds are displayed with the naked eye

The Gemology Research Institute (GIA) uses about 10 times the magnification when judging the quality of diamonds based on transparency. Diamond is indeed, the treatment should lower the overall price of diamond So before you buy a diamond to make sure

Determine carat weight

Carat is the term we used to describe the weight of diamond jewelry. One carat is equivalent to 200 milligrams of weight. A single diamond with a high amount of carat weight is more expensive than an equivalent amount of multiple stone carats. A large diamond is rare as this discovery occurs. If you want a 2 carat diamond ring, for example, it is difficult to judge the quality of diamonds by the amount of carats to half carat to give you a total of 2 carats, different shape jewelry Even if they have the same amount of carat,


One of the most important factors to judge the quality of diamonds is to judge diamond cuts. It is because quality cut diamonds are more brilliant and more beautifully reflect the light, so far the diamond's cut is full of diamonds

If you judge the diamond quality of a diamond cut, look at the stone in a well-covered area. If the light bounces back into the stone and appears to show a shining reflective surface, the diamond has a good cut. Diamond's important judgment of the angle and shape of the diamond's quality appearance with the whole diamond.

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