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Safely to feel】 Wall of gravity bar by panda hero in freedom shower wall

The shower can be a very scary place when all those soap bubbles begin to gather on the floor of your shower. One way to feel safe with a shower is to install a grab bar on the wall. Here are the tools you need and the shower in the bathroom tiled properly

Once you have a glove stick you need to gather the tools needed to install it. The necessary tools are as follows:

Philips - head driver
1/8 inch stone bit or glass and tile bit
Tape measure
Silicone coking
Sharp Earth Language Village and Carbide Style Drill Bits
1/16 narrower than the size of wood bit, mounting screw

The first thing you need to do to install your grab stick is to install a wall stud. If you can access it, you can do a finder stud. After the stud on the wall to the wall of the execution finder stud is a beauty marker. Without an electronic stud finder, worry, just take 1/8 masonry bit or glass and tile bit and simply drill a hole in the grout. Then take the wire length and bend it. You need to put the wire in the hole, rotate it and hit the stud to the left and right. A bit of silicon cork that can fill the drilling up to the stud hole if it is not protruding from the grout line, make sure to flatten the silicone caulking dab, If you have convenient coffee ground grout to dry for about 3 hours, mix on the bit and repair the hole.Please open another hole again until you find the stud. , You need to be able to measure 16 inches from that hole and drill to another stud.

I would like to mark the position of your stud so that you can measure it from the base of the trough which determines the placement of your stick. Place your stick so that each end is on the stud and marks the screw hole in the mounting bracket.

To drill a mounting hole into a tile, you need to make a starting point for the drill bit. To make a starting point to use sharp astronomy and the aforementioned drill bit. Using your hand, twist your creation instrument to make a slight impression on the tile; this should not use your drilling tool perforator from entering or tilt your tile It is likely to break. Use drill glass and tile bits for your holes. If you use stone bits, tape tiles and drills slowly escape the tiles of the evasion. If you screw one of the mounting brackets so use a bit that is 1/32 that is wider than the mounting screw size you use Use your tiles slowly and uniformly so that your tiles do not slide down your marks Please pierce with pressure. Light pressure is a crack tile that avoids excavation.

Make sure that you do not open the tiles and deeper backing. At this point, you need to change your bit to narrow wood bit 1/16 than screw. This will do the pilot hole of the stud.

The last step is to mount the bar. Silicone caulking must be added to the hole in front of the base; this is to protect the trees behind the tile and the backing plate from the spill water. Simply screw the stick on the wall. You would like to use stainless steel screws or they rust. Tightening screws are not making tightly It is a cracked tile even if you tighten it.

All grab bars are correctly installed at the present time. Yes, now it is peaceful, relaxing shower feeling safer.

Accessories for decorating the empty space in your bathroom

Do you have extra space in your bathroom and nothing to put in it? You can not fix it long before the old fixed.

It is easy to decorate an old chair and turn into a story of time. Take the old chair or bench that you have in the hut; go to a used shop, a favorable shop or even a yard sale. Sometimes I can buy an old chair very cheaply. People are always setting their old kitchen chair on the curbstone, stop and ask if you can have it; they probably want you

How to choose your pattern?
First decide decorations and colors for what you are about to use. It surely remains intact. If you own a bird you can put a bird's house in your chair. Before starting with a creative idea is a new project. People notice it every time they enter the bath. In addition to organizing the vacant places, you can also use them simultaneously to wear socks. Leave the shower or turn left, the chair will serve to sit still further while you are placing in your shoe while drying your feet. Decorating is easy and boasts of fun and what you have achieved.

When redoing a chair or bench, a theme is needed first.

How to delete paint?
All old paint and varnish must be removed. Up to paint, varnish is sold at the most stores painted. After all, after the old paint has been removed, it is made into sand and smooth nicks and scratches.

The paint of the chair itself needs to be enamel so moisture can be easily wiped off. Apply your chair; make sure, when you dry, move with paint and use a small amount of brush to keep it from streaking. Please dry for several days before doing any more.

How to choose additional bathroom accessories for your chair:
You can purchase a stencil. in addition. Use your choice color or shade ceramics paint and place your design on it. It is simple but colorful and creative. You can buy a brush for use in any department store that sells ceramics paint and technology supplies. When choosing your color, make a blend of colors and shades that you already have on the wall.

We use stands and university gatherings "inheritance seminars" on chairs and benches, so you can use them (How you can create is a lot of fun.

Do you like to read for relaxation in the tub? Is there a vacant spot next to the chair to sit the floor basket and put a couple magazines on it? Some people like to read when they go to the toilet. A small basket keeps your reading material in one place so you will not walk or get wet when you leave the tub or shower.

If you are not a reader, but want to add a bit more to your bathroom, set a small stand next to that and if there is a shelf on the bottom, some of it

It is easy to make a flowerpot. As long as you do not mind, it is not what you like like a pot or paint, it is a chair or stamp that uses any stamps. Next, we just eat drinking supplies, as each towel of the roll. Please stand a washbowl wrapped around the pot and add artificial flowers. Now you have a position you can use for those towels and washcloths on special occasions. Now, people can see but can not touch.

I do not remember overdo. Make it easy and creative.

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