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Random restart problem

There was no obvious reason and you may have restarted your computer intermittently. I will make this as a valuable work that I was troublesome to do and it was lost.
If this happens once again, the chance to explain the cause is extremely far away. If you find it happening on a regular basis, it is clear to your interest to find and fix the problem.
There may be a brief explanation. Most modern computer systems are equipped with circuit monitoring and computer. The examination of the checked system includes the power level. The power supply is not the part that most people expect to fail. Most people are worried that disk drives will be the main cause of failures, but in reality power problems are relatively common.
The power supply communicates with a good signal and motherboard if the output is within the specified range. If this power good signal does not exist, the computer will not start up. This, however, seems easy enough that things will not fit in good categories whether good or not. If you have a failed power supply, its output can fluctuate. The computer may start up properly, but when the power supply goes out of range, the computer detects this a little later and the machine shuts down the reset logic by the activate reset logic, so the load on the power supply is reduced, Reboot is supported. It is the same as if you pressed the reset button yourself, but it appears to you as a random reboot.
In order to test the power output, you really need access to the multimeter and you know how to use it. This may prefers you to leave it to experienced technicians. Also, try replacing the power supply with a spare you know that you are working. If the intermittent restart was fixed, the problem was solved
When replacing the power supply, select a known brand and I suggest you choose what you are rated at least 400 watts. This, of course, depends on the load supported by the computer. Upgrade to add a faster processor or install faster, hard drive, or any other device that can supply all additional computer power.

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