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Secrets of getting credit and credit cards

Now what is your credit rating?

Rate, borrowed in the past or in the past
Banks to buy a car, or if you pay there mortgage out there
It is your credit information. Until a few years ago
You can guess what your credit rating was.
A credit check pursuing a borrower will not say
Borrowers are nothing! But, it's a few
Law, and now the office, when you need to send your credit file
You request it. If you have been refused credit based on
The record is recorded as is, no record
Please charge if you requested it within 30 days of credit refusal.
If you have not been rejected credit, but just want to know what
Your phi

Why such confidence report

I will report on getting jaw troubles. I will.
There is a part of finding it well (for thousands of people to do)
False reports that hurt you even if you do not know it,
Submission documentary as soon as possible
Evidence (important man's manuscript manuscript never - it can get it
Lost in the bill of bills to be paid), payment etc. made.

What to do if you are "unpublished"

If for some reason you are not listed, or they have,
Insufficient information for "evaluating" your fitness
Credit, we will take measures to correct.

What would you do if you were new to town?

There is no card that can not be recorded if there is no card
Charging your account, or because you're just coming from
Outside of the city, you better build it. I will.
Sound a little ridiculous, but I will not lend money to anyone
Someone is a person who always pays cash! I need to borrow
Make money or charge run and let them borrow repayment
Greater total as time goes.

Start with local merchant, thing of your immediate area
I already know that. Even if you do not need it now, ask
If you can set up a charge description with them. Most
I do not bring such a nice duty, I already know
Regional, I look forward to your continued patronage. When you get
Credit, charge several items every week and pay your account
When promptly presented. In this way, I will build up good
Credit record with these merchants in a short time.

Get your bank on the law.

You go to the bank maintaining your checking account and ask him
They rarely borrow nominal sums (eg $ 500)
I will refuse you. Even if you do not need money, do this.
You need a record of book repayment. Repayment of loan
Sometimes caused periodically. Accelerate and never pay it all
I return to the next month. Strangely, I do not like banks
It is because they show them "feasts and famine"
Not a situation, rather than a stable payor. Interest cost
This loan will work, even if you do not need money
Worth paying to build your credit record. Besides, you can
Deposits with minimal cost
Borrowed (assuming you do not need it soon), savings
Account, and will attract attention that will cover good
Part of the cost of the interest you are paying.

These charges will be charged and will be managed for loans
For a while, proceed to the second stage and ask a large local department
Store for charging account. In most cases, they will be happy
Build your assessment with them by passing the charge card
Temporary purchase and prompt payment, and then proceed
Stage three, and apply for the following selective national credit
Card, Master Charge and Visa, you should have this point
Review by "

On the road

If you have the credit of the National Bank, it is easy to get credit from
All oil companies, this will be a trip around without cash
Regards like some gasoline-powered country cards
Charging, most should take your credit card, so you should
Things that I can not miss on the top, thank you very much.

First class without cash

If you had all the other cards, paid up loans or two
For fine records, there are times when you can make money promptly and appropriately pay, but in any case
Get all the most selective cards, "Travel and
Entertainment "card .. American - Express Diners - Club
And a blank paper letter. Operation with these cards and different system
From ordinary retail store cards or National Bank cards,
Both are revolving credit plans you are paying
Small amounts each month until all your balance is paid. this
Shops and banks are hoping that it will take a long time for you to pay.
Make their money, 1 1/2% every month (This is 18% each year!)
Finance and, or interest.

T & E card, but I hope to pay your bills at the end
Of the moon! Let your account get overdue for more than 60 days,
And they will cancel you like a lightning fast.
These cards do not satisfy interest, but meet
Fees for members.

I am entertaining you

Do not open this wonderful bit plastic
The exotic night spot door of Tangier makes it easy for you
Close to Howard Johnson? Your good credit record you have
It is already established and will be most help. Since T & E
People want me to pay your bill monthly, they want
Steady implementation plan promptly
To others.

The first American expression in, La Blanche, Diners Club,
See your credit record. After that, your salary and other
income. And it is used below the cutoff point
I will not grant my card. Only
Minimum requirements, they are not okay for you automatically
Their credit. They look at your stability! How are they
Stability? How long are you working on your current job? if
The minimum value for two years of one stationary work you do not have
Places, they may not consider you at all. How long have you been
Did you live in your current address? With your previous address? And
You rent an apartment which means you can move tomorrow, or
You still probably mean the will and do you own your own house
Be in the same place next year. How is your life stable?
Do people in your field of work get frequently dismissed?

Now you can really live!

Once you have a credit card of all your major countries
Wallet, you can live like a billionaire
It has not become one yet. You can go to a flashy store, or
Call them on the phone and order those wonderful luxury
Like fur or diamonds make life more exciting,
Your loved ones, or new furniture and home appliances for you
Living room, bedroom or kitchen. All of this can come true with
A wonderful world of credit. Now, in today's world, I can do the following
Almost anything with credit card from admission, charge
Nudist camp in Yugoslavia, to medical care at hospital
University course in Atlanta, New York City, funeral in Los Angeles
Angeles, and even the service of legal prostitutes in Las Vegas.

Erase bad marks

But what will you do if you are not able to pay your bills?
Have you done promptly, or more than you can handle?
Do not you have a very stable history of work? Is called
Is it a dream of credit card life? incomplete!

Once you find out which credit situation in your background
The most troublesome (from the credit report you already have
Sent for and then start creating new conditions you can do
And based on your records. If you were out of work, perhaps you
If you are referring to in the owning business owned by acquaintance surely
If you work by saying that you want to improve value, credit
Refer to the card company's check. If your bill is too
It is high, please see also [tardive dyskinesia, late deprivation payment
One of free consumer counseling services is springing up
You will be able to integrate up big cities
Your debt into an easily manageable amount. credit card
Companies do not care much about the amount you borrow
They are steady for paying about how much
Even if the monthly amount is small, the whole
It will take years to pay off debts!

Let's not miss it Establish a method without buying it
anything! For example, I have your own phone service
The name has a record of paying bills to them they are doing
A part of your credit record. Same for your gas and electricity
Local utilities supplied from you. These services
They are your name and you will see future merchants You
Do you have a record of paying bills, even if you do not have it yet?
Establish the trust of retailers and banks.

Store your credit in the cache!

Another trick to know about the world of credit,
This is actually saving your money on the spot. all
We have a lot. Please carry your credit card
Even if you intend to pay in cash, do shopping. Then you
To keep the eyes open for smaller, personal service type
Boss himself, or one of the partners is always a shop
Gifts (You will see reasons in minutes). Check out as you walk on
The decal of the door will confirm the credit card they will accept.
Then choose your purchase in a way that you normally take
Price on the right. All sets of transactions generate credit cards
(You are one of the things he knows), say "I want to charge
Please! "The face of the merchant will probably be dropped
About six feet, he will take your card and will walk across
Imprinter (or your
Credit status. He does not have many choices, he needs to take you
If the card he is using his decal in the window. But the point is that he
I dislike it because he has to pay to the credit card company
Percentage of sale, usually somewhere between 6% and 10%.

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