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Self improvement and success

Everything that happens to us will happen with purpose. And, sometimes. Instead of shouting yourself in your fear of your fears and crying past past heartaches, embarrassment and failure, treat them as your teacher, and improve your self improvement and success

I remember seeing it Patch Adams - I really like the movies I do. Its one great movie that will help you to improve yourself. Hunter "patch" Adams is a medical student who failed to make it through board test. Several months after suffering from depression, depression, suicide attempt, he decided to see a doctor and was hospitalized spontaneously into a psychiatric ward. His month of staying at the hospital led him to meet different kinds of people. People who are sick about that. He met tension diseases, mental retardation, schizophrenia and others. The patch found a way to treat his own illness and eventually realized that he needed to get back to the truck. He woke up one morning to realize that he passed through after all obstacles and pain, he still wants to be a doctor. He carries himself and the aggressiveness he brought himself improvements and success. He not only improved himself but also improved the lives and quality of life of the people around him. Did he succeed? Needless to say, he became the best doctor his country has ever known.

Yes, when will self improvement become synonymous with success? Where do you start? Take these tips, friends ...
* Since you do not think about it as a failure, please stop feeling. How is it accepted by others, can not you accept?

* When considering Tv's hunks and models, think of self improvement, lots of no self pitying. Self-acceptance is not fair about having wonderfully thin legs, or big abs. Focus on the beauty of the inside.

* When people feel so low about themselves, help them move. You must not go with them. They will lower you further, and both of you will feel inferior.

* The world is a big room for lessons, there is no mistake. I made a scientific quiz that failed, saying what foolishness is fate forever. You can have the next time at any time. Make a room for self improvement.

* Take one thing at a time. You do not expect the black sheep to be a good-two shoe with just a finger snap. Self-improvement is a once-a-day process.

* Internal stability, the result of self improvement to personality development will dig this .... Success It comes from self-confidence, self-appreciation and self-esteem.

* Set meaningful achievable goals. To try self-improvement, the exact replica Cameron Diaz or Fines Ralph Engelstad Arena. It aims for expectation, and it depends on improvement of the result.

* The little things mean a lot to other people. Sometimes, that we are small we prefer a flick of the back is, "Hello" or "Hello" saying, someone "good day" or greeting, or to Mr. Smith "a little something like" It makes such a meaning simple to other people. When we are thankful for the beautiful things around us and others, we will also be beautiful to them.

* It does not mean that everyone is happy to accept changes and go through the process of self improvement. The world is a place where people with different values ​​and attitudes hang out. Sometimes, even if you and your best friend always want to do the same at the same time, she declines the most likely invitation for self improvement

I do not remember first "as a success in overnight.It's always a wonderful feeling to hold on what you already have, that they are one of what you wanted for once A wonderful quote is "If the student is ready, the teacher will appear. "We are all here to learn the lesson: our parents, school teachers, friends, colleagues, officemates, neighbors ... They are our teachers. When we open our doors for, we will increase our chances to lead the way of success.

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