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Requirements for home garden.

Requirements for home garden.

In deciding on the place for the vegetable garden of the house it was thoughtfully planned, carefully planted, to discard that for all of the old ideas and once the garden "patch" must be an ugly point of the home environment If you care for it perfectly, it is slightly comfortable that shrubs, borders, or beds can not be produced

With this fact in mind, we feel that it is restricted to any part of the building, as it is only disappeared behind the barn and the garage, so that it is an average medium sized place So, there are not so many choices as to landing. You have to take something you've had and you can do it very should do its best. But perhaps first, there is considerable choice regarding exposure, and second convenience. Equal others choose the nearby spot at hand, easy to access. It may seem that just a few hundred yards difference means what you mean, but one is that you look at the garden and at the spare moment for the work of growing many vegetables you forgot the seeds you forgot Or had to do a trip to waste the dozen time for the tool, or your feet go out through wet grass of dew


But with all the summer, or the first importance to consider in choosing a spot that is to bring you happy and delicious vegetables over the years you can find a little sloping plot in the south or east "Most Early "pick the spot, it catches sunshine early, building it late, or if the old fence protect it from this direction, your garden will be a big factor towards the success of the early start So, if it is not yet protected, the board fence, or some low growth shrubs and hedge of young evergreen trees will be added very much to its usefulness so that such protection and shelter The importance of having is completely underestimated by amateurs.


Opportunity is not to find the ideal garden soil point anywhere ready for use on your site. However, everything except the very worst of the soil can be raised to a very high degree of productivity, especially in small areas that home gardens need. Vast and mostly pure sand soils are vast and others are very heavy and for centuries it has been Muckey that they put uncultivated, frequently, not discouraged about your soil in just a few years Please do. It is much more important to properly handle it and the average rundown garden patch, or "never-raised" soil, is the richest under the average cultivation method

The ideal garden soil is "rich, sandy loam." And we can not emphasize the fact that such soils are usually made and can not be found. Here it is the first of four important elements of horticultural food. Others are cultivation, humidity and temperature. Besides, this is a perfect meaning of the vegetable foods ready to use at one time is a very important point, wide in all preparations and on the table in the garden; or we are in one word , What is named "available" vegetable food. It is a natural and rich enough creatures where almost uninstalled soil remains in the residential area. First, by cultivation, it helps to convert the raw vegetable food stored in the soil into an available form.

"Sandy" in the sense used here, after the rain it enough particles of sand to let it pass through it, without leaving it after a few days of paste-like and sticky soil has a sandy appearance It is not necessary to be, but it should be easy to break.

"ROHM: rich, frangible soil," Webster said. Most of them can describe. It is a soil in which sand and clay are in an appropriate proportion, both from cultivation and enrichment, both are not dominant and are usually dark in color. Such soil looks natural even as unthrown eyes grow as things grow. It is worth noting how fast the overall physical appearance of the well grown ground changes. Instances, including acres came under my notice last autumn in one of my fields had been on the onion for 2 years, the rest from the middle of this has not received extra manuring and cultivation It was. The field of plowed fall is a fence separated all by its own remarkable stuff. And I know that the next Spring crop of rye will display the boundary line clearly just as before it is plowed down.

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