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Resolve the eight misunderstandings of the organization

Some people were born organized, then at this time we have those of us fighting every year organization. It seems to be always at the end of this year, as that little annoying bugs begin to nudge you to clear things and start the organized New Year.

Well, I have read the direction, books, and useful tips on just about everything about getting in order (actually, as I write about myself it gives "thin" of that in today's column It is my pleasure.

Here are 8 misunderstandings that we can throw away:

1. Handle paper once. Not only is this impossible, but in most cases, it is unrealistic. Instead of treating the paper once, it is customary to do something in each part of the paper to move forward. If you get information on future seminars / exhibits, for example, if you decide to participate. If you are present, sign up with a note of your calendar date. Otherwise, throw the information immediately. If you want to wait to sign, then make a note of your planner to answer well before the deadline and file a file of paper in your "
2. Keep paper stored from sight always Always work some of us better when the desk is clear, while others are not surrounded by a stack of papers If you are of the "out of sight" type, file Please keep paper frequently used with stacking bin. They are easy to obtain, but not scatter your desk. When working on a project, spread the relevant papers and, when done, put them together in one place.
3. Everyone should be organized to the same extent. Different people work differently. I am doing a job that I do not feel if I do not understand. Find the comfortable level of being organized and make the necessary changes to maintain that level. I usually can not find it by pulling that line when I'm looking for something.
4. Immediately we are a "paperless" society. You do not believe it. Experts have told it for years, but we have not been paperless for a long time. That is not the problem technology, it is the essence of human beings. We are a custom of creatures and I am accustomed to seeing things in print rather than on computer screens. Since the young generation is now being trained on computers at an early age, as they participate in the workforce there is a better chance that "paperless" society will become reality
5. One Planning System When used properly, the daily planners are an ideal way to stay in order. However, however, these are for the use by many people. When choosing a planner or paper or electronic system you will want to be able to judge something. When to fit your system, your own personal needs based on your design.
6. You must be organized to be organized. We will learn both good habits and bad habits early on. It is possible to change bad habits including confusion. Young people who grew up in an organized environment may sometimes be disarranged and rebellious as adults. To the contrary applies, neither is engraved on the stone and you can correct the behavior.
7. You need to use the "To-do" list. The daily plan is not realistic for everyone. Someone has the same task every week, it is their daily change of plans. Take into account your specific needs and plan by day or week.
8. It means being organized and being a perfectionist. A perfectionist may spend time while ignoring large pictures in trivial detail. When others complete the project immediately and on time, the perfectionist continues to work until the project is complete. The perfectionist will be more effective when he / she concentrates on how to lower his / her standard slightly and increase productivity.

It is taken seriously when I made a mistake, I want to be out of order. The next time you listen to one of those "masters of organization" espousing one of the above misunderstanding, consider the value and work to develop your own style of the organization.

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