What is a pile?
The expansion of the roots of the rectal vein in the anal canal is called pile. The medical term for the mountain is hemorrhoids. The vein back pressure can make them as bent as the veins are weaker due to thin walls compared to arteries. There are three rectal veins, excellent, middle and lower rectal veins. Any disturbance or increase in the pressure of these veins can point the mountain.
There are two kinds of piles according to the situation.
1) External pile. 2) Internal pile.
1) External mountains: -
This type of pile is seen outside the anal opening and is covered with skin. It is black in color or brown. This type of pile is very painful due to abundant nerve supply in this area.
2) Internal pile: -
It is in the anal canal and inside the anal opening. It is covered with mucosa, red in color or purple. These piles are painless.
At one time occure of internal and external mountains of the same individual.
Factors that cause piles: -
1) It is a familial disease.
2) The pile is seen in the only animal that maintains upright posture. This is due to congestion of the rectal vein due to gravity effects.
3) It is common in individuals who have chronic constipation. Those who have a habit of visiting the toilet due to frequent impulses for stool can develop piles in the future.
4) The mountain is common to those who take excess of chicken, shrimp, spicy food ect. People who eat vegetables and fiber foods are hardly affected.
5) Some women get a mountain during pregnancy due to rectal vein compression by the uterus.
6) Cancerous damage in the rectum can interfere with the blood flow and results of the mountain.
Symptoms and symptoms of pile: -
1) Pain: -
Pain is common with external piles that get worse while burdening the feces.
2) Bleeding: -
Bleeding splashes while pushing for stool. Occasionally bleeding may be heavy.
3) Protruding mass: -
With external piles, you can feel swelling around the anal opening. In the case of internal piles, we can not feel it at first. When sickness goes on, the mountains protrude between the seats and go inside automatically. When conditions get worse the protruding mountains do not return to the anus.
4) In some cases there is itching around the anal mouth and mucus drainage.
Pile complications: -
1 contagion: Infection can spread to deep veins after sepsis.
2 Fibrosis: Here the mountain becomes fibrosed with stiffening of the anal opening.
3 Thrombosis: Here the blood in the mountain forms condensation and can block the flow of blood.
4 gangrene: Here the mountain tissue and nearby skin dies due to a lack of blood supply.
5 Suppition: When the mountain is suppurated it can produce an abscess with pus emptying.
Pile processing: -
At first it is treated based on symptoms. Constipation has to be treated. Iron should be given if you have anemia. Homeopathic medicine can give good results. If a medicinal treatment does not give a result, the next can be tried.
1) Extract thrombotic pile under local anesthesia.
2) Sclerosant injection therapy can reduce mountain size.
3) Rubber band ligation around pile neck is useful in some cases.
4) Cryosurgery is extremely effective.
5) Anal swelling can reduce constipation and pain.
6) Hemorrhoid resection is a surgical removal of the pile.
How to prevent pile?
1) eat a lot of fruits and vegetables.
2) Take textile food.
3) Avoid excessive consumption of meat, shrimp, crab ect.
4) keep regular timing for food.
6) Drink plenty of water.
7) keep order in bowel habits.
8) take measures for constipation.
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